Physical Assessment Flashcards
coarse sound, gurgling; cleared with cough; low pitched expiration heard in expiration from secretion in bronchiole
crackles heard at base from fluid accumulation; not how far up the lungs it goes; could mean CHF, heard on inspiration
music or high pitched cooing sound; caused by obstruction of airflow out from the lungs; heard on inspiration and expiration
Order of assessment - Abdomen
inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
What are the four techniques used in physical assessment?
inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation; order changes with the abdomen
Assessing health status involves what two components?
health history and physical assessment
A complete health assessment starts on which part of the body first
head to toe; systematically working downward efficiently with fewest position changes for the patient
Order of Head to Toe
general survey, V/S, head, neck, upper extremities, chest and back, abdomen, external genitalia, anus, lower extremities
What are some of the purposes of the physical assessment?
- obtain baseline data
- confirm or refute history
- establish nursing diagnosis
- evaluate physiological outcomes and progress
- make clinical judgement of status
- identify areas for disease prevention and health promotion
Nurses use guidelines and ___________ practice to focus health assessment on specific conditions
What are some colorectal cancer screenings?
FOBT annually 50+
Sigmoidoscopy q 5 years 50+
Colonoscopy every 10 years 50+
Barium enema q 5 years 50+
What are some breast cancer screenings?
BSE starting early 20”s
breast exam q 3 years 20-40 y/o
MMG annually 40+
What are some cervical and uterine cancer screenings?
PAP q 2 or 3 years; may be stopped after total hysterectomy and at age 70 if 10 year Hx of negative result
What are some prostate cancer screenings?
consult physician (PSA)
Is head-to-toe assessment the same for adults and children?
no; less invasive areas (mouth, genitals, ears) last
Palpation is used to determine…
texture, temperature, vibration, organ/mass info (position, size, consistency, mobility), distention, pulsation, tenderness/pain
dorsal recumbent
female assessment: back-lying position with knees flexed and hips external rotated; used for cardiopulmonary problems
Overall assessment: back lying, legs extended; not tolerated with respiratory and cardiovascular problems
female assessment: legs in stirrups
rectal/vaginal assessment: side-lying position with lower arm behind body and upper leg flexed
Posterior thorax and hip assessment: lies on abdomen head to side; not tolerated by older adults or with cardiovasc/resp problems
Two types of pal pation are:
light and deep
Describe light palpation
precedes deep palpation; fingers of dominant hand are moved in a circular movement while pressed gently and parallel to skin; areas may be lightly palpated several times rather than holding pressure
Describe deep palpation
done after light because the pressure can dull sense; done with two hands; top hand applies pressure and lower hand perceives sensation; one hand may be used. USUALLY NOT DONE ON ROUTINE EXAM and REQUIRES SIGNIFICANT SKILL (pressure can damage organs and not done with undiagnosed acute abdominal pain)
The effectiveness of palpation depends largely on
the client’s relaxation; always note patients facial expression
Direct vs Indirect Percussion
direct - strike the area with 2, 3, 4 finger pads rapidly (not for thorax, good for sinus cavity)
indirect - middle finger of dominant hand strikes other middle finger as it is pressed firmly on skin (90 degree angle)
Flatness is described as
extremely dull sound of dense tissue (muscle, bone)
Dullness is described as
thud-like sound produced by dense tissue (liver, spleen, heart)
Resonance is described as
hollow sound (like air in the lungs)
Hyperresonance is described as
booming sound heard in an emphysematous lung, not produced in the normal body
Tympany is described as
musical or drum-like sound produced by air in the stomach
Direct auscultation
listening with the naked ear
Indirect ausultation
use of stethescope