Physical Growth Flashcards
Vision (birth to 2 months)
- Color vision is limited
- attracted to high contrast patterns/edges
- focuses on objects from 8 to 15 inches away
- tracks slowly moving objects
Vision (1 month-7 months)
- can discriminate among basic colors (1-5 months)
- can focus on objects up to 3 feet away (1- 5months)
- can use movement to identify objects
- develops full color vision (4-7 months)
- depth perception begins to develop (3 - 7 months)
Hearing (0-3months)
well developed, except for very quiet sounds
Hearing ( in utero)
-in utero, hearing starts to develop around 23 weeks
- displays rooting and sucking reflexes (0-4months)
Physical Growth (1-5 months)
- swipes at dangling objects with hands (1-5 months)
- raises head in prone (0-2 months)
- brings hands to mouth (1-3months)
- opens and shuts hands (1-3months)
- grasps and shakes hand toys (1-4 months)
- reaches voluntarily for things (3-6 months)
Physical Growth (6-8 months)
- may sit easily without support
- can reach out and grasp moving objects
Physical Growth (6-12 months)
- can sit alone (7-10 months)
- crawls forward on belly (8-10 months)
- Lets objects go voluntarily (8-11 months)
- Uses pincer grasp (8-11 months)
- places objects into and out of containers (8-12 months)
- walks holding onto furniture (9-11 months)
- stands alone easily (10-12 months)
- begins walking alone (10-12 months)
Physical Growth (12-24 months)
- uses thumb and forefinger to explore objects, turns knobs and dials (12-20 months)
- Capable of copying simple horizontal and vertical lines
- builds towers (14-24 months)
- can walk up and down stairs holding on to support (15-24 months)
- can scribble with a crayon (16-20 months)
- Can turn over containers to pour out contents (16-24 months)
- May begin to show hand preference (17 months)
- masters unassisted walking
- begins to run (20-24 months)
Physical Growth (2-3 years)
- can make vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes with pen or crayon
- capable of turning rotating handles
- capable of walking up and down stairs with alternating feet (27 months)
- capable of holding pencil in writing position (28 months-38 months)
- can screw and unscrew jars and lids (29-36 mon)
- capable of turning pages one at a time (29 months)
- Bends over without falling (30-36 months)
- capable of pedaling a tricycle (30-36 mon)
- runs easily (32-39 months)
Physical Growth (3-5 years)
- becomes primarily left or right handed
- capable of standing on one foot for up to 5 seconds
- capable of using scissors
- up and down stairs without support
- copies some capital letters
- draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts (41-50 months)
- can throw a ball overhead (42-49 months)
- can move forward and backward with ease
- copies triangles, squares and other figures
- capable of dressing and undressing
- hops, somersaults, swings, climbs
- stands on one foot for ten seconds
- draws a person with body and some details!
biobehavioral shift
- Emde
- while development occurs approximately at the same times, biology also makes each child unique in their genetic make up, personality and temperament
- times of qualitative change/transformation
- before organization, there is always disorganization
0-3 months
- adjusting to new environment
- different states
- random kicks, rooting
- bringing hands to mouth
3-6 months
- able to be awake longer
- can maintain some eye contact
- reaching
- grasping
- mouthing/exploring
- social smiling
6-9 months
- pull toward, becomes more active
- crawling
- sitting up
- transfer objects between hands
9-12 months
- more mobile
- vocalizing
- standing
- throwing
- picking things up
1-2 years
- walking
- seeking proximity to care giver
- secure base to go and come back
2- 3 years
- walking ability refines
- run
jump - climb
- more autonomy
- better fine motor
3-5 years
- more confident with movements
- arms down when walking/running
- thrive on physical activity
- better coordination
- increased muscle control helps with potty training
- greater endurance, need fewer naps, longer between eating (more time for learning opportunities)
- print a few letters
- cut in a line
- self-help skills (zippers, button, dressing self)
- continued increase in mylenation of brain (improves speed of cognition and language): two hemispheres are becoming better connected
5-8 years
- much variation in growth and size
- rate of maturation due to genetics and nutritional differences (bio and environmental factors)
- hand dominance established
- throwing
- writing
- playing sports
- likes to be active
- ties shoes
- uses knife and fork
- executive functioning!!
sensitive period
- brain development depends on certain kinds of experiences to develop correctly
- more likely to develop within this time period
- outcomes more variable than critical periods
critical period
- limited time when some part of developing organism is susceptible to influences that can bring specific and permanent changes
culture and physical development
- different cultures value different aspects of physical development
- some cultures babies develop motor skills faster out of necessity (for protection/safety)
- some places babies are carried everywhere so they don’t have opportunity to move/explore
biobehavioral shift (2-7 months)
- awakening of sociability!!
- able to stay awake longer
- more direct eye contact
- roll over by 3-6 months, reaching, grasp, mouth, discover objects
biobehavioral shift (7-18 months)
- onset of focused attachment!
- crawling
then walking - sit without support (9months)
- stand
pick things up - influences attachment behavior because now able to seek proximity to caregiver
biobehavioral shift (18-36 months)
- walking ability refines, able to run, jump, climb,
- 1 to 2 years: walk, sit in chair, stairs, dance, balance, hand eye coordination increases
2 to 3 years: coordination and speed, run, jump, fine motor control increases
Brain Development
- neurons form, synapses connect neurons
- myelin forms to speed up synaptic connections
- pruning= when brain gets rid of connections that aren’t used consistently
- environmental exposure causes synapses
- breast milk/formula/whole milk all contribute essential nutrients to promote myelin formation and brain development
plasticity of brain
- brain is adaptive, can be influenced by positive or negative experiences, capacity of brain to change structure and change in response to experiences
- infant brain better able to recover from a brain injury
middle childhood
- grow more slowly than at any other time until end of adolescence
- 5-6 years old: jumps vertically
6 years: throwing accurately, jumps accurately, runs fast
6-7 years: tie shoes, write some words/numbers
7-8 years: active, LOTS of activity, likes to run, skip, jump
five to seven year shift
brain spurt!
- frontal lobe of cerebral cortex develops rapidly associated with consciousness and thinking processes
- leveling off of myelination
- changes in prefrontal areas of brain that help with complex problem solving
- able to attend, make strategies
- executive functioning
limbic system
emotional regulation