Cognitive Development Flashcards
0-6 months
- capable of imitating facial gestures
- can differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar faces
- capable of numerosity
- capable of certain types of memory
- language learning begins
- struggles to get objects out of reach (3-6 months)
- explores the world (4-6 months)
6-12 months
- acquires notion of object permanence
- memory improving
- attempts to use objects “correctly” (8-15 months)
- explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
- Peek a Boo!
12-24 months
- recognizes the different between self and other people
- recognizes own facial features (15-24 mon)
- may show an interest in potty training (16-25 months)
- beginning of pretend play! (18 months)
2-3 years
- pretend play includes symbolic use of objects (24-36 months)
- develops an understanding of others’ intentions and goals
- capable of completing puzzles with 3-4 pieces
capable of some deception (28 months)
3-5 years
- inventive fantasy play
- capable of approaching problems from a single perspective
- verbal knowledge of a few numbers (30 months)
- can correctly name some colors (40 -48 months)
- verbally count objects
- clearer sense of time
- capable of lying
- realizes others may have different views
Piaget (six substages of sensory motor stage)
- basic reflexes
- primary circular reactions (1-4 months)
- secondary circular reaction (4-8 months)
- coordination of SCR (8-12 months)
- Tertiary circular reactions (12-18 mon)
- Mental combinations (18-24 months)
primary circular reactions
1-4 months
- reproducing a chance event
- initiating an action
- activities involve only the infant’s own body and are endlessly repeated
- finger sucking/watching one’s own hand
secondary circular reactions
4-8 months
- procedures are developed to make interesting sights last
- reactions involve events or objects in the external world
- shaking a rattle to hear the noise
coordination of secondary schemes
8-12 months
- two or more previously acquired schemes are combined to obtain a goal
- acts become intentional
ex) reaching behind a cushion to get a ball
tertiary circular reactions
12-18 months
- trial and error behavior begins
- goal seeking activities
- movements are purposely varied
- results observed
ex) pulling pillow nearer in order to get toy resting on it
invention of new means through mental combinations
18-24 months - mental combinations - representational thought begins - ex) using a stick to reach a desired object USING tools to get objects now!
something that cannot be specifically viewed or calculated, but rather inferred from behaviors that are observed
- changes in structures/functions that develop over time
- affected by values, education, society in which they grow up in, culture, child’s self regulation processes
- dependent on context!
- learning leads development, learning happens through interactions with people
- adults help shape child’s learning
- emphasizes role of social interaction and specific cultural practices
- zone of proximal development!
gap between a child’s current performance and potential performance with guidance from someone more skilled - scaffolding - hints of cues to help them solve a problem, support by adult but permit child to complete task within his range of competence
- distinct stages children go through to gain cognitive skills
object permanence
knowledge that objects have an existence in time and space independent of one’s perception or action on those objects
- develops between 7-9 months
- progression of complex displacements and holding image in mind though!
Theory of mind
18 months- start to learn that other’s desires may differ from own
2 yrs: develop empathy
3 yrs: take others’ perspectives into consideration
Symbolic thinking
- allows for fantasy and pretend play, allows for language to be used to represent experience, ideas, communicate with others and direct thinking processes
- understand words represent things
ex) block is a car in play
Piaget’s pre-operational stage
- 2-6 years
- ability to use mental representations to think about the world, representational thought-symbolic thought
- can think about things that are not present
- reasoning not yet logical or systematic
- still egocentric
- pretend play
- language allows for different thoughts and ideas
- longer attention span
- memory improving
- animistic thinking
- irreversibility
- perception bound thought
- centration (center on one aspect and neglect others)
- develop generalized representations of sequence of events and routines (2-6 yrs)
- play has themes, scripts, roles which show a child’s acquisition
- play gets more elaborate, complex and abstract with age/maturation
Magical thinking
- trouble distinguishing what is real and what is pretend
Social Cognitive Theory
- learning by imitating others, children learn important social behaviors by watching relationships with others
5-7 year shift
changes in frontal lobe, giving a better understanding of self and more complex understanding of feelings
Concrete Operational Stage
- piaget
- 7-11 years old
- shifts actions to thought
- can think logically about objects and events
- classifies objects according to several features
- thoughts more logical and flexible
- fantasy fades to realistic thoughts
- meta memory
- meta cognition
- conservation (stay the same even when they are changed to make it look different)
- decentration
- reversibility (think through steps and go backward)
- seriation
- transitive inference
18-24 months
dual representation
- deferred imitation
- symbolic functioning/play
shared attention by..
9 months!
- can follow a point or gaze, social referencing
means end behaviors
by 7-15 months!
peek a boo
6-12 months
- cognition is developed and constrained by culture
- culture is the ZPD
- occurrence or nonoccurrence of events
- culture arranges for frequency of events
- culture arranges for patterning of events
- culture determines degree of difficulty
Intersubjectivity/ Affect Attunement
2-7 months
understanding of color
by 12-15 months
sorts objects by color and shape by
33-36 months!
- understands concept of 1
15-18 months
- follow simple one step command
- turn page
- point to body part
18-24 months
- simple puzzles, cause/effect, sorts
24-28 months
- matches, follows 2 part commands, symbolic thought
3-5 years old
self understanding based on concrete, observable behaviors/characteristics
- developing TOM
- describes self in form of abilities/possessions
- one dimensional thinking
- representational skills (pretend play)
- magical thinking
- memory increases
4 years old!
- knows difference between truth and lying
- knows when something is make believe
- false beliefs (how you think and feel does not need to be revealed)
- mind operates independently from experience
4 years old
- numerical skills
- identify with same gender
- can think about things not present
- language allows for thoughts/ideas
- longer attention span
- memory increasing
3-5 years old
- still egocentric
- needs help anticipating
- script knowledge
- symbolic play and manipulating symbols
- dual representation
- constantly asking questions
LIMITATIONS: centration, appearance/reality problems, egocentric
5-7 years
- brain spurt between 6-7 years!
- perceptual/cognitive abilities appear at age 7
- frontal lobe develops
- able to attend, make strategies, executive functioning
- multidimensional representations
- meta memory
- categorize info
- recall memory
- metacognition
- increase in attention
- clear distinctions between reality and fantasy
- increase in reasoning
- capacity for logical, systematic thinking
- ability to perceive underlying reality despite appearance
- domain specific knowledge
- control over attention/memory
able to recognize self in mirror
18 months
joint attention
9 months!
social referencing/interaffectivity
reading emotional cues of caregiver (between 9-18 months)
Cognitive development (5-8): Erikson stage
Industry vs. Inferiority
- feeling competent at societal expectations, feel successful versus feeling like a failure
Period of Latency
5-8 yrs
- child’s ability to maintain states of control
- calm, liability, educability
5-8 yrs
- planning, predicting, checking, monitoring, testing, reviewing, revising, rehearing, categorizing
- less impulsive, able to set limits on his own behavior
LIMITATIONS: can’t apply cognitive skills to hypothetical or abstract circumstances
refers to the processes and mechanisms of acquisition and manipulation of knowledge, includes conscious effortful processes as well as unconscious automatic processes, includes basic and higher order processes,
organization and adaptation
- assimilation and accommodation
Developmental gradualness
- development of skills and concepts are not fully developed at birth, but gradually emerge over a period of time
- early understanding does not mean complete understanding
- early developing capacities do not reflect entire capacity
peek a boo
- depending on certain degree of understanding of object permanence
- helping develop expectation, sense of predictability, and cause and effect
- learning basic rules of game
Dramatic play
significant version of representation
ZPD and assisted learning
- observe, validate, participate, extend, problem initiating role modeling, instructing and managing are important
- joint consciousness
- instruction only good when it proceeds ahead of development
- just as important to measure level of potential development as actual development
Sociocultural mechanisms of learning and development
- guided participation
- mediated learning
- bridges from known to new
- scaffolding
- cultural tools (language, symbol systems, technology)
children are not passive receivers of knowledge, children own actions upon the environment give it its meaning, children are active seekers of knowledge, cognition develops in stages, domain general, universal
- stages can’t be skipped
- order is fixed
- qualitative change is emphasized (thinking changes, does not just increase)
- internal bounds of cognition
- relationship between how a by thinks and acts with an object
the continuous underlying purposes of structures
action based, what a child does or how they act with something
characteristic of objects
organized relationship between a scheme and a schema
Functional Play (0-18 months) Symbolic Play (18 months to 6 years) Play with Rules (7 and up)
how do we know what infants are thinking?
capitalize on rudimentary behaviors (head turning, looking, sucking, reaching, grasping)
- visual preference paradigm
- habituation (recognizing differences)
- violation of expectations paradigm