Physical Development Flashcards
What can teachers learn when they understand students’ physical, cognitive, social–emotional, and linguistic development?
Which teaching practices are most likely to engage students
True or False
Physiological needs are the first needs that must be met in Maslow’s hierarchy.
True;Physiological needs are at the bottom of the pyramid and are thus the first needs that must be met in Maslow’s hierarchy.
Lucas is a fourth-grade student who has read almost every book in the classroom library. He asks his teacher if she will bring him some “bigger kid” books to read because he is bored with the material in the classroom. Which need is Lucas trying to satisfy?
True or False
Anika has served on student council for the past two years. Now that she is a senior, she believes that she is more than qualified to serve as student council president, so she decides to run for office.
Anika is attempting to meet a safety need.
The school calls an assembly each quarter to distribute academic achievement awards to students who have maintained a B average or higher for the quarter. Which deficiency need is satisfied?
A teacher provides students with multiple opportunities for cooperative group activities.Which deficiency need is satisfied?
Love and Belonging
A school institutes a rigorous antibullying program .Which deficiency need is satisfied?
The school cafeteria opens early to provide free and reduced price breakfasts to eligible students.Which deficiency need is satisfied?
True or False
Arnold Gesell theorized that children develop according to distinct developmental stages.
Which two activities should an 18-month-old be able to perform?
Using fingers to eat crackers and stacking blocks
True or False
Ren is three years old. His preschool teacher is worried about him because he cannot print his name yet.
The teacher’s concern is justified.
False; Children do not typically develop the ability to print their names until about age four or five.
True or False
In middle school classrooms, teachers can use the same activities for all children.
False; Not all students physically develop at the same rate. Individualized strategies and support are often necessary to help older children and adolescents build skills and address challenges.
Recently developed the ability to roll a ball back and forth with an adult. Typical physical development?
An 18month in day care
Recently developed the ability to draw a stick figure family representing himself, his parents, and his sister. Typical physical development?
A five year old kindergartener
Recently developed the ability to shoot baskets consistently on the school playground. Typical physical development?
A nine year old fourth grader
Recently began growing facial hair along the upper lip. Typical physical development?
A thirteen year old eighth grader
A teacher assigns his students an in-class essay. One of the students has a degenerative muscular condition. Her instructional needs include difficulty with fatigue and need for assistance with hand positioning.
What is one way that the in-class essay may be challenging for her?
Holding the pencil or typing on the laptop
A student has difficulty using a pen or pencil and misses class for frequent trips to the nurse. What type of barrier are they experiencing?
A student repeats herself and has difficulty completing sentences when speaking to peers. What type of barrier are they experiencing?
A student has been bullied by peers and is afraid to come to school. What type of barrier are they experiencing?
Social and emotional
A student’s ADHD causes him to forget assignments often. What type of barrier are they experiencing?
Which statement describes a learning need resulting from poverty?
Jack is involved with the juvenile justice system and is on probation as a result of stealing food from a convenience store.
Sara has just received a new cochlear implant for her hearing impairment and is not sure how to use it.
Talia is unable to focus on her math test because she is worried that her family will be evicted for nonpayment of rent.
William, who has an autism spectrum disorder, needs to know each day’s schedule in advance.
Talia is unable to focus on her math test because she is worried that her family will be evicted for nonpayment of rent.