Physiology Flashcards
Physiologic dead space = ………….+…………..
anatomic dead space + physiologic dead space
What is minute ventilation? formula
Volume of the gases that enter the lungs per minute
Ve = V tidal x RR
What is alveolar ventilation? formula
Volume of the gases that reach alveoli+resp bronchioli per minute
Va = (Vt - Vd) x RR
What part of the lungs is the largest contributor of alveolar dead space? Why?
Apex. Due to low perfusion [well-ventilated, but poorly perfused alveoli]
What is the formula of physiologic dead space?
Vd= tidal volue - ([paCO2-peCO2]/paCO2)
Resting equilibrium of the respiratory system is …….
collapsing force of the lungs is equivalent to the expanding force of the chest wall
What is alveolar pressure and volume at resting equilibrium of the respiratory system?
Alveolar = 0 cm mmHg (same as atmospheric)
lung volume: FRC
Highly compliant container is able to stretch to accommodate large increases in volume with little change in …………
chest wall has …. compliance at ….. lung volumes
chest wall has low compliance at low lung volumes
lung compliance is the greatest at ………….
It decreases at ………. or ……….
around FRC
At very high or very low volumes
During inspiration , …………. and the lungs outward.
intrapleural negative pressure
Intrapleural negative pressure peaks at …………. at a value of approximately -8 cm H2O.
Maximal inspiration
Intrapleural negative pressure peaks at …………. at a value of approximately …… cm H2O.
Maximal inspiration; -8
at equilibrium IPP is …………….
-5 cm H2O
The lungs at all volumes tend to ……….. toward a smaller volume
Hemoglobin carries CO2 in the form of …………………
Formula, how is created carbaminohemoglobin
CO2 + Hb-NH3 –> 2H + HbNH-CO2
Blood CO2 carries as ……….
in plasma as bicarbonate ion
HCO-3 exchange to Cl in RBCs. What protein participates?
Band 3 protein
3 steps to carry HCO-3 in plasma from CO2 in tissue
- CO2 enters RBC. CO2+H2O –> H2CO3 by CA
- H2CO3 –>spontaneous conversion –> H+ + HCO-3
- H+ + Hb –> HHb and HCO-3 is transfered to plasma via band 3 protein in exchange for chloride
Why is important to exchange HCO-3 to Cl in RBC?
to maintain electrical neutrality
What makes high RBC cloride content in venous blood?
HCO-3 goes to plasma in exchange to Cl. Cl is in RBC. This change is ,,chloride shift”
When HCO-3 is transfered from RBC?
When there is excess inside the RBC
What are changes in pulmonary vessels - resistance and pressure (2) in high altitude?
Hypoxic vasoconstriction leads to increase PVR and PAP
PaO2 and PaCO2 in high altitude in lungs?
increased minute ventilation: inc. PaO2 (slightly, because there is lack of oxygen in the air despite increased ventilation) and decreased PaCO2
The decreased atmospheric pressure at high altitude reduces the ………………….
Partial pressure of inspired oxygen (PiO2).
Why there is increased HCO-3 excretion in lungs?
Due to increased ventilation - resp. alkalosis. Therefore, the body body excretes HCO-3 to compensate resp. alkalosis
In high altitude, peripheral ……………….. stimulate ………… in an effort to increase ………….
chemoreceptors in the aorta and carotid body; hyperventilation;
to increased arterial oxygenation (PaO2)
Initially, high altitude induced alkalosis shifts Hb-oxygen curve to …….. Why?
Left. To increased O2 uptake in the lungs (left - increased Hb affinity to O2)
Increase pulmonary vascular resistance occurs in initial or late stage?
What is function of SNS in high altitude?
In initial stage increases HR –> CO
What is effect of PaCO2 on cerebral blood flow? What happens in high altitude?
Incr. PaCO2 –> decr. pH –> vasodilation;
In high altitude - decr. PaCO2 due to increased ventilation - technically, should be brain vasoconstriction.
BUT reduced PaO2 and marked tissue ischemia lead to overall cerebral vasodilation
When occurs changes that help to accommodate to high altitude in brain? initially or later?
When occurs compensatory metabolic acidosis in high altitude? Why it happens?
over next 24-48 hours (late stage)
kidney excretes HCO-3 in response to resp. alkalosis
Central chemoreceptors inhibit ventilation when pH …………, therefore the …………. excretion allows for additional hyperventilation in high altitude
gets too high;
Why there is body volume loss in high altitude?
because hypoxemia supresses aldosterone activity + there is increased excretion of HCO-3 ——-> diuresis
Why there is decreased of myocardial O2 demand in high altitude?
Hypoxia –> suppresed aldosterone and incr HCO-3 excretion –> diuresis –> volume depletion –> decreased preload –> decreased cardiac work –> decreased oxygen demand
Volume depletion leads to decreased cardiac preload –> decr. SV. Why CO is still slightly increased?
Due to increased HR via SNS
What is important factor produced by RBC in late altitude stage to supply enough oxygen in tissues?
RBCs produce 2,3BPH, which shifts Hb-oxygen curve to right –> facilitated unload of oxygen in tissues
What 2 factors promotes erythropoesis in high altitude?
Erythropoetin from kidney and hypoxia inducable factor (HIF) in cells throughout the body
What stimulates angiogenesis in tissues in high altitude? Why angiogenesis is important?
Hypoxia induced factor (HIF) which is released from cells throughout the body. To improve oxygen delivery.
In what stage of high altitude there is increase in 2,3BPG and HIF?
later (24-48h after the initial stage)
Why there is needed aldosterone suppression in high altitude?
To decrease blood volume –> increase in Ht
When people in prolonged stay in high altitude exprecience the full benefit of increased erythropoesis and HIF?
Several weeks later
What what pressure PaO2 has important influence on cerebral blood flow?
If PaO2 drops below 50 mmHg –> rapid increase in CBF. Otherwise - PaO2 has little influence on CBF
What is the main factor affecting cerebral blood flow?
incr. PaCO2 –> decr. pH
What is effect of panic attack for cerebral blood flow? Why?
Hyperventilation – decr. PaCO2 = hypocapnia –> with decreased PaCO2 - decreased CBF. CBF increased when there is increase in PaCO2
What disturbances increase A-a O2 gradient?
V/Q mismatch (eg, pulmonary embolism), diffusion limitation, and right-to-left shunting
What is effect of hypo/hyperventilation on A-a gradient?
no effect
What is a sign on tissues hypoxia?
Increased arterial lactacic acid
Elastic resistance/recoil increases at ………
higher tidal volumes
What disturbances insrease elastic resistance?
Restrictive lung diseases.
Interstitial fibrosis increase …………… and obesity increase …………
Lung stiffness; chest wall stiffness
restrictive and obstructive diseases are related to what resistances?
Restrictive - elastic resistance
Obstructive - airflow resistance
What (2) causes airflow resistance?
Limited airway diameter and turbulent airflow
Airflow resistance. Turbulent airflow mechanism.
Higher respiratory rates –> faster airflow –> turbulent airflow
Airflow resistance. Airway diameter mechanism.
Low lung volumes –> reduced airway diameter
To reduced WOB, what is optimized? (2)
Tidal volume and respiratory rate
In restrictive lung diseases, there is ………….. lung volumes. How it affects RR?
Low lung volume (increased elasticity) –> rapid, shallow breathing to compensate those low lung volumes
In obstructive lung diseases, there is ………….. lung volumes. How it affects RR?
High lung volumes –> slow, deep breathing (because we have enough total oxygen volume)
Why obstructive lung diseases cause increased airflow resistance?
Bronchoconstriction and/or airway collapse
Alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency. WOB?
It causes emphysema = COPD
Increased airflow resistance –> slow, deep breathing
Anxiety. WOB?
High breathing rate –> increased airway turbulence (its airway resistance group)
A fixed upper airway obstruction (eg, caused by a large goiter) leads to ……………. and favors slow, deep breaths to minimize the
increased air flow resistance
As blood moves through the pulmonary capillaries, it becomes progressively more oxygenated until …………….
It equilibrates with the alveolar pO2 (~104 mm Hg when breathing room air).
LA and LV has slightly lower pO2 than blood in pulmonary capilaries. Why?
Because deoxygenated blood from bronchopulmonary + thebesian veins flows to pulmonary veins, which carries already oxygenated blood from alveoli
What are thebesian veins?
Thebesian veins – smallest cardiac veins that drain the inner suurface of the myocardium.
thebesian veins drains to ………
left atria and ventricle
wasted ventilation is called as …………..
dead space ventilation
Dual circulation in the lung consists of ………………
Pulmonary arteries and bronchial arteries
Dual circulation of the lung protects against …………
Protects against lung infarction as a complication of pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary arteries provide a blood to the lungs for ………………
gas exchange
Bronchial arteries provide a blood to the lungs for ………………
lung parenchyma with nutrients, remove waste from bronchi and provide collateral blood
When a clot occludes the pulmonary system, the …………….. continue blood supply to bronchial system/parenchyma.
bronchial arteries
In what arteries PE more likely to cause infarction?
In small arteries (≤3 mm)
Why distal PE ie in small arteries more likely can cause lung infarction?
Because distal PE can occlude areas which are distal to the pulmonary-bronchial anastomoses
Pulmonary infarction is more common hemorrhagic or ischemic? Why?
Dual blood supply + low density of lung tissue
Alveolar inflammation triggered by PE can eventually lead to ……………..
Decreased surfactant and some degree of atelectasis.
To decrease surfactant due to alveolar inflammation caused by PE occurs within …………..
Takes up to 2 days to develops
endothelial-derived TPA is limited primarily to ……………….
Bronchial circulation
what drug may be used to treat PE which is hemodinamically unstable?
Recombinant tissues plasminogen activator (TPA)
Why endothelial derived TPA would cause slow recanalization of the pulmonary artery?
Because it is predominantly limited to the bronchial circulation.
Recombinant TPA would use to threat PE
Why endothelial derived TPA would cause slow recanalization of the pulmonary artery?
Because it is predominantly limited to the bronchial circulation.
Recombinant TPA would use to threat PE in pulmonary circulation
Intrapulmonary shunting occurs when an area of the lung is ……………….. but …………… ventilated
Adequately perfused but poorly ventilated
PE causes intrapulmonary shunting due to ……………………….
Redistribution of blood away from segments directly affected by the clot;
The remaining accessible alveoli after intrapulmonary shunting in PE are unable to ……………….
Unable to fully oxygenate all the blood passing through the pulmonary circulation, resulting in hypoxemia
Why in PE there is hypoxia’?
Alveoli, that get intrapulmonary shunting from the areas affected by the clot, cannot fully oxygenate blood passing through –> hypoxia
Areas distal to the clot receive ……………….ventilation but …………. perfusion
adequate ventilation but poor perfusion
Regional differences in ventilation and perfusion occur vertically in the lungs due to …………………