Lower respiratory tract Flashcards
what are common lower respiratory tract infections
- Bronchitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Pneumonia
- Influenzas
what is the common pathogen in the LRTI
- Common pathogen is either a bacteria or a virus
what is bronchitis
- Inflammation of the bronchioles,
how many people have bronchitis
- Acute bronchitis; high incidence 30-50 people per 1000 people/yr
what causes acute bronchitis
- Approximately 90% casue = virus and 10% cases = bacterial self-limiting
what specific bacteria and viruses cause bronchitis
- Vrisues = adenovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza, influenza and rhinovirus
- Bacteria; Bordetella pertussis and mycoplasma pneumonia
- Severe bronchiolitis (children <2yr); respiratory syncytial virus
what are the symptoms of acute bronchitis
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Stuffy or runny nose
- Fever
- Body aches
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Self-limiting – symptomatic up to 2 weeks
Minority – severe illness and require hospital admission (ventilator support
what is the pathophysiology of acute bronchitis
- Inflammation of the bronchi
- Inflammation equals swelling and narrowing of the bronchi
who is acute bronchitis more of a problem in
- Especially in children under the age of 2 it is a problem
describe how RSV can cause acute bronchitis
- Epithelial cells that line the airways that get infected and are picked up by pattern recognition receptors and then you get this recruitment of neutrophils, macrophages and natural killer cells this is part of the first line of defence
- Dendritic cells process these viruses and present it to the adaptive and acquired immune system
- T cells activate eosinophils what activate CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell
how do you prevent the spread of acute bronchitis
- Avoid contact with viral particles
- Wash hands frequent
- Avoid touching your eyes with contaminated hands
- Use disposable tissue
- Use instant hand sanitizers to stop the spread of germs
- Avoid touching your nose
- Prevention goal – decrease infection risk
describe how you come to the diagnosis of acute bronchitis
- cough less than or equal to 3 weeks or/or not sputum
- if you have sings of consolidation, airway obstruction, fever, increases RR and increases HR then you should consider asthma or other pulmonary diseases
- cough less than or equal to 3 weeks or/or not sputum
- if you don’t have signs of consolidation, airway obstruction, fever, increased RR and increased HR, then check to see if it is being documented during and outbreak of influenza
- if yes treat as appropriate e
- if no then they have acute bronchitis
what is the treatment for acute bronchitis
- exepected 14 day duration of cough
- educate them on the fat that lack of evidence for antibiotics
- encourage increased fluid intake, humidity
- recommend antipyretics, analgesics, antitussives for symptom relief
describe facts of pneumonia
- Leading cause of infection in children
- 6 out of 10 childhood pneumonia deaths are concentrated in 10 countries
- More deaths for children under 5 than any other disease
describe the definition of pneumonia
- Inflammation of the alveoli in either one or both lungs
- Alveoli become inflamed and fill up with fluid