Gerontology Flashcards
What is Delirium?
aka: acute confusion; abrupt onset of confusion and a reversible cause
What is Dementia?
a global impairment of cognitive function that usually is progressive and may be permanent; interference with normal social and occupational activities
Confusion Assessment Method
Part one is an assessment instrument that screens for overall cognitive impairment. Part two includes only four features that were found to have the greatest ability to distinguish delirium or reversible confusion from other types of cognitive impairment, namely: Onset and course; Attention; Thinking; and Level of consciousness
Risk Factors for Delirium
lmmobilization, UTI, infection, ETOH, med illness, environmental change, polypharmacy, dehydration
Delrium Signs
disorientation to time and place (usually with illusions and hallucinations); hyper-alert or difficult to arouse; reduced ability to focus,
Duration of delirium
Temporary; Ranges from hours to days; Onset is short and sudden
Dementia Onset
Slow, chronic, gradual, irreversible
Hyperactive delirium
restless, agitated, and disoriented
Hypoactive Delirium
quiet, confused, disoriented, apathy (which is often confused with depression)
Mixed Delirium
Client has symptoms of hyperactive delirium at night and hypoactive delirium in the day
Alzheimer’s Disease - progressive dementia, memory loss and inability to care for oneself
Young Old Ages
Old Ages
Over 100 y/o
negative attitudes toward aging or older adults
steady decrease in muscle fibers, occurring mostly with age
Wear and Tear Theory
proposes that humans have vital parts that run down with time leading to aging and death;cells wear out through internal and external stressors
Endocrine Theory
events occurring in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands lead to changes in hormone production resulting in decline
Free-radical theory
unstable free-radicals result from the oxidation of organic materials like proteins and carbohydrates; the radicals casue biochemical changes in cells and cell cannot regenerate