Gas Exchange And transport Flashcards
Percentages of different gases in air
. 78% Nitrogen
. 21% O2
. 1% argon
. Trace amounts CO2, H2O vapor, other gases, and pollutants
Dalton’s law
. Partial pressure of a gas (x) in a gas mixture is the pressure that gas would exert if it occupied the total volume of the mixture in absence of the other components . Px = PB x Fx . Px: partial pressure of gas x . PB: total barometric dry gas pressure . Fx: fractional component of gas x
T/F total barometric pressure will change with altitude, but the percentage of each gas in the total air mixture will stay the same
Henry’s law
. States that the concentration of a gas dissolved in a liquid (Cx) is equal to the partial pressure of that gas (Px) times its solubility in that liquid (alpha)
Cx = alpha x Px
Partial pressure gradient
. Gas diffuses down its partial pressure gradient
. Normally, O2 diffuses from the alveoli and dissolves in pulmonary capillary blood until blood PO2 becomes equal to th partial pressure of O2 int he alveolar gas (PAO2)
. CO2 normally diffuses from pulmonary capillary blood and evolves as CO2 gas in the alveoli (PACO2) until alveolar PCO2 is equal to blood PCO2
composition of alveolar air
. Alveolar air has different composition than atmospheric air
. At body temp the partial pressure of H2O vapor is 47 mmHg
Effect of humidification of inspired air on partial pressure of gases
. It dilutes the partial pressure of the other inspired gases by 47 mmHg because the sum of all individual gas partial pressures must equal total barometric pressure
Alveolar gas equation
. PAO2 = PIO2 - (PACO2/RQ)
. PAO2: PO2 within alveoli
. PIO2: partial pressure of inspired O2
. PAO2 and PACO2 have an inverse linear relationship to one another
Partial pressure of O2 w/in alveoli throughout respiratory cycle
. Remains fairly constant
. O2 w/in alveoli continually moves down its partial pressure gradient into the blood
. New O2 arriving in the lungs w/ each breath replaces that which has already diffused into the pulmonary capillaries
. Pulmonary blood PO2 equilibrates w/ the alveolar PO2, the PO2 w/in the arterial blood also remains fairly constant at around 100 mmHg
Partial pressure of CO2 throughout respiratory cycle
. Body tissues continuously produce CO2
. CO2 added up in blood in the systemic capillary beds, and then is transported to the lungs
. When in lungs, CO2 diffuses down its partial pressure gradient, from the blood into the alveoli
. CO2 is removed from lungs during expiration
. Because CO2 arriving from the body tissues is constantly removed from the lungs, the PACO2 remains relatively constant throughout the cycle at 40 mmHg
Gas transfer w/in the pulmonary capillaries
. Blood entering pulmonary capillaries is systemic venous blood w/ a PO2 of 40 mmHg, and PCO2 of 46 mmHg
. Blood flows through pulmonary capillaries, is exposed to a PAO2 of 100 mmHg and PACO2 of 40 mmHg
. O2 flows down gradient from alveolar air into blood
. After O2 equilibration, blood leaving pulmonary capillaries has PO2 of 100 mmHg
. CO2 flows down gradient from blood into alveolar air
. After CO2 equilibration, blood leaving pulmonary capillaries has PCO2 of 40 mmHg
. Blood now higher in O2 and lower in CO2 is returned to heart and pumped to body
PO2 w/in the systemic capillaries
. Arterial blood reaches systemic capillaries is same blood that left lungs w/ PO2 of 100 mmHg and PCO2 is 40 mmHg
. Each cell consumes O2 and produces CO2
. Cellular PO2 is 40 mmHg and PCO2 is 46 mmHg
. Values change based on cellular metabolism
. O2 moves by diffusion down gradient from systemic capillary blood (PO2 100 mmHg) into adjacent cells (PO2 40 mmHg) until equilibrium
. PO2 of blood that leaves systemic capillaries is equal to tissues PO2 (40 mmHg)
PCO2 w/in systemic capillaries
. CO2 diffuses out of tissues (PCO2 46 mmHg) into capillary blood (PCO2 40 mmHg) down gradient until blood PCO2 equilibrates w/ the tissues PCO2
. PCO2 of the blood that leaves the systemic capillaries is equal to the tissue PCO2 ($^ mmHg)
Graham’s Law
. In the gas phase, the diffusion rate of molecules is inversely proportional to sq rt of molecular weights
. Diffusion rate = 1/ sq rt (MW)
Fick’s Law
. Volume of a gas that diffuses across a tissue sheet per unit time (Vgas)
. Vgas = A sol (P1-P2)/ d sq rt MW
. A: area of sheet
.d= thickness of the sheet
. D: diffusion constant (permeability coefficient of tissue for that gas)
(P1-P2): partial pressure gradient across membrane
. Sol: solubility
. MW: molecular weight