Physiology ๐ซ Flashcards
What are the methods of detection of heart sounds?
What does the phonocardiograph consist of?
What does the stethoscope consist of?
What is used for low-pitched sounds and high-pitched sounds?
What are the auscultatory areas of the heart and what are their sites?
What is the duration of S1,S2,S3 and S4 respectively?
- 0.15
- 0.1
- 0.05
- 0.02
What is the relation to the cardiac cycle of S1,S2,S3 and S4 respectively?
- Isometric contraction and maximum ejection
- isometric relaxation
- terminal part of rapid filling
- mid-point of atrial systoleโ-> presystolic heart sound
What is the cause of S1,S2,S3 and S4 respectively?
- Sudden closure of AV valves + ventricular and vascular component
- sudden closure of semi-lunar valves
- Vibration of the relaxed ventricular wall and the cusps of AV valves
- Vibration of the AV valves cusps due to the rush of blood from atria to ventricles
What are the characters of S1,S2,S3 and S4 respectively?
- Soft and low pitched(25-40Hz), heard as the word lub by the stethoscope
- Sharp and high-pitched(50Hz), here is the word Dub by states of stethoscope
- Low pitched sound that can only be heard in children
- Faint low pitched sound that is not Melanie inaudible
What are the auscultatory sites of S1,S2,S3 and S4 respectively?
- Mitral and tricuspid area
- Aortic area and pulmonary area
- Best heard at the mitral area while the person is in recumbent position and leaning to the left side
- at the mitral area (abnormal)
What are the abnormalities of heart sounds?
What is the definition of splitting heart sound?
What is the cause of splitting heart sound?
What is the cause of splitting of the first heart sound in?
What is the cause of splitting of the second heart sound? And when is it observed?
What is the definition of triple or gallop rhythm?
When does gallop rhythm occur?
What is the definition of murmurs?
What is the mechanism of murmurs?
What are the types of blood flow in vessels?
What is the time of systolic murmur, diastolic murmur and continuous murmur respectively?
What is the cause of systolic murmur?
What is the cause of diastolic murmur?
What is the cost of continuous murmur? (Machinery murmur)
What is arterial pulse?
What is the strength of pulse determined by?
What is pulse pressure affected by?
What is the clinical importance of measuring the pulse?
Where could the arterial pulsation be felt?
What is the most common site for taking pulse measurements in adults?
What is the procedure of radial pulse measuring?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
Where is the carotid pulse felt?
What is the use of ECG?
What is the number of leads?
What are the types of leads?
What do leads measure?
What is the number and examples of each type of leads?
What does einthoven law state?
What is the number of electrodes?
How are electrodes placed?
What are the best leads to identify lesions in โฆ.?
Anterior surface
Lateral surface
Inferior surface
What are waves in ECG paper? And what is the direction of each one? And what do they represent?
What is the lead used to comment on ECG paper? And why?
How to comment on ECG paper?
What is calibration of ECG?
What is the paper speed of ECG?
How is heart rate calculated by ECG?
How is heart rhythm estimated by ECG?
What should be estimated for ECG waves?
What are ECG segments and intervals that may be found in ECG paper?
What is characteristic about ST segment?
What is the extension of PR interval?
What does PR interval represents?
What is the duration of PR interval?
What is the extension of QT interval?
What does QT interval represent?
What is the duration of QT interval?
What are cardiac axis? And where do they lie?
How to determine axis deviation on ECG paper?
What are the physiological causes of left axis deviation?
What are the pathological causes of left axis deviation?
What are the physiological causes of right axis deviation?
What are the pathological causes of right axis deviation?