Biochemistry Flashcards
Why is the energy yield slightly less from unsaturated fatty acids? (2)
- less FADH2 is produced
- may cost an NADPH (eq of 2.5 ATP)
- not hugely significant physiologically or energetically
What extra product is unique to metabolism of odd chain length fatty acids?
Propionyl CoA
How does the body get rid of propionyl CoA? (2)
Converts it to Succinyl CoA (also uses B12 as a coenzyme), which has 3 fates:
- replenish TCA cycle (oxidation to CO2 and H2O for energy)
- provide carbons for gluconeogenesis
What accumulates in the blood when someone is B12 deficient?
methylmalonic acid (because methylmalonyl CoA mutase - enzyme in propionyl CoA metabolism - is defective)
Where does fatty acid oxidation occur?
Mitochondrial matrix
Regulation of long chain FA synthesis/oxidation.
- NAD+/NADH ratio
- compartmentalization (FA oxidation in mito matrix separated from FA synthesis in cytosol by carnitine transport system)
What inhibits the carnitine, and why is this important?
- inhibited by malonyl CoA (intermediate in FA synthesis)
- prevents simultaneous FA synthesis and oxidation, which is just a waste of energy
Where is the peroximal pathway most active?
Liver and brain
What are the alternate routes of FA oxidation?
- peroximal: for VLCFA and branched chain FA; requires alpha-oxidation
- microsomal: for detoxification of hydrophobic xenobiotics; requires omega-oxidation
Zellweger syndrome
- defect in peroxisomal biogenesis
- accumulation of VLCFA in tissues; mainly affects liver and brain
- Sign: elevated C26:0 and C26:1 FAs in plasma
In order, what are the sources of glucose for the brain, and how long after a meal will they kick in?
- Recently ingested food (absorbed to blood from small intestine); i.e. when blood glucose is plentiful
- Glycogen breakdown (mainly from liver); begins at ~ 4 hours and stores last about 24 hours
- Gluconeogenesis (from muscle protein, glycerol from adipose, lactate from RBC, all sent to liver), starts at 4 hours and takes over for glycogen at about 16 hours
- Ketone bodies (made in liver from FA); begin production ~ 4 days into starvation
Where are insulin and glucagon produced, and when are they upregulated?
- glucagon: alpha cells of the pancreas; secreted when blood glucose is low
- insulin: beta cells of the pancreas; secreted when blood glucose is high
What are the two important ketone bodies?
- beta-hydroxybutyrate (tends to have much higher levels)
2. acetoacetate
What tissues use ketone bodies?
- brain
- adipose (switch to FA during prolonged starvation)
- muscle (switch to FA during prolonged starvation)
- heart (switch to FA during prolonged starvation)
- intestinal (switch to FA during prolonged starvation)
- fetal
Which tissues DO NOT use ketone bodies?
- Liver
2. RBCs (ketone bodies require aerobic metabolism)
What is the sparing effect of ketone bodies?
It stops the necessity of breaking down protein for fuel
What is the important clinical hallmark of diabetic ketoacidosis?
Acetone breath (fruity smelling)
What is the net rxn for the synthesis of one ketone body?
2 acetyl-CoA –> 1 acetoacetate OR 1 beta-hydroxybutyrate
Why can’t liver use ketone bodies?
It lacks the first enzyme (acetoacetate-CoA transferase) needed to oxidize ketone bodies.
What is the advantage of branching in glycogen storage?
- solubility (helps to prevent precipitation in cells)
- rapid degradation (more sites for enzymes to work)
What are the steps and enzymes in order to breakdown glycogen?
- Glycogen phosphorylase: phosphorylates the terminal glucose (G-1-P) and separates it from the chain
- Phosphoglucomutase: converts G-1-P to G-6-P
- Glucose-6-phosphatase: unique to the liver and kidney cortex, de-phosphorylates glucose so that it can diffuse from the liver into the blood stream
What is the enzyme and process of de-branching glycogen stores?
Debranching enzyme.
Glycogen phosphorylase is too sterically hindered to work once it reaches 4 glucose molecules away from a branching point. The debranching enzyme breaks the 1-6 bond of the shortened branch and makes a 1-4 bond to attach it to another straight chain. Glucosidase releases a free glucose. Glycogen phosphorylase can then take over.
What are the steps and enzymes in order to make glycogen?
- hexokinase/glucokinase: glucose taken up from blood and phosphorylated
- phosphoglucomutase: converts G-6-P to G-1-P
- UDP-glucose phosphorylase: adds a UDP group to glucose (provides E for next reaction)
- glycogen synthase: adds G-1-P to terminal end of a glycogen chain (1-4 bond)
Where does galatose enter the metabolic pathways, and what are the notable enzymes?
It is converted to G1P (then to G6P)
- galactokinase (galatose to galactose-1-phosphate)
- Galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (works with another enzyme epimerase to convert galactose-1-phosphate to G1P)