Physical Exam Flashcards
The two arches of the foot are the:
Transverse and Longitudinal arches
The dome of the _________ bone is the “ball” of the ankle that sits between the distal tibia and fibula.
Ankle ligaments: the strongest is the:
Why is the Anterior TaloFibular Ligament most commonly injured in ankle sprains?
The ankle has less bony stability in plantar flexion and in plantar flexion the ATFL is vertically oriented
Pes planus
flat footed” or “low arches
Pes cavus
high arches
The plantar fascia inserts on the _____ aspect of the calcaneus.
The __________ ___________ ligament runs posteriolateral to anteromedial in the knee.
Anterior Cruciate
A knee ___ occurs when fluid accumulates inside the joint capsule
Meniscus tears are more likely to occur in the in the _____horn
TRUE regarding knee menisci (3)
A) The anterior and posterior horns of the meniscus refer to different regions on the same structure
B) Mensici are soft, rubbery structures that assist with shock absorption
C) The Thessaly test assesses for tears in the menisci
The ____ collateral ligament is a round, pencil-like discretely palpable structure on palpation.
The pes anserine is located ______ to the joint line
medial inferior
TRUE regarding the pes anserine (3)
A) The pes anserine is the confluence of three tendons
B) These tendons are the Sartorius, the gracillus and the semi-tendinosus
C) It is normal for the pes anserine to be slightly tender to palpation
Knock knees
genu valgum
The two medial hamstrings are:
the semimembranosus and the semitendinosus
Pain resulting from which motion is suggestive of actual hip joint pain
Internal Rotation
Knee: Which of the following muscles do span two joints? (3)
A) Satrorious
B) Rectus Femoris
C) Semimembranosus
The most common source of elbow pain is the:
lateral epicondyle/extensor tendons
statements is TRUE about the scaphoid bone (3)
A) It is commonly fractured by a fall on a extended wrist (FOOSH)
B) It is a proximal row carpal bone that extends across into distal row territory
C) Its blood supply runs distal to proximal
Snuffbox tenderness indicates
that a scaphoid injury is likely
structures are associated with the carpal tunnel? (3)
A) transverse ligament
B) flexor digitorum tendons
D) median nerve
hand: superficial flexor inserts
superficial flexor inserts on the middle phalynx
hand: deep flexor tendon inserts
deep flexor tendon inserts on the distal phalynx
Pain in the elbow with resisted long finger extension indicates possible:
lateral epicondylitis
Thenar atrophy on Inspection indicates possible:
carpal tunnel syndrome
The infraspinatous muscle _________________ rotates the humerus.
A high school football player comes to the sideline holding his left arm after a hard fall on his head and shoulder. His left deltoid is weak and he complains of numbness in his lateral elbow and brachium. Which reflex is likely affected?
The rotator cuff muscles pull the humeral head:
If you fall directly on your shoulder, you are most likely to fracture which bone:
If a patient has pain at 120 degrees of active shoulder abduction, this likely represents:
Painful arc of impingement
On inspection, patients with an anterior glenohumeral shoulder dislocation will appear to have a(n) _____________ shoulder
The C1 vertebra is known as the ___________. C2 is the _________________.
The nerve roots of the cervical spine are named for the vertebra _____them.
The motor, sensation, and reflex for the C7 nerve root are:
triceps, long finger, triceps
The motor test for the L5 nerve root involves testing the
Extensor Hallucis Longus
The sensation for the S1 nerve root involves the _____ aspect of the foot.