Physiology: hypoxic drive & H+ drive in respiration Flashcards
what effect does hypoxia and severe hypoxia have on ventialtion
hypoxia = increased ventilation
severe hypoxia = decreased ventilation
what chemoreceptor is hypoxic drive effect via
peripheral chemoreceptor
when is the peripheral chemoreceptor stimulated in hypoxia
when arterial Po2 falls <8kPa
hypoxic drive is not important in normal people, when may it become important
in patients with chronic CO2 retention(e.g. COPD)
at high altitudes
what causes hypoxia at high altitudes
decreased partial pressure of inspired O2(PiO2)
what are the acute responses to hypoxia
hyperventilation + increased CO
what are some chronic responses to hypoxia (3)
increased RBC production
increased no. of capillaries
increased no. of mitochindria
what chemoreceptor is the effect of H+ drive via
peripheral chemoreceptor
what does a rise in arterial H+ conc., stimulating peripheral chemoreceptors cause
hyperventilation and increased elimination of CO2 from body(to decrease CO2 generated H+)
where is the H+ drive important
in acid-base balance