Phys II Flashcards
Pentapartite structure which develops into Basal ganglia, olefactory lobes, and cerebral hemispheres
Pentapartite structure which develops into epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, infundibulum
Pentapartite structure which develops into cerebral aqueduct, colliculi, and tegmentum
Pentapartite structure which develops into cerebellum and pons
Pentapartite structure which develops into medulla oblongata and choroid plexus
Cortical area responsible for direct connections with specific muscles
Primary motor
Cortical area responsible for Detecting sensations
Primary sensory
Cortical area responsible for pattern of motor activity
Secondary motor area
Cortical area responsible for analyzing meaning of sensory signal
Secondary sensory area
Receptors that are slow adapting, detect continuous stimulus, and transmit impulse as long as stimuli is present (ie: spindle, golgi tendon organ, macula, baroreceptor, chemoreceptor)
In 3. Neuron pathways the primary sensory neuron goes from external receptor to what area of spinal cord
Dorsal root
Secondary neuron in ascending pathways make up tracts that ascend to what area of the brain
Tertiary ascending neurons go from thalamus through the internal capsule and terminate where in brain
Primary sensory cortex
What spinal tract carries pain and temp
Anterolateral spinothalamic
Secondary fibers of the anterolateral spinothalamic tract decussate where
Through anterior gray and white commissures
This pathway carries two point sensation, pressure, vibration and ascend in fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cutaneus
Medial lemniscus system
Nerve fiber types that are from muscle spindle
A alpha Ia
Nerve fiber type from golgi tendon organ
A alpha fibers Ib
Nerve fiber type from PAIN, itch, temp
Group IV type C fibers
Rhodopsin when exposed to light creates what two byproducts
Scotopsin, all trans retinol
The only output from the cerebellar cortex comes from what type of cell
Vestibulocerebellum is made of what two parts that control equilibrium and posture
Flocculonodular lobe, vermis
This part of cerebellum involved in skilled movement and speech
Primary motor area for shivering is dorsomedial portion of the
Best known stimuli for increasing rate of thyroid releasing hormone secretion
Critical body core temp
37.1 C, 98.8 F
Level at which sweating or shivering begins to return to critical core body temp
Set point
These cells undergo cyclic changes that periodically open and produce pacemaker currents that generate slow wave activity (slow waves create spike potentials which excite muscle contraction)
Cells of cajal