Phrases Lesson 022 Flashcards
Inductive language exercise, grammatical sensitizing, and associative memory building.
Der ist schön.
That is nice.
Warst du krank?
Were you ill?
Maximal 22 g.
Maximum 22 g.
Wohin gehen Sie?
Where are you going?
Hin und zurück?
Round trip?
Ich heiße Julia.
I am called Julia. (My name is Julia)
Was fehlt hier?
What is missing here?
Ich habe Fieber.
I have fever.
Nach Hause gehen.
To go home (on foot).
Er war jünger.
He was younger.
Er ist Rechtsanwalt.
He is a lawyer.
Bist du Deutscher?
Are you German?
Die Wirtschaft blüht.
The economy is flourishing.
Sie sind umgezogen.
They moved, they have moved.
Ich bin glücklich.
I am happy.
Das bringt nichts!
That will not work!
Zu Abend essen.
To have dinner.
Was machst du?
What are you doing?
Es ist Juli.
It is July.
Ein Bier, bitte!
A beer please!