Physiology of high altitude Flashcards
how does hypoxia and hypoxemia result at high altitudes
- At high altitudes the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere is less, and so the ‘driving force’ to attach oxygen to haemoglobin is less. Blood passing through the lungs is less saturated with oxygen than normal. Pulmonary hypoxia and hypoxemia results.
define hypoxemia
low concentration of oxygen in the blood
what is the drive to breath mainly caused by
- The hypoxic drive from carotid bodies is weak and normally only becomes significant at PO2 below 60mmHg, ie during moderate hypoxia
- Hypoxic drive is only significant in low pO2 in the presence of high pCO2
- but main drive for ventilation is regulated by paCO2
what are the physiological effects of ascent to altitude due to
what antagonises the hypoxic driven hyperventilation response
- this hypoxia-driven hyperventilation response is partially antagonised by the depression of ventilation caused by excess blow off of CO2 resulting in alkalosis at the central chemoreceptors, which then inhibit the increase in respiratory drive.
- Thus the ventilatory response is inadequate to cope with the low pO2 and a degree of hypoxaemia and hypoxia results.
when do we suffer ill effects of altitude
We suffer ill effects with a rapid ascent to high altitude (over 2000 m)
- can cope well if the ascent is gradual as there is time to acclimatise to to the height
why do we get ill with rapid ascent to high altitude to 2000m or more
- the sympathetic nervous system is triggered
- this causes increased resting heart rate and therefore cardiac output increases and so does blood pressure
- the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is low at a high altitude
- this causes global hypoxia in the lungs which leads to global vasoconstriction due to the ventilation perfusion mismatch
- this pulmonary resistance increases and results in mild pulmonary artery hypertension
- this causes a decrease in cardiac output
what happens in acclimatisation
We acclimatise (adapt) to high altitude This means that the initial pulmonary arterial hypertension wears off and the hypoxia disappears.
how long does acclimatisation take at…
Acclimatisation (from sea level) to 2000m is rapid, usually within a day or two.
Acclimatisation to altitudes 2000-6000m will occur in people without respiratory disease, although it may take a few weeks.
describe the limit to acclimatisation
At 6000m fully acclimatised climbers may expect to feel well, have reasonable appetites, sleep normally and be capable of carrying loads of 20-25 kilos on easy ground.
Above 7000m,: significant hypoxia is present, the feeling of tiredness and lethargy increases, continuous exercise becomes impossible and climbing even easy slopes becomes a painstaking, breathless achievement.
Regions above 7500 meters are referred to as the death zone: Even acclimatised climbers have severe hypoxia and can only remain there for two or three days. After that the body’s major systems will start to show severe physiological damage. Unless they have oxygen
name 3 things that happen in acclimatisation
1) A metabolic acidosis caused by retention of acid and increased excretion of bicarbonate in the kidneys
2) An increase in erythrocyte number (haematocrit)
3) Reduced pulmonary vascular resistance.
why does the body generate a metabolic acidosis during acclimatisation
1) Initially the low pO2 in the inspired air stimulates an increased rate and depth of breathing.
- However this blows off excess CO2 and produces a respiratory alkalosis.
- The high pH inhibits central chemoreceptors so the breathing decreases, resulting in hypoxaemia.
2) The kidneys respond to this hypoxaemia by increasing excretion of bicarbonate.
- This, together with decreased acid excretion produces a metabolic acidosis.
- This metabolic acidosis counteracts the respiratory alkalosis and restores the pH to normal.
- The drive to the the central chemoreceptors is restored:
- There is a now a sustained increase in rate and depth of breathing to restore normoxia.
why is there an raised erythrotopien production in acclimatisation
2) During acclimatisation the hypoxaemia also stimulates the interstitial cells in the kidney to raise erythropoeitin production.
- This increases the haematocrit and thus helps to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
what is the negative part to an increased erytropotien production in acclimatisation
There is a functional limit to the maximum haematocrit as an increased haematocrit increases the blood viscosity. A higher viscosity increases the pulmonary vascular resistance and can lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension and right heart failure.
why do athelets go to high altitudes to train
. Because acclimatisation increases haematocrit, many athletes will go to high altitudes to train; this increases their haematocrit; this increase will last for a few weeks after they return to low altitude, and will give them greater aerobic capacity.
why does pulmonary vascular resistance decrease during acclimitsiation
During acclimatisation the pulmonary vascular resistance falls.
- This is partly due to a reduced hypoxic vasoconstriction response and partly due to collateral circulations opening up between pulmonary arteries and veins.
- The mechanism mediating this change is believed to be an increased synthesis of nitric oxide in the pulmonary endothelium