Physiological Responses To Exercise Flashcards
Energy sources during exercise
. Onset of exercise: transfer of high energy P from creatine phosphate to ADP via creatine kinase
. First 10-20s of exercise: glycolysis most important source
. After 120s through hours depending on intensity, energy production dominated by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation using electrons derived from FFA and carbs
Relationship between metabolic rate during exercise and whole-body O2 consumption (VO2)
VO2 max
. Point where exercise intensity inc. but VO2 plateaus
. Reflects the apacity for anabolic energy transfer
. Used as standard index of cardiorespiratory fitness
. Reflects level of function and integration of physio systems involving uptake, delivery, and utilization of O2
. Inc. w/ exercise training, dec. w/ age, being sedentary, and O2 uptake issues
. Low levels are assoc. w/ higher risks of premature mortality
Metabolic equivalent (MET)
. Expression of energy expenditure as a multiple of resting metabolic rate (RMR)
. 1 MET = 3.5 ml O2/kg body weight/min
. Conversion: 5 kcal produced per liter of O2 consumed: (MET x 3.5 ml/kg/min x kg body weight)/200
Exercise intensities in METS for healthy adults)
. Light exercise: less than 3 METS or under 4 kcal/min
. Moderate exercise: 3-5.9 METS or 4-7kcal/min
. Heavy exercise: over 6 METS or 7 kcal/min
Clinical significant MET levels for max exercise capacity
. Under 5: poor prognosis, usual limit of functional capacity immediately after MI, peak cost of basic activities of daily living
. 10: healthy 50-60 y/o male
. 13 METS: excellent prognosis regardless of other exercise responses
. 18 METS: elite endurance athletes
. 20 METS: world-class athletes
ventilation in response to dynamic exercise
. Inc. immediately at onset
. Further inc. depend on intensity of exercise
. Reaches steady state after 3 min when performing submaximal exercise
. Inc. in tidal volume (VT) and frequency contribute to hypercapnia
. VT inc. up to 2L and frequency can inc. from 15 to 45/min
. Exercise VT doesn’t exceed 60% of forced vital capacity
. Combo of VT and frequency for given VE is set by brainstem
Arterial blood gas response to exercise
. PaO2 well maintained during submaximal and maximal exercise
. Slight arterial desaturation is typical at near maximal exertion ((7%-95%)
. PaCO2 dec. as exercise intensity exceeds moderate levels indicating relative hyperventilation
.pH dec. as exercise intensity exceeds moderate levels
Ventilatory threshold
. Point at which ventilation begins to inc. out of proportion to VO2
. Identified as a breakpoint in the linear relationship btw VE and VO2 that exists during mild to moderate exercise
. Causes: multiple inputs likely, inc, neural feedback from fatiguing exercising muscles, and inc. effort-related input from higher centers (central command), inc. in arterial acidosis, plasma cattecholamines, and K acting on carotid chemoreceptors, and inc. body temp.
. Excess ventilation results in 8-15 mmHg dec. in PaCO2 at max levels of exercise
Lactate threshold
. Exercise VO2 (or intensity) above which there is. Sustained inc. in blood lactate
. Accumulated attributed to inc. production of lactate (esp fast-twitch fibers) and dec. removal of lactate from blood
Anaerobic threshold
. Level of exercise VO2 above which aerobic energy production is supplemented by anaerobic mechanisms and is reflected by an inc. in lactate in muscle or blood
Significance of lactate threshold
. Exercise above this is assoc. w/ accelerated acidosis that interferes w/ contractile and enzymatic processes in muscle
. Changes in cellular function can contribute to fatigue development
. If exercise intensity at which the lactate threshold occurs is low then cellular acidosis will occur in simple activities
. Patients will report fatigue, dyspnea, and difficulty completing essential tasks
How to calculate VO2 and its interaction w/ cardiovascular system
. VO2 = CO x extraction of O2 (CaO2-CvO2)
. CaO2 highly dependent on ability to move O2 from air into blood and the adequate Hb levels to bind the O2
. CaO2 relatively constant during exercise in normal people
. CvO2 dec. during exercise so a-vO2 difference inc. from 4 to 15 at max exercise (inc. 3 fold)
. CO inc. linearly from 3-5l/min up to 20 L/min in untrained individual are up to 35 l/min in highly trained individual
Cardiovascular responses to inc. a-vO2 difference
. Inc. blood flow
. Capillary recruitment
. Low PO2 in tissue
. Dec. Hb affinity for O2
Cardiovascular responses to inc. CO
. Inc. HR and inc. SV
. Dec. vagal and inc. SNS responses causing splanchnic venoconstriction and visceral vasoconstriction and inc. contractility
. Inc. SV causes inc. LVEDV and inc. venous return
Heart rate during exercise
. Inc. linearly w/ graded exercise
. Major determinant of CO during moderate to maximal exercise
. Onset of exercise: vagal withdrawal inc. HR followed by SNS activation to inc. it over 100 b/min (some contribution from circulation catecholamines too)
. Max HR = 220-age, when over 60 use 208-0.7(age), standard dev. =/- 10 to 12 beats
. At high HR (heavy exercise) the shortened time for ventricular filling would limit SV but the enhanced ventricular contractile performance, elevated filling pressures and EDV to maintain SV
SV during exercise
. Inc. from rest to light, then plateaus when moderate exercise reached in untrained individuals
. SV may inc. 10-35% over resting levels in untrained people
. May not show clear plateau in well-trained individual
. Inc. bc of inc. contractility from inc. SNS leading to dec. LVESV and higher ejection fraction), inc. preload (due to inc. venous return), and inc. HR
Venous return during exercise
. Venoconstriction: shifts blood into central circulation
. Muscle pump: moves venous blood centrally, believed to be major contributor to ability to maintain EDV during exercise
. Respiratory pump: enhanced respiratory effort (deeper inhalation) enhanced movement of venous blood into heart
Arterial resistanceduring exercise in non-exercising tissue
. Inc. SNS to viscera causes vasoconstriction
. Initially skin circulation also received inc. in SNS
. Perfusion of these vascular beds dec. as function of exercise intensity
. Overall dec. % of the now higher CO is sent here
. Inc. SNS limits inc. perfusion of nonactive muscle and contributes to CO redistribution to non-exercising muscles
Arterial resistance in active skeletal muscle during exercise
. SNS inc. but overall metabolic vasodilation (from hyperemia) results in huge inc. in muscle blood flow and O2 delivery
. Can reverse 75% of CO depending on exercise intensity and heat load
Overall TPR during exercise
. Dec. during dynamic exercise
Venous resistance during exercise
. Inc. SNS shifts BV into central circulation
. AIDS in maintaining cardiac filling pressure (LVEDV and SV) during exercise
T/F rise in mean BP during exercise is minor compared to rise in CO
. Due to reduction in TPR
Arterial blood pressure during exercise
. Sympathetic vasoconstriction in viscera and inactive muscle is important in maintaining adequate BP during heavy exercise
. SNS vasoconstriction in active muscle circulation prevents excessive falls in TPR due to metabolic vasodilation
. Systolic pressure rises more than diastolic (which may dec. a little) thus pulse pressure inc.