Physiology - Exam 1, Deck #2 Flashcards
Deliver dietary lipids to the body
Deliver endogenously made lipids to the body
Deliver endogenously made cholesterol to the body
Remove and degrade cholesterol
- Most common identified caused for food borne illness;
- Guillain Carre Syndrome;
- Poultry, red meat, unpasteurized milk, untreated water
- Second most common food borne illness;
- Reiter’s Syndrome, arthritis;
- Deadly if enters the bloodstream;
- Unpasteurized milk, eggs, raw egg products, meat, poultry
Listeria monocytogenes
- All around environment;
- Soft-mold ripened cheese and pates;
- Very dangerous to PREGNANT women = miscarriage and stillbirth;
- Infants can get sepsis and meningitis
E. Coli 0157
- Verocytotoxin- producing (VTEC);
- Hemolytic uremic syndrome = kidney failure, brain damage, stroke
C. Perfringens
- Meat, poultry;
- Soil, intestines, sewage and animal manure
Anatomical units of the Respiratory System
- Nose
- Pharynx to esophagus and digestive system
- Glottis which guards the trachea
- Trachea
- Left and right bronchi that enter each lung and branch to secondary bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Alveolar ducts
- Air sacs = cluster of alveoli with tons of surface area (70m^2 in a man)
Pulmonary artery branches
capillary network around the bronchioles and alveoli;
- very abundant circulatory tree in the lungs;
- These pulmonary capillaries reconnect to form tiny venues as blood leaves alveoli and creates the PULMONARY VEIN
Pulmonary Vein
Carries oxygenated blood BACK to the left atrium;
Exchange of O2 and CO2 takes place across alveolar epithelial tissue of our lungs into pulmonary capillaries and vice versa
Thoracic Cage
- Neck, sternum, ribs, spinal column, and diaphragm;
- Breathing is the enlarging/contracting of the cage due to muscle
Pleural Cavity
- Cavity formed by the thoracic cage and is entirely filled by the lungs;
- PARIETAL PLEURA lines the inside surface of the cavity
Visceral Pleura
Lubricated membrane coverings on the lungs
- Diaphragm;
- External intercostal and neck muscle;
1. Diaphragm moves down pulling the pleural cavity down and elongating it;
2. Intercostals and neck muscles contract and lift front of thoracic cages and force ribs more forward
- Abdominal muscles;
- Internal intercostals
1. Abs pull down on chest cage decreasing thoracic thickness;
2. Abdominal contents move up against the diaphragm and decrease longitudinal dimension of the pleural cavity;
3. Internal intercostals pull ribs down and decrease chest thickness
- Thoracic cage enlarges;
- Normal = volume increases, pressure decreases - decreased pressure of the alveoli to −3torr;
- Max = breathe as hard as possible with mouth closed = −80torr
- Volume decreases, pressure increases to +3 torr;
- Mx = breathe inward as hard as possible = + 100 torr
Intrapleural Space
Space between lungs and thoracic cage
Intrapelural Pressure
Pressure in this space between the lungs and the thoracic cage;
**About 5 too LESS than alveoli
Tidal Air
Air that passes into and out of the lungs with each breath;
Tidal Volume
Amount of air in each breath;
-Adult male = 500mL
Minute Respiratory Volume
Tidal Volume x Normal respiration rate;
-500mLs x 12breath/min = 6000ml/min (6L/min)