physical geography fieldwork Flashcards
what was the title of your enquiry?
investigating how the river tillingbourne changes downstream
aims of your fieldwork?
to see the changes that occur within a river such as change in velocity, change in sediment etc. from the upper course to the lower course
what method did you use to collect data concerning the width of the river? why? limitations?
- used a tape measure from one side of the bank to the other
- most efficient way time-wise and easy to do
- tape had to be held taut otherwise inaccurate measurement; ensure multiple people holding tape in position
- tape could get moved along by the current of the water; hold tape far enough above water so it is not affected
what method did you use to collect data concerning the depth of the river? why? limitations?
- used a ruler at different points of the river
- easy method, didn’t require a long time
- human error more likely to occur due to the flowing water; have more than one person looking at the measurements, clear space around ruler so water levels not disturbed
what method did you use to collect data concerning the roundness of the bedload? why? limitations?
- choosing 11 different rocks randomly and ordering them into classes (power’s scale of roundness)
- easy, quick
- very subjective, not extremely accurate; only have one person deciding throughout so judgement is equal
- human interference with bedload is possible; collect a range of data to balance it out
what method did you use to collect data concerning the bedload axis? why? limitations?
- measured with a ruler
- easy, quick
- human error is possible
what method did you use to collect data concerning the velocity? why? limitations?
- flow meter - accurate
- floating dog biscuits down the river w/ stop watch to time it - doesn’t require technology, easy, quick, safe for environment (dog biscuits biodegradable!!)
- with flow meter other ppl standing in river affects data; should limit the amount of ppl to ensure it is more accurate
- easy to make human error with dog biscuits and stopwatch; have more than one person timing to make an average and ensure accuracy
results and key trends for depth and width?
- as river goes downstream, width and depth increases which is shown by the results
- expected results
results and key trends for bedload size?
long axis
- the upper course and middle course had larger bedload sizes, lower course had smaller bedload sizes - expected results BUT some larger bedload sizes were found in the lower course as well
- was expected apart from larger bedload sizes in lower course
- dispersion graph
results and key trends for bedload roundness?
- most bedload in upper course were put in the very angular category with some falling in the angular category
- middle course and lower course were mainly sub-rounded or rounder however there were also angular pieces of bedload in these parts of the river
- upper course expected, middle course and lower course slightly expected? but not the angular bedload
- powers’ roundness scale
results and key trends for velocity?
- the results were unexpected as the lower course had the fastest velocity and the middle course and the slowest velocity
how reliable are ur results?
- reliable to a certain extent
- all collecting methods had at least one flaw
- data could easily by affected by human error
- evaluating results and methods + attempting to fix these will make results more reliable
- most results were predicted - some weren’t; could be due to human management/interference