Physical, Emotional, Social Flashcards
traditional view of learning as absorption of content
physical growth
connecting and communicating - synaptic growth and pruning
brain growth
true or false: early adolescence is a time of rapid learning and brain development
true or false: adolescence results in less sensation-seeking, motivation for social relations and sensitivity to social evaluation
false. adolescence include in increases in sensation-seeking, motivation for social relations, and sensitivity to social evaluation.
true or false: adolescence is a period of opportunity only.
false. it is a period of vulnerability and opportunity.
since puberty initiates intense learning and brain development, what does it lead to?
structural remodeling and neural re-configuration of key brain systems.
it refers to thinking about thinking, which can help in analyzing and evaluating our thoughts. although it starts earlier, teens can think more abstractly at this age.
metacognition or metacognitive thinking
what are the two faculties of a person?
intellect and free will
what aspects do the faculties of a person affect?
memory and motor senses
what is the aim of intellect?
what is the aim of free will?
another key to growth
true or false: in terms of language, teens’ capacities also continue to expand. their vocabulary could include more words with abstract meanings. written language and grammatical skills can also improve and become more complex.
fill in the blanks: the ___, ___, and ___ of demands from schooling will influence language development.
quality, quantity, intensity
it concerns a person’s capacity for mature interactions with individuals and groups
social-emotional development
relates to the ability to manage emotions
emotional competence
it is an important process in adolescence. adolescents need to recognize triggers and symptoms of out-of-control emotions and use reasoning skills to step back, examine emotions, and consider long-term consequences of behavior.
management or self-regulation of emotions
focuses on one’s ability to relate effectively with others
social competence
true or false: we experience a wide range of emotions; all of which are positive.
false. some are considered positive, others are negative. however, they are not inherently good or bad.
true or false: what we do as we experience these emotions could lead to positive or negative effects, which we can decide on.
enumerate the steps in processing emotions.
- first, we need to acknowledge our emotions,
- identify what they are, examine how they are affecting us – our thoughts and behaviors, and
- decide if the effect of emotions is positive or negative, and try to control the emotions’ effect.
- thinking through how one feels is already a concrete step to control one’s emotions.
this response to emotions is characterized by being honest and solution-oriented, and using clear words
this response to emotions is done by expressing them in potentially harmful ways through anger or hurtful words
the capacity for understanding our own feelings and the feelings of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing our emotions effectively in our relationships
emotional intelligence (EI)