PHYSICAL- explaining different life stages Flashcards
Explain neonate
Neonate= 0-28 days
-Grasp reflex, startle reflex, walking reflex, rooting reflex (turning head towards any touch on cheek)
-Toe curling
Explain infancy
Infancy= 0-2 years
Gross motor skills
6 months- sit, roll, crawl
11-13 months- stand, cruise, walk
2 years- infants can climb onto low furniture
2 and a half years- can kick a ball
Fine motor skills
3 months- baby can hold rattle
6 months- grasp a toy
12 months- pincer grasp
18 months- palmar grasp, use a spoon
Explain early childhood
Early childhood=3-8 years
Gross motor skills
3 years- pedal, throw a ball
3-4 years- balance, run forwards and backwards
5-8 years- skip with a rope, accurately throw and catch a ball
Fine motor skills
3 years- develop tripod grasp, use fork + spoon
4 years- colour in pictures
5 years- use hand-eye coordination, can write their name
Explain adolescence
Puberty, Girls- 11-13, Boys- 13-15, growth spurt, growth of facial, pubic and chest hair.
Explain early adulthood
Early Adulthood= 19-45 years
- Physical strength + stamina at peak
- Sexual characteristics fully developed
- When pregnant increase in hormones- progesterone, oestrogen, prolactin
Later stages- 45 years + reach end of reproductive years (perimenopause) (pre-menopause)
Explain middle adulthood
Middle Adulthood= 46- 65 years
- Menopause
- Reduction in sex hormones
- No more periods
- Hot flushes + night sweats
- Less oestrogen + progesterone
Ageing- loss of pigments in hair, loss of muscle in tone, strength + stamina, men lose hair, women no longer fertile.
Explain later adulthood
Later adulthood= 65+ years
- Decrease in height
- Strength + muscle loss
- Slower reaction
- Hearing loss