Metabolism - Exam #4, Part Three Flashcards
What is Selenium?
- NONMETAL and has several oxidation states;
- Chemistry of selenium is similar to SULFUR and selenium can substitute for sulfur
What are the sources of Selenium?
- Selenium varies greatly in its soil concentrations throughout the world so plant products are especially VARIABLE ;
- ORGAN meats and muscle meats are usually GOOD sources;
What are the forms of Selenium found in foods?
- Selenium in foods is in ORGANIC form =
1. selenomethionine (plant products )
2. selenocysteine (animal products) (Figure 12.14) - INORGANIC forms are found in PLANT products
How is Selenium absorbed?
- Inorganic and organic selenium forms are absorbed in small intestine, but more in DUODENUM;
- Selenoamino acids absorbed by amino acid transporters
How is Selenium transported in the blood?
- In BLOOD selenium is bound to alpha- and beta-globulins and VLDL and LDL → these are associated;;
- Also selenoprotein P
How is Selenium stored?
TISSUES with the highest selenium =
- Thyroid gland
- Kidney
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Muscle
How is Selenium metabolized?
0Metabolism involves formation of FREE selenium (Se), which is typically converted to selenide (H2Se);
-Selenide can be..
1/ Methylated (add –CH3) and excreted in urine or;
2. Converted to selenophosphate for incorporation into selenoproteins;
-Inorganic selenium also converted to selenide → Inorganic from plant products
What are the functions of Selenium?
- Glutathione peroxidase = most clearly established function → Selenium-dependent!;
- The 5’-deioidinase (iodide) is selenium-dependent enzyme involved in THYROID HORMONE metabolism
How is Glutathione Peroxidase selenium-dependent?
- Selenium is a COFACTOR for glutathione peroxidase;
- Glutathione peroxidase catalyzes removal of hydrogen peroxide and hydroperoxides → MORE ACTIVE than catalase enzyme;
- Catalase enzyme – catalyzes decomp. of H2O2 to water and oxygen
What other nutrients does Selenium interact with?
- IRON and COPPER deficiencies reduce glutathione peroxidase with mechanism unknown;
- Selenium DEFICIENCY would affect thyroid hormone synthesis (iodine);
- Oxidized GLUTATHIONE must be reduced by glutathione reductase, which is a flavoenzyme
How is Selenium excreted?
- EQUALLY in urine and feces → Excretion allows for homeostasis of selenium;
- Several urinary metabolites;
- Also can excrete from skin and lungs;
- With HIGHER intakes excrete DIMETHYLSELENIDE excreted by lungs and it smells like garlic
What are the recommendations for Selenium?
- RDA: Adult men and women = 55 µg/day;
- Based on balance studies and repletion studies in people in China in regions deficient in selenium and plateaus of select selenoproteins were chosen as the marker
What results from a toxicity of Selenium?
- Selenium toxicity is know as SELENOSIS → miners and supplement users have symptoms;
- *UL = 400 µg/day
How is Selenium status assessed?
- Blood selenium is thought to reflect dietary intake;
- 7 µg/dl is the cutoff for deficiency
What is Chromium?
- Chromium is a METAL;
- The TRIVALENT form (Cr3+) is thought to be important in human nutrition;
- Content in human body is estimated at ~4 to 6 mg
What are the sources of Chromium?
-Meats, fish and poultry, especially organ meats and whole grains are good sources;;
-Cheese, dark chocolate, several vegetables and fruits, spices and tea, beer and wine;
-Brewer’s yeast may have the organically complexed form known as glucose tolerance factor (GTF);
-Food processing has an effect:
o molasses and brown sugar have more than white sugar;
o stainless steel cookware may increase chromium
How is Chromium absorbed?
- Cr3+ is SOLUBLE in stomach and may bind to ligand;
- Absorbed throughout small intestine, especially JEJUNUM;
- Mode of absorption is hte usual suspects of diffusion or carrier-mediated transporter;
- ~0.4% to 2.5% is ABSORBED for use by body
What enhances Chromium absorption?
- Phenylalanine, methionine, histidine and other amino acids bind to chromium to keep it SOLUBLE in small intestine (Cr3+);
- Picolinate also binds to chromium → chelating agent;
- Vitamin C in one study ENHANCED absorption
What inhibits Chromium absorption?
- OLATION is process by which chromium binds with hydroxyl ions and then have polymerization and INSOLUBLE compound;
- Antacids and phytates also INHIBIT absorption
How is Chromium transported in the blood?
- In plasma Cr3+ COMPETES w/ IRON for transport on transferrin;
- If spots NOT available chromium binds to ALBUMIN;
- HIGH levels bind to globulins and lipoproteins
How is Chromium stored?
-Chromium is thought to be stored in TISSUES with FERRIC IRON because of transferrin transport
What are the functions of Chromium?
- Chromium IMPROVES insulin signaling;
- Chromium may also EHANCE insulin secretion;
- Improvements in glucose tolerance and lipid profiles in people when chromium added to suboptimal chromium in diet;
- Reports of improvement in body composition could not be substantiated;
- Chromium may be necessary for integrity of nucleic acid strands, gives stability for mRNA synthesis by binding to the template strand
How does Chromium (Cr3)+ function as apart of CHROMODULIN for insulin regulation?
- Part of chromodulin in potentiating insulin’s reactions;
1. Transferrin delivers Cr3+ to tranferrin receptors (TfR) on cell membranes;
2. Cr3+ released inside cell;
3. Four Cr3+ complex with Chromodulin to form HOLOchromodulin or Cr4-Chromodulin;
4. Cr-Chromodulin increases kinase activity of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor and other cytosolic tyrosin kinases
What is Chromodulin?
- Chromodulin = aspartate, cysteine, glutamate, and glycine, bonded with four (Cr3+) centers;
- It interacts with the INSULIN RECEPTOR and has been confused with glucose tolerance factor.