Physical Activity and health Flashcards
metabolic equivalent of task
method used to estimate the metabolic cost of PA
Mod 3-6
vig 6 plus
determinants of health
factors that combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities (WHO)
Physical activity
movement of the body produced by skeletal muscles
the ability to reach the demand of everyday life
a state of complete physical mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease
active living
taking every opportunity to make an active choice
extend to which a measurement instrument assesses the true exposure of interest
sedentary behaviour
refers to any waking activity characterised by an energy expenditure less than or equal to 1.5 METS and a sitting/reclining posture
ability to maintain equilibrium
rom at a join
musculoskeletal fitness
the integrated function of muscle strength, endurance and muscle power
cardiorespiratory endurance
ability to perform large muscle ,whole body exercise at at a mod to high intensity for extended periods
body movement produced by skeletal muscle from medium to high intensity
guidelines - infants (less than 1)
at least 30 mins tummy time spread throughout the day
guidelines - toddlers (1-2)
at least 180 mins per day in a variety of ways at any intensity
pre schoolers (3-4)
at least 180 mins per ay in a variety of physical activities spread throughout the day