Physical Skills Flashcards
Learn physical skills: definitions, their importance and how to improve them
Name the eleven physical skills
Posture, alignment, control, co-ordination, strength, stamina, balance, extension, isolation, flexibility, mobility
Posture - Definition
The way the body is held
Posture - Importance
Injury prevention. To make movement aesthetically pleasing to an audience
Posture - Exercise
Standing parallel, knees, hips and shoulders aligned, pelvis held under and focus forward
Alignment - Definition
Correct placement of body parts in relation to each other
Alignment - Importance
Injury prevention. To make movement aesthetically pleasing to an audience
Alignment - Exercise
Yoga and pilates movements - holding legs and arms in position and using the mirror to check they are aligned with each other
Balance - Definiton
A steady or held position achieved by an even distribution of weight
Balance - Importance
Required so dancers can remain stable whilst holding positions as well as complex movements such as tilts, leaps and turns
Balance - Exercise
Standing on the right led lifting the left leg into parallel retire, rising slowly onto demi pointe
Co-orindation - Definition
The ability to efficiently move several body parts at once
Co-ordination - Importance
To perform complex dance phrases at varying speeds
Co-ordination - Exercise
Performing triplets round the room with varying arm movements
Control - Definition
The ability to start and stop movement, change direction and hold a shape efficiently
Control - Importance
To perform complex movement smoothly so that it does not appear erratic or messy
Control - Exercise
Lunges to stretch the hamstring - aiming to hold them longer each time
Flexibility - Definition
The range of movement in a joint
Flexibility - Importance
To allow dancers to perform a complex range of movements different styles
Flexibility - Exercise
Lunges to stretch the hamstring - aiming to hold them longer each time
Mobility - Definition
The range of movement in a joint; the ability to move fluently from action to action
Mobility - Importance
Dancers need mobility to perform challenging movements, various styles and to prevent injury to the muscles and joints
Mobility - Exercise
Lying on your back, knees bent in parallel swinging the right leg out of the hip and then the left with ease, returning to parallel
Strength - Definition
Muscular power
Strength - Importance
To perform complex movements such as lifts and jumps, preventing injury
Strength - Exercise
Sit ups/crunches starting with 5 reps of 10 and then gradually increasing the speed or repetitions
Stamina - Definition
The ability to maintain physical and mental energy over periods of time
Stamina - Importance
To be able to perform a full routine maintaining accuracy and precision throughout
Stamina - Exercise
Increased repetitions of jogging, running, skipping etc.
Extension - Definition
Lengthening of muscles or limbs
Extension - Importance
To make movement look aesthetically pleasing to an audience
Extension - Exercise
Using a mirror or peer to identify movements which could be extended further
Isolation - Definition
An independent movement of part of the body
Isolation - Importance
To be able to perform movements with accuracy and precision