Konverzacie : nakladné phrazy Flashcards
How old are you?
Koľko rokov maš?
I don’t speak Slovak well.
Nehovorim dobré po slovensky.
I’m good.
Mám sa dobre.
It pleases me.
Teši ma.
Nothing happened.
Nič sa stalo.
I understand Slovak.
Rozumiem po slovensky.
I’m learning Slovak.
Ja sa učím slovenčinu (po slovensky).
Where do I need to go?
Kam mám isť?
All the best.
Všetko najlepšie!
He pretended to be sick.
Robil sa, ako že mu je zle.
Twice as tall as me.
Dvakrát vyšší ako ja.
No sooner than in an hour.
Nie skôr ako o hodinu.
You’re right on time, we just started.
Ideš akurát, práve sme začali.
She came just when I was leaving.
Prišla akurát vtedy, ked som odchádzal.
What is she like?
Aká je?
What size do you wear?
Akú máš veľkost?
or else…
alebo inak…
either … or
buď … alebo
not a bit
ani trochu
not once
ani raz
about a week ago
asi pred týždňom
I should at least show my face there.
Mal by som tam aspon ukázať.
He made a (small) fortune.
Zarobil balík peňazí.
Don’t be afraid.
Neboj sa.
There is nothing to fear.
Niet sa čoho báť.
I enjoy it.
Baví ma to.
I really enjoy it.
Veľmi ma to baví.
I go jogging every morning.
Každé ráno chodím behať.
I have to run.
Musím už behať.
It is a common thing.
Je to bežná vec.
Are you crazy?
Čo blázniš?
Don’t be a fool.
Nebuď blázon.
Stop fooling around.
Prestaň blbnúť.
You have it all wrong.
Máš to úplne blbo.
It’s not far away.
Je to celkom blízko.
She scored two points.
Ziskala dva body.
He’s fighting for his life.
Bojuje o život.
Does it hurt?
Bolí to?
Where does it hurt?
Kde vás to bolí?
That’s cool!
To je bomba!
It’s a deal.
Beriem to.
I will keep that in mind.
Beriem to na vedomie.
I have a stomach ache.
Bolelo ma brucho.
What are your plans for the future?
Aké máš plány do budúcnosti?
I wouldn’t do that.
To be som neurobil.
Wouldn’t it be better to wait?
Nebolo by lepšie počkať?
He is very clever.
Je veľmi bystrý.
Where do you live?
Kde bývaš?
I live alone.
Bývam sám.
fairly well
celkom slušne
It is quite warm outside.
Vonku je celkom teplo
all year long
po celý rok
po celom svete
What use is it?
Akú to má cenu?
We must ask for directions.
Musíme sa spýtať na cestu.
I am on the way.
Už som na ceste.
Have a safe trip.
Šťastnú cestu!
I like to travel.
Rád cestujem.
We traveled around Europe.
Cestovali sme po Európe.
Cross the street.
Prejdite cez ulicu.
via the Internet
cez internet
Over my dead body.
Len cez moj mŕtvolu.
We are almost there.
Sme skoro v cieli.
I hurt her feelings.
Ranil som jej city.
(Go) easy!
S citom!
Can you smell it?
Cítiš to?
I can feel it too.
Cítim to isté.
How do you feel?
Ako sa cítiš?
I am feeling better now.
Už sa cítim lepšie.
I study foreign languages.
Učím sa cudzie jazyky.
He returned from abroad.
Vrátil sa z cudziny.
You should get more exercise.
Mal by si viac cvičiť.
I’m out of practice.
Vyšiel som z cviku.
What/Who are you waiting for?
Na čo/koho čakáte?
What did you expect?
A čo si čakal?
That was to be expected.
To sa dalo čakať.
What do you have on tap?
Čo tu čapujete?
I’ll have a draft beer.
Dám si čapované pivo.
by now
v tomto čase
once in a while
raz za čas
I have no time.
Nemam čas.
working hours
pracovný čas
for ever (and ever)
na večné čas
How time flies!
Ako ten čas letí!
You’ll get used it.
Časom si zvykne.
The book has three parts.
Knihu má tri časti.
How often do you go there?
Ako často tam chodíš?
She often talks about them.
Často o nich hovorí.
They have to face danger.
Musia čeliť nebezpečenstvu.
I would be honored.
Bolo by my cťou.
To be or not to be?
Byť, či nebyť?
Ask him whether he will come.
Spýtaj sa ho, či príde.
Len či!
as the crow flies
vzdušnou čiarou
Today is a horrible day.
Mám dnes čierny deň.
The coast is clear.
Vzduch je čistý.
What are you reading?
Čo čitaš?
Have you read it?
Už si to čítal?
He’s an interesting person.
Je to zaujímavý človek.
Who is he?
Čo je to za človeka?
How many people are coming?
Koľko ľudí príde?
One never knows.
Človek nikdy nevie.
I have no idea.
Čo ja viem?
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Niet sa čoho báť.
I have nothing to say.
Nemám čo povedať.