Phylogenetic Trees Flashcards
Define Phylogeny
the evolutionary relationships among organisms
Define sister taxa
are each others closest relatives
Define polytomy
internal node that is linked to 3 or more branches
Define monophyletic
clade contains the most recent common ancestor and all descendants
Define paraphyletic
clade contains the most recent common ancestor and some but not all descendants
Define polyphyletic
clade does not contain most recent common ancestor and contains some but not all descendants
Define plesiomorphies
ancestral trait, evolutionary trait that is homologous within a particular group (find in the ancestor but maybe not descendants)
Define apomorphies
derived trait/different form, a specialized trait or character that is unique to a group or species
Define synapomorphies
shared derived trait, an apomorphy shared by two or more taxa, common between ancestor AND descendant
Define homoplasy
similarity not due to descent, analogous traits
The two types of homoplasy
- convergence
- reversal
Define convergence
homoplasy, independent appearance of synapomorphies (due to environment similarity) ex. bird and bats wings
Define reversal as homoplasy
a back mutation from a derived to an ancestral form (from T to A back to T)
What is the danger of paralogs
in paralogs, if we only consider parts of the trees and not all, then danger could be that some species looking closer because only looking at part of the tree
Dangers of analogous traits
analogous traits can make species look similar although it may not be due to descent
Dangers of divergence
where species sharing a common ancestor become more distinct due to differential selection pressures, so could cause to think they are not related when they actually are
What does UPGMA to draw trees assumes
assumes all rates are equal
Explain the principle of parsimony (Occam’s razor)
trees are almost always drawn correctly if they have the smallest number of changes
occam’s razor = choose the explanation with the smallest number of elements
What is parsimony score
number of character changes (mutations) along the evolutionary rate
Explain maximum likelihood, alternative method
math model to determine probability of all possible trees and observing data under different models of evolution
is slow!
Explain Bayesian inference as alternative method
creates local vs. global peaks
does “plane” of probabilities trying to get to global peak, problem is could get stuck on local peak which may not actually be the right answer. perform multiple times to ensure answer. done on a computer
What is bootstrapping
a test or metric that uses random sampling with replacement and falls under the broader class of resampling methods, if get same result with replacement then confident in answer! Whichever result happens the most is the answer
What 3 things should we do overall when drawing trees
- use multiple approaches
- include bootstrapping
- include outgroup to root tree