Parasitology 🪱 Flashcards
What are the species of Plasmodium parasite?
Plasmodium vivax: Benign tertian malaria or vivax malaria
Plasmodium ovale: Benign tertian malaria or oval malaria
Plasmodium malariae: Benign quartan malaria or malariae malaria.
Plasmodium falciparum: Tertian or subtertian malignant malaria or falciparum
“Plasmodium malarie causes nephrotic syndrome”
What are the charachteriscs of plasmodium life cycle?
❑ Habitat: In mosquito: Gut, salivary glands, In man: Intracellular inside the liver cells and RBCs.
❑ DH: Female Anopheles mosquito
❑RH: No. However, in P. malariae, chimpanzee can be affected
❑Intermediate host: Man.
❑Infective stage:
a. Sporozoites (in mosquito-borne malaria).
b. Merozoites and/or trophozoites (in blood-borne malaria).
❑ Diagnostic stage: All erythrocytic stages can be detected in peripheral blood except in P. falciparum, only ring form alone or with gametocytes can be detected
What is the Methods of infection By plasmodium?
- Bite of infected female Anopheles.
- Blood-borne transmission:
a. Blood transfusion (whole blood and packed RBCs).
b. Shared syringes among drug addicts.
c. Transplacental transmission.
d. Organ transplantation
What are the characteristics of trophozoites of plasmodium falciparum?
- they are sequesterered in deep vessels
What are the characteristics of infection with plasmodium knowlesi?
- pRBCs not enlarged.
- Trophozoites, pigment spreads inside cytoplasm, like P. malariae,
- band form may be seen
- Multiple invasion & high parasitaemia can be seen
like P. falciparum - All stages present in peripheral blood.
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to RBCs affected
Reticulocytes - mature cells - old & mature - all types” that’s why its dangerous”
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to Cell stippling
- Schuffner’s dots, fine pigments
- Schuffner’s dots, fine pigments
- Ziemann’s dots, fine pigments (none in practical)
- Maurer’s clefts, course pigments
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to old trophozoites
Large and ameboid - large and compact - small and compact - small and applique
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to chromatic dot
Single - large - single - often double
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to schizont
- Contains 18 merozoites
- 8 merozoites (scattered)
- 8 merozoites (rosette)
- 18 merozoites
“Number of merozoites is approx. not exactly”
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to gametocytes
Rounded - rounded - rounded - crescentic
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to stages seen in a blood film
- Ring, trophozoites, schizont, gametocyte
- Ring, trophozoites, schizont, gametocyte
- Ring, trophozoites, schizont, gametocyte
- Ring, Gametocytes only
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to enlargement of RBCs
Yes - yes - no - no
Compare between P.vivax, P. Ovale, P. Malarie and P. Falciparum acc to shape of infected RBCs
Round (distorted) - oval (fimbriated) - round - round
What is the lifecycle of wuchereria bancrofti?
- Habitat: adults live in lymph vessels and lymph nodes especially those draining lower part of the body, and microfilariae are in peripheral blood.
- Definitive host (D.H.): man.
- Intermediate host (I.H., vector): mainly female Culex, also female Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes.
- Infective stage: infective filariform larvae in mosquito mouth.
- Mode of infection: through the skin, during the bite of infected female mosquito.
What is the morphology of microfilaria of wuchereria bancrofti?
- About 300 x 10 μ.
- Has lose sheath, rounded anterior end, and tapered posterior end devoid of nuclei.
What is the type of transmission in female anopheles, female culex and female sand fly respictively
- Biological cyclopropagative
- Bilological cyclodevelopmental
- Biological cyclopropagative
What is the life cycle of leishmania?
❑Habitat: RECs of viscera
❑DH: Man
❑RH: Domestic dog, rodents, desert gerbils
Leishmania Life Cycle
❑Vector: Female Sand fly
❑Method of infection:
- Bite of infected sand fly
- blood transfusion,
- congenital,
- accidental in lab
❑Infective stage: promastigote in buccal cavity of sand fly
❑Diagnostic stage: Promastigote in culture, amastigote in blood transfusion