Physiology: Male and Female Flashcards
Which female reproductive hormones are gonadotrophins?
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (leutinising hormone)
Which female reproductive hormones are steroid hormones?
Oestrogen (estradiol/estrone/estriol), progesterone and testosterone
What are oognium?
Stem cells in the ovaries
What happens to oogniums?
They undergo mitotic division to produce primary oocytes (completed at or shortly after birth)
What happens to primary oocytes?
Groups of primary oocytes are hormone responsive in each cycle of which one grows to complete first meiotic division and release a haploid secondary oocyte at ovulation
What happens to the extra genetic material after a secondary oocyte is formed?
It is released as the first polar body
When is second meiotic division complete?
When the secondary oocyte is fertilised by sperm to from the mature ovum and second polar body
Name the male reproductive hormones
GnRH, FSH, LH and testosterone
What is the role of the seminiferous tubule in sperm production?
To produce, maintain and store the sperm
What is the function of germ cells in the testis?
They produce sperm
What is the function of Sertoli cells?
They support the sperm producing cells and produce inhibin
What is the function of the cells of Leydig (interstitial cells)?
They produce testosterone
How does semen reach the penis before ejaculation?
Sperm cells travel through the vas deferens to the urethra. The seminal vesicles and prostate create semen which is carried along with sperm to the urethra. The sperm and semen travel through the urethra and are ejaculated out of the penis
How long does sperm production take?
60-75 days
How long does it take after sperm production for the sperm to be transported to epididymis?
10-14 days
What factors can affect oogenesis/spermatogenesis?
- Problems with hormonal control (genetic, tumours, medications, functional)
- Problems at the site of production (genetic, cancer treatment, surgery, trauma and infections)