Physiological Flashcards
Two examples of the physiological approach
Raine–82 participants from America; 41 were being tried on the state of California for NGRI( schizo, head injuries…) other 41 normal
All injected with a glucose tracer which looks at ones metabolic activity with their mental processes and they all did a 32 performance task to quicken the production - then had PET scans and the NGRIS showed to have a difference in metabolism in their brain( pre frontal cortex and parietal lobe)
Dabs - 692 males who were offenders all had saliva swabs to see whether testosterone levels affects ones aggression levels — positive correlation
Two strengths
Two weaknesses
+ scientific and useful
- reductionist and lacks ev
Main assumption
Our behaviours are determined by our biology such as our innate features like genes and brain chemicals. We cannot control this as we are born like this. Can be tested scientifically