phrases--0751-1000 Flashcards
She could barely stand.
Ledva stála (na nohách).
Little do we see each other.
Vídame si málo.
go pee
ísť na malú
That is so nice of you.
Je to od vás veľmi milé.
I was pleasantly surprised.
Bol som milo prekvapený.
He is out of town.
Je mimo mesta.
He looked away/aside.
Pozeral sa mimo.
He was totally out of it.
Bol úplne mimo.
It looks especially good.
Vizerá to mimoriadne dobre.
It wasn’t anything special.
Nebolo to nič mimoriadne.
That belongs to the past.
To patri už minulosti.
That is (already) long ago.
To je už dávno minulosť.
in the past
v minulosti
You can’t miss it.
To nemožete minúť.
We already passed it.
Už sme to minuli.
He won’t escape punishment.
Trest ho neminie.
Can you keep a secret?
Vieš mlčať?
It’s not (with)in my power.
To nie je v mojej moci.
He came to power…
Dostal sa k moci…
(not) in fashion
(nie je) v móde
It’s going out of fashion.
Vychádza to z módy.
I had a concussion.
Mal som otras mozgu.
S/he is the brains of the family.
Je mozgom celej rodiny.
Use your brain!
Používaj mozog!
as fast as possible
pokiaľ možno čo najrýchlešie
I didn’t have a chance…
Nemal som možnosť…
Use the opportunity…
Využi možnosť…
other/last/definite way
iná/posledná/reálna možnosť
We exhausted every possibility.
Vyčerpali sme všetky možnosti.
There are two possibilities.
Sú dve močnosti.
Is it possible?
Je to možné?
That’s not possible!
To nie je možné!
Quite possibly…
Dosť možné…
Could you help me?
Mohli by ste mi pomôcť?
How could I have known?
Ako som to mohol vediet?
Do you have a minute?
Môžete na minútku?
Can I open the window?
Môžem otvoriť okno?
Could be!
Môže byť!
I am responsible. It’s my fault.
Zo to môžem ja.
My God!
Bože môj!
He was pronounced dead.
Vyhlásili ho za mŕtveho.
I’m dead tired.
Som úplne mŕtvy.
I’m/We’re sorry that…
Mrzí ma/nás že…
You will regret that.
To ťa bude mrzieť.
You don’t have to worry about that.
To ťa nemusí mrzieť.
no wiser
o nič múdrejší
She is (also) clever.
Je (aj) múdra.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Musím (isť) na záchod.
It didn’t have to happen…
Nemuselo sa to stať…
I had to laugh.
Musel som sa smiať.
You don’t have to say anything.
Nemusíte nič hovoriť.
It doesn’t have to be now.
Nemusí to byť hneď.
You will have to go there.
Budeš tam musieť zájsť.
Something must have happened to him.
Niečo sa mu muselo stať.
It is us!
To sme my!
Come with us.
Poď s nami.
Send it to us.
Pošlite nám to.
We don’t care.
Nám je to jedno.
Let’s do it at our place.
Urobíme to u naś.
There are only five of us.
Je nás len päť.
I am afraid you are wrong.
Bojím sa že sa mýlite.
If I am not mistaken.
Ak sa nemýlim…
I may be wrong…
Možno sa mýlim…
to have in mind
mať na mysli
Out of sight, out of mind.
Zíde z očí, zíde z mysle.
I do/don’t think so.
Myslím že áno/nie.
What do you think?
Čo myslíš?
You seriously think that?
Myslíš to vážne?
I really mean that.
Myslím to vážne.
He meant (it) well.
Myslel to dobre.
Think about it.
Mysli na to.
What do you think of/about it?
Čo si o tom myslíš?
I think…
Myslím si…
I thought so.
To som si myslel.
You thought wrong.
To si si myslel zle.
A thought came to mind.
Hlavou mi prebleskla myšlienka.
We abandoned that idea.
Upustili sme od tej myšlienky.
clarify (one’s) thoughts
ujasniť si myšlienky
What is it for?
Na čo to je?
What are you thinking about?
Na čo myslíš?
What do you (think) about it?
Čo ty na to?
There is nothing to it.
Nič na tom nie je.
Look at that.
Pozri sa na to.
How are we on that?
Ako sme na tom?
It is good for nothing.
Je to nanič.
to the beach
na plaž
at the meeting
na schôdzi
on a visit
na návštevu
She went shopping.
Išla na nákup.
Let’s go for a beer.
Poďme na pivo.
We’ll return in the spring.
Vrátime sa na jar.
He nodded to me.
Kývol na mňa.
‘on the horizon’/’within reach’
na dosah
I saw it with my own eyes.
Videl som to na vlastné oči.
On the other hand…
Na druhej strane…
Will you stay the night?
Zostaneš na noc?
for their age
na svoj vek
at the beginning
na začiatku
Forget (about) it.
Zabudni na to.
Leave him alone.
Nechaj ho na pokoji.
Let’s get going/started.
Ideme na to.
To my surprise…
Na moje prekvapenie…
That’s all for today.
To je na dnes všetko.
Put it aside/away.
Daj to nabok.
He took me aside.
Zobral si ma nabok.
Step/Stand aside.
Ustúp(te) nabok.
Take some apples from the basket.
Naber si zopár jabĺk z košika.
Fill it up.
Naber plnú.
Where did you pick this up?
Kde si to nabral?
It ended quickly.
Nabralo to rýchly spád.
(only) for a short time
len načas
The train arrived on time.
Vlak prišiel načas.