Development of the Heart Flashcards
what are the three germ layers
- Ecotoderm
- mesoderm
- endoderm
what do the three germ layers develop into
- Ectoderm – skin, CNS, PNS, eyes, internal ear (outside)
- Mesoderm – bones, connective tissue, skeletal muscle, urogenital system, cardiovascular system
- Endoderm – gut and associated derived tissues such as the liver, pancreas and lungs) (inside)
what does the heart originally develop from and where does this happen
- Develops from cardiogenic mesoderm (lateral plate), originally lying above cranial end of developing neural tube
what are the two blood islands
- haemangioblasts and myoblasts
describe how the endocardial tubes form
- Angiogenic cell clusters coalesce forming right and left endocardial tubes
- Lateral folding of embryo results in fusing of paired endocardial tubes into primitive heart tube
- At 21 days there is a venous end and a atrial end, start to get different bulges along the tube that are associated with the end heart structures
name the parts of the congenial heart and what they develop into
At the top
- truncus arteriosus - this develops into the proximal aorta and pulmonary artery
- bulbs cordis - this forms the ventricular outflow tracts and right ventricle
- primitive ventricle - left ventricle
- primitive ratio - left and right atria
- sinus venous - smooth part of the right atrium and coronary sinus
what covers the heart tube and why
- there is a pericardium sac
- this helps shape the heart as the tube has to fold within the pericardium
how long does tube folding of the foetal heart into a alignment similar to the adult heart
- process occurs between 23 and 28 days
what day does the foetal heart begin to resemble an adult heart
day 35
what is dextrocardia
- this occurs when the heart is on the wrong side fo the chest
- happens when cardia looping happens in the wrong direction
describe the process of foramen oval
- this shunts the blood from the RA to LA
- bypasses the lungs and thus pulmonary circulation, this is because the lungs are not fully developed and there is a lack of oxygen in the uterus
why does the foramen oval stay open before birth
- There is higher pressure in the right atrium than in the left atrium therefore there is shunting from RA to LA
- there is high pulmonary resistance
- Therefore blood passes through the foramen ovale
why does the foramen oval close after birth
- right atrium has lower pressure than the left atrium therefore this forces the valve to close
- pulmonary resistance is reduced
- therefore the Forman oval closes and form the fossa ovalis
what is a patent foramen ovale
- In up to 25% of people a probe can be passed from one atrium to the other
- Defect is usually small and is not significant
describe how the atria septum is created (wall between the two atria)
- The septum starts to grow down from the top of the atria this is called the septum primum
- As it is growing down towards the endocardial cushion the space between them is called the ostium primum
- Before the ostium primum disappears completely a second hole forms this is called the ostium secundum
- Once osteium secundum develops osteium primum then closes and ostium secundum develops
- Once septum primum reaches endocardial cushions septum secundum starts to form and this goes down to the endocardial cushion
- Septum secundum leaves a hole in it and this is the foramen ovale
- Septum primum helps form this valve as well
what leaves a hole to form the foramen ovale
- Septum secundum leaves a hole in it and this is the foramen ovale
when does the atria septum develop
- Day 28/end of 4th week, two swellings of mesenchymal tissue appear from walls of the atria- endocardial cushsions
- The endocardial cushsions grow and fuse together to divide canal into R and L
describe the perlevance of atrial septal defects
- ASD incidence 7:10,000 births
* 2:1 prevalence in females versus males
name some atrial septal defects
• Septum primum and septum secundum defects