Body Metabolism: Thyroi Hormones Flashcards
Which thyroid lobe is larger?
What is colloid primarily made up of?
Parafollicular cells
. Located in thyroid gland btw follicles and synthesize calcitonin
Dietary iodine
. Most important source for replenishment of extracellular iodide taken for thyroid hormone synthesis from extracellular fluid
. Usually organic iodine that is converted to iodide in GI tract prior to absorption and entry into ECF
. 20% is removed from extracellular fluid by thyroid gland
. 80% is freely filterable at glomerulus then some is passively reabsorbed and the rest is excreted in urine
Intake of iodide into thyroid
. Transported through Na/I cotransporter (NIS) fueled by Na driving force
. TSH stimulates this
. Most iodide in gland is utilized in thyroid hormone synthesis but some does diffuse back into circulation
. Iodide leaves cell and enters follicular lumen across apical membrane via pendrin protein
NIS blockers
. Thiocyanate and perchlorate
Relationship btw iodide content in thyroid and activity of iodide trap
. Inverse relationship
. Large glycoprotein synthesized by thyroid follicular cells
. Released via exocytosis into colloid
. Contains 100 Tyr residues but only a few are subject to iodination
Thyroid hormone synthesis on thyroglobulin
. Iodide oxidized by thyroid perioxidase (TP) using H2O as substrate
. Thyroglobulin enters follicular lumen via exocytosis and its Tyr react w/ oxidized iodide to attach it to thyroglobulin forming 3-monoiodo-tyrosine (MIT)
. Second iodination forms 3,5-diiodotyrosine (DIT)
. 2 DIT molecules then oxidatively coupled by TP to form iodothyronine/thyroxine (T4)
. MIT and DIT coupling on thyroglobulin form T3 but it is small amt
. T3 and T4 remain attached to thyrglobulin during this
What stimulates thyroid peroxidase?
. Stimulates by TSH
Thyroid synthesis relationship w/ extracellular iodide
. Biphasic relationship
. Wolf-Chaikoff effect
. At low to moderate levels of extracellular iodide the synthesis of thyroid hormone is stimulated
. At high levels of extracellular iodide the synthesis of thyroid hormone is inhibited
. Mechanism involves inhibition of H2O generation by iodinated lipid derivative iodohexadecanal
Thyroid hormone storage
. Stores a large amt of hormone that slowly turns over
. T3 and 4 remain attached to thyroglobulin in colloid until secretion bc iodide cannot be stored as free anion
. Per molecule thyroglobulin: 7 MIT, 6 DIT, 2 T4, and 0.2 T3
. Once thyroglobulin is iodinated, it is stored in follicles lumen as colloid
Secretion of thyroid hormone
. Membrane- bound protein receptor megalin mediates thyroglobulin uptake through endocytosis
. Expression of megalin and its insertion in apical face of follicular cells is TSH-dependent
. Thyroglobulin-containing colloid droplet is moved towards the basal membrane of follicular cell by microtubules and micofilaments
. At same time lysosomes migrate to fuse w/ colloid droplets and T4 and 3 are released to diffuse out of cell into capillary
. Iodide is removed from MIT and DIT and 50% is recycled while rest leaks back into ECF
T/F thyroglobulin is not secreted from gland
T3 synthesis outside of thyroid gland
. 80% from de-iodination of T4 mostly in liver
. 5’-deiodinase (D1 or D2) removes iodine from 5’ position on outer ring of T4 to produce T3
Is there any T4 formed outside of thyroid gland?
How many times more potent is T3 over T4?
10 times more potent
Types of 5’-deiodinase
D1: liver, kidneys, and thyroid
. D2: CNS and placenta
. D3: peripheral tissues
Reverse T3
. 5’-deiodinase can remove iodine from 5 position of inner ring to produce this
. Has no biological effect
Activity of Type I 5’-deiodinase can be dec. ___
. Burns . Trauma . Advanced cancer . Renal failure . MI . Febrile states . Starvation . Administration of high glucocorticoids
Pathological conditions that dec. T3 production continued effect
. Dec. T3 production
. Since 5’-deiodinase catalyze the metabolism of rT3 to T2 the rT3 are consequently inc.
TSH reaction to plasma T3 decrease during pathological conditions that dec. type I 5’-deiodinase
. No compensatory rise
. Type II 5’-deiodinase mediates the conversion of T4 to T3 w/in pituitary and CNS and is NOT affected by pathological conditions
. Local T3 in pituitary remains normal so thyrotrophs see adequate amounts of T3
Thyroid transport
. Most T3 and 4 is attached to proteins produced by liver
. Small amt exists in plasma as free, unbound hormone
Binding proteins for T4
. Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG, 70%)
. Albumin (10%)
. Thyroxine-binding pre-albumin (TBPA, 20%)
Things that cause inc. TBG
. Pregnancy
. Newborn state
. Oral contraceptives and other estrogen sources
. Infectious and chronic active hepatitis
. Genetically determined
Things that dec. TBG
. Androgens and anabolic steroids . Large dose of glucocorticoids . Chronic liver disease . Severe systemic illness . Active acromegaly . Kidney disease w/ proteinuria . Genetically determined
T3 binding proteins
. TBG 70%
. Albumin 40%
Assessment of thyroid function must consider 2 things:
Degree of protein binding
. Measurement of bound and free hormone in plasma
Half life for T3, T4, and rT3
. T3: 1 day
. T4: 6 days
.rT3: 0.7 days
General functions of thyroid hormones
. Adjusts O2 consumption
. ATP synthesis
. Heat production
. Adjusts these based on heat production, alterations in energy requirements, supply of calories, and temperature of environment
Places thyroid hormone acts on in cell
. Mitochondria: enhance conversion of substrates into metabolic energy
. Plasma membrane: inc. entry of substrates into cell
. Nucleus: induce protein synthesis (mitochondrial respiratory enzymes and metabolic enzymes)
Thermogenic effect of thyroid hormones
. Heat production by inc. metabolism and O2 consumption
. Effect occurs in tissues EXCEPT brain, ant. Pituitary, gonads, and spleen
. Develops after latency period of several hrs to days
. Stimulates Na/K-ATPase that generates ADP to stimulate mitochondrial O2 consumption and heat production
. Stimulate futile cycles of catabolism and anabolism to create heat
. May induce expression fo mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (thermogenin)
. Protein dissociates oxidative phosphorylation from ATP generation so mitochondria produces heat w/o generating ATP
Metabolic effects of thyroid hormones
. Alters metabolism of carbs, far,and protein
. Permissive to metabolism, E, GH, and insulin
. Metabolism of substrate supports prevailing O2 consumption and requirements for heat production
Cardiovascular effects of thyroid hormone
. Modulates adrenergic activity of heart by variety of mechanisms
. Rate of transcription for alpha-myosin, Ca-ATPase, beta-adrenergic receptors, G-proteins and adenylyl cyclase
. Net effect: inc. HR, SV, and CO
. Blood flow and O2 delivery to tissues is inc.
. Excessive thyroid hormone can be treated by beta-blockers (propranolol)
Respiration effects of thyroid hormone
. Augments O2 supply and CO2 removal by inc. the rate of ventilation
. Thyroid hormone inc. O2 carrying capacity of blood by enhancing RBC production
Effects of thyroid hormone on brain
. Does not alter metabolic rate
. Essential for normal system development
Effect of thyroid hormone on growth
. Permissive for growth hormone to exert its biological effect on target tissues
. Absence of hormone slows growth and development
. Permissive for metabolic effects of hormones that modulate metabolism: E, GH, and insulin
Metabolism of thyroid hormones
. Metabolized via de-iodination
. None of the di-iodothyronines or mono-iodothyronines have biological effects
. Remaining unmetabolized thyroid hormones are excreted through feces
Hypothalamic factors that modulate the release of thyroid hormones
. TSH from pituitary
. TRH and somatostatin from hypothalamus
Most important physiological regulator of thyroid hormone secretion
. Belongs to glycoprotein family
. Synthesized by cells in ant. Pituitary
. Enhances all steps in thyroid hormone production in gland
. Modulates the growth of thyroid tissue itself (trophic effect)
Thyroid hormone negative feedback loop
. T3 and T4 inhibit release of TRH and TSH from hypothalamus and ant. Pituitary
. Dec. in TSH diminished thyroid hormone secretion
. T3 acts on ant. Pituitary to inhibit TRH receptor synthesis and reduce receptor sensitivity
Thyroid hormone levels w/ primary hypersecretion of thyroid hormones by thyroid gland
. Inc. T3 and 4
. Dec. TRH and TSH
Thyroid hormone levels w/ primary hypersecretion of TSH
. Inc. TSH, T3 and 4
. Dec. TRH
Thyroid hormone levels w/ inability of thyroid gland to synthesize hormones
. Dec. T3 and 4
. Inc. TRH and TSH
Thyroid hormone levels w/ insufficient secretion of TSH by ant. Pituitary
. Dec. TSH, T3 and 4
. Inc. TRH
Estrogen relationship to thyroid hormones
. Estrogens inc. thyroxine binding globulin conc. In plasma and elevate total serum conc. Of T4 and T3
. Inc. responsiveness of thyrotroph in ant. Pituitary to TRH possibly through inc. in TRH receptors
Age effect on thyroid
. Modify thyroid hormones
. T3 serum levels start to decline at middle age while T4 remains constant
Effect of glucocorticoids on thyroid hormones
. Depress pituitary TSH secretion
Nutritional effects of thyroid hormone
. Starvation or high glucocorticoids dec. T3 generation from T4 and inc. the accumulation of rT3
. Carb lack appears to play a role in these effects since they can be reversed by administration of carbs
Acute Iodine deficiency
. Plasma levels of T4 fall, plasma levels of TSH rise
. Initially plasma levels of T3 maintained in normal range (T3 will decline if iodine deficiency is prolonged
. Inc. in TSH combined w/ iodine deficiency inc. the ratio of MIT to DIT that is formed on thyroglobulin
. Ratio of T3 to T4 that is formed on thyroglobulin also inc.
. Majority of T3 comes from thyroid gland rather than de-iodination of T4
Chronic iodine deficiency
. Inc. levels TSH induce hypertrophy of thyroid cells
. Can lead to goiter