Physical Landscape EQ2 Flashcards
What is an Arch?
A rock formation created by erosion
What is Backwash?
The movement of water down the beach
What is a Bay?
A low lying inlet of land on the coast
What is a Beach?
A gentle slope of land bordering a large body of water that consists of materials such as sand, pebbles or rocks
What is a Concordant coast?
A coastline with the same type of rock along its length
What is a Constructive wave?
Waves which help build up material on the beach. They tend to have a low frequency and strong swash
What is Deposition?
When materials is deposited or left behind, e.g when a river loses it energy and is unable to carry its load any further, or waves move sand onto a beach but lack the energy to carry it away
What is a Destructive wave?
Waves which remove material from the beach,. The swash is weaker than the backwash
What is a Discordant wave?
A coastline with different bands of rock, causing headlands and bays
What is Erosion?
The wearing away of pieces of rock, soil or other solid materials
What is Fetch?
How far a wave has travelled
What is a Hard rock coast?
A coastline made of hard rock making it harder to erode
What is a Headland?
A high area of land that extends out into the sea
What is Longshore drift?
The movement of material along a coastline due to the angles approach of waves
What is Mass movement?
A large scale downward movement of rocks and material