phrases--0251-0500 Flashcards
He sleeps like a log.
Spí ako drevo.
On the next day…
Na druhý deň…
Like every other…
Ako každý druhý…
Don’t do it again!
Druhýkrát to už nerob!
Hold on to it (firmly).
Drž(te) to pevne.
Shut up!
Drž hubu!
I keep my fingers crossed for you!
Držím ti/vám palce.
I’m holding a place for you.
Držím ti miesto.
stick together
držte sa pohromade
I hope so/not.
Dúfam že áno/nie.
Step on it (the gas)!
Dupni na to!
Close the door behind you.
Zatvor(te) za sebou dvere.
He left the door open.
Nechal dvere dokorán.
Get up!
Dvíhaj sa! Postav sa!
Not yet!
Ešte nie!
You can still go back.
Ešte sa môžeš vrátiť.
(One) more!
Ešte (jeden)!
Once again/more.
Ešte raz.
Have some more.
Vezmi si ešte.
That’s a fact.
To je fakt.
No shit!
It was a false alarm.
Bol to falošný poplach.
What color is it?
Akú to má farbu?
What’s your favorite color?
Aká je tvoja obľubená farba?
Have already seen the film?
Už si videl ten film?
How did you like the movie?
Ako sa ti páčil ten film?
I am out of shape.
Nemám formu.
It’s windy here.
Fúka tu.
How does it work?
Ako to funguje?
The elevator is out of order.
Výťah nefunguje.
It’s working now.
Už to funguje.
What’s the catch?
Aký je v tom háčik?
Will you come? … I’m guessing (yes).
Prídeš? … Hádam (áno).
I’m guessing we might…
Hádam by sme mohli…
(Perhaps) this is a bad dream! (I can’t believe this!)
To je hádam zlý sen!
I’m guessing you don’t think that…
Snáď/Hádam si len nemyslíš že…
Try to guess.
Skús hádať.
Guess who came.
Hádaj, kto prišiel.
Let me guess.
Nechaj ma hádať.
Let’s not argue (about it).
Nehádajme sa (o tom).
They keep arguing/fighting.
Stále sa hádajú.
Don’t throw it (at him).
Nehádž to (po ňom)!
You embarass me.
Robiš mi hanbu.
That’s embarassing!
To je hanba!
Shame on you!
Hanbi sa!
I feel ashamed.
Hanbím sa.
Okay. All right.
Tak hej.
I’m starving. I’m dying of hunger.
Umieram od hladu.
What/Who are you looking for?
Čo/Koho hľadáš?
Did you look everywhere?
Hľadali ste všade?
Everything went smoothly.
Všetko išlo hladko.
I’m starting to get hungry.
Začínam byť hladný.
Are you hungry? Absolutely!
Si hladný? A ako!
I’ll have to raise my voice.
Budem musieť zvýšiť hlas.
I have a headache.
Bolí ma hlava.
Think it over.
Nechaj si to prejsť hlavou.
Get it out of your head.
Pusť to z hlavy.
Use your head/brain!
Mysli hlavou!
Mainly Germans come here.
Chodia sem hlavne Nemci.
That makes my blood boil.
Z toho mi vrie v žilách krv.
Most important is that…
Hlavné je…
You must go through the main door.
Musíte ísť hlavným vchodom.
main road
hlavná cesta
I felt stupid.
Pripadal som si hlúpo.
I made a stupid mistake.
Urobil som hlúpu chybu.
Don’t be silly!
Nebuď hlúpy!
Don’t do anything stupid.
Neurob nejakú hlúposť.
right next door
hneď vedľa
I’ll be right back.
Hneď prídem.
I got angry/mad.
Pochytil ma hnev.
Although I know you don’t need it…
Hoci viem, že to nepotrebuješ…
What time is it?
Koľko je hodín?
It’s ten a.m./p.m.
Je desať hodín dopoludnia/večer.
I’ve been waiting here for three hours already.
Čakám tu už tri hodiny.
They are open 24 hours a day.
Majú otvorené 24 hodín denne.
an hour and a half
hodina a pol
in half/quarter an hour
o/za pol/štvrť hodiny
Let’s toss a coin.
Hoďme si korunu.
I’ll (just) throw my jacket on.
Len na seba hodím sako.
Toss it over here.
Hoď to sem.
I’ll give you a lift.
Hodím ťa tam autom.
Can you give me a lift to the station?
Hodíte ma na stanicu?
It suits me fine.
To sa mí hodí.
It’s not appropriate.
To sa nehodí.
up there/here
tam/tu hore
He is upstairs in the bathroom.
Je hore v kúpeľni.
Come upstairs.
Poď(te) hore.
Are you awake?
Už si hore?
I was awake all night.
Bol som hore celú noc.
If you look up…
Keď sa pozriete hore…
Hands up!
Ruky hore!
The older, the worse.
Čím starší, tým horší.
It can’t be/get any worse.
Horšie to už ani nemože byť.
I’ve (already) seen worse.
Už som videl horšie.
I’m hot.
Je mi horúco.
It’s hot in here.
Je tu horúco.
We have a guest.
Máme hosťa.
Lunch is ready.
Obed je hotový.
I am finished.
Som hotový.
What are you talking about?
O čom to hovoríš?
Is he telling the truth?
Hovorí pravdu?
Are you talking to me?
Hovoríte so mnou?
Speak for yourself.
Hovor(te) sám za seba.
It’s just a game.
Je to len hra.
We’ll soon reach the border.
Čoskoro budeme na hranici.
Stop playing dumb/stupid!
Prestaň sa hrať na hlupáka!
She is (still) in danger.
Stalé jej hrozí nebezpečenstvo.
It hurts like hell.
Hrozne to bolí.
That’s a dirty lie!
To je hrubá lož!
Does the dog bite?
Hryzie ten pes?
krvácanie z nosa
Hýb sa!
Understand? Get it?
Chápeš (to)?
I understand now.
Uź chápem.
I don’t get it.
You misunderstand me.
Zle ma chápete.
What do you want from me?
Čo odo mňa chcete?
I would like (to)…
Chcel by som…
As you like.
Ako chceš.
I wanted to ask if…
Chcel som sa spýtať či…
I don’t feel like…
Nechce sa mi…
Who is that guy?
Čo je to za chlapa?
Don’t go there alone.
Nechoď(te) tam sám.
He is always late/on time.
Vždy chodí neskoro/včas.
Do you come here often?
Chodíš sem často?
We must save/preserve nature.
Musíme chrániť prírodu.
Let God protect you! Don’t you dare!
Nech ťa boh chráni!
I’ll get you a piggyback ride.
Vezmem ťa na chrbát.
They did it behind our back.
Urobili nám to za chrbtom.
stab in the back
nôž do chrbta
How does it taste?
Akú to má chuť?
It has a sour/sweet taste.
Má to kyslú/sladkú chuť.
It’s flavorless.
Je to bez chuti.
Do you like the beer?
Chuti tí to pivo?
I don’t like (the taste of) this.
Toto mi nechuti.
Did you enjoy the meal?
Chutilo vám?
Come here for a moment.
Poď sem na chviľu.
He was here a moment ago.
Bol tu pred chviľou.
I’ll be there in a moment.
Budem tam o/za chviľu.
Wait a second!
Počkaj chvíľku!
at this moment/point
v tejto chvili
You have a bloody shirt.
Máš tričko od krvi.
Whose fault/mistake is it?
Čia je to chyba?
No one is without faults.
Nikto nie je bez chyby.
I miss you.
Chýbaš mi.
Something is missing here.
Niečo tu chýba.
Who is missing?
Kto chýba?
I am (still) missing one more…
Chýba mi ešte jeden…
She’s even worse than me.
Ona je ešte horšia než ja!
Hold on to something.
Chyťte sa (niečoho).
I must catch the seven o’clock train.
Musím chytiť vlak o siedmej.
Only a fool would do that.
Iba blázon by to urobil.
Only if…
Ibaže by…
I won’t do it unless he asks me to.
Neurobím to, ibaže by ma požiadal.
Their children listen (to them).
Ich deti poslúchajú.
It’s their business.
To je ich vec.
Those aren’t theirs.
Tie nie sú ich.
In their place I would…
Ja na ich mieste by som…
There is no other way.
Inak to nejde.
Try that a different way.
Skús to inak.
It’s different than you think.
Je to inak než si myslíte.
He is otherwise a fair man.
Inak je to slušný človek.
Alternatively it is possible to visit…
Ináč je možné naštíviť…
They treat them differently than….
Správajú sa k nim ináč ako…
Give it to me, or else…
Daj mí to, inak…
Where else?
Kde inde? Kam inam?
We’ll go elsewhere.
Pôjdeme inam.
nowhere else
nikde inde
Come some other time.
Príď(te) niekedy inokedy.
We will do it as usual.
Urobíme to ako inokedy.
something else
niečo iné
someone else
niekto iný
among other things
okrem iného
among others
medzi inými
He was different from…
Bol iný než…
That’s (yet) something else!
To je už niečo iné!
Try something else.
Skús nejaký iný.
Do you have any others?
Máš ešte nejaký iný?
Where are you going?
Kam ideš?
We’re going!
Come with me.
Poď(te) so mnou.
Go get him/it.
Choď po neho/to.
Go (still) straight.
Choďte stále rovno.
Let’s go for a beer.
Poďme na pivo.
He went away.
Išiel preč.
It’s getting on my nerves.
Ide/Lezie mi to na nervy.
We’ll take a taxi.
Pôjdeme taxíkom.
Does this bus go to…?
Ide tento autobus do…?
I’ll drive (there).
Pôjdem autom.
He ran a red light.
Išiel na červenú.
She was doing at least 100.
Išla aspoň stovkou.
I am almost 40.
Mam skoro čtyridsať.
Would that work/go?
Išlo by to?
How is it going?
Ako to ide?
It went quite well.
Išlo to celkom dobre.
There is no power.
Nejde prúd.
As for me…
Pokiaľ ide o mňa…
What is it (about)?
O čo ide?
Just to be sure.
Len pre istotu.
We know for sure that…
S istotou vieme že…
They play it safe.
Hrajú to na istotu.
Is that certain?
Je to isté?
the same
ten istý
One thing is for certain…
Jedna vec je istá…
Certain people think that.
Istí ľudia si to myslia.
It’s (still) the same thing.
To je stále to isté.
I answered with confidence.
Opovedal som s istotou.
living room
in a hotel room
v hotelovej izbe
Do you have a vacant room?
Máte voľnú izbu?
It/that is me.
To som ja.
And me.
Aj ja.
Give it to me.
Daj mi to.
What does he want from me?
Čo odo mňa chce?
Let’s go to my place.
Poďme ku mne.
Is it clear now?
Už je to jasné?
Now it’s starting to be clear to me.
Už mi to začína byť jasné.
How many languages do you know?
Koľko vieš jazykov?
Watch your mouth.
Dávaj si pozor na jazyk!
It’s one o’clock.
Je jedna hodina.
Not even one was left.
Nezvýšil ani jeden.
I don’t want any.
Nechcem ani jeden.
They looked at each other.
Pozreli sa jeden na druhého.
I don’t care.
Je mi to jedno.
I would have something to eat.
Dal by som si niečo na jedenie.
That’s not for eating.
To nie je na jedenie.
The only one who came…
Jediný kto prišiel…
The only (thing) you can do…
Jediné čo môžeš urobiť…
not a single one
ani jeden jediný
What is your favorite food?
Aké je vaše obľúbené jedlo?
I lost my appetite.
Stratil som chuť do jedla.
Just/Simply do it.
Jednoducho to urob.
It went relatively easily.
Išlo to pomerne jednoducho.
Is it his car?
Je to jeho auto?
That’s his business.
To je jeho vec.
It was her husband.
Bol to jej manžel.
These glasses are hers.
Tie okuliare sú jej.
In her place I would…
Ja (by som) na jej mieste…
I won’t eat.
Nebudem jesť.
I already ate.
Už som jedol.
I try to eat healthily.
Snažím sa jesť zdravo.
Go to the window.
Choď k oknu.
Come to our place.
Príď k nám.
Don’t come close to me!
Nepribližuj sa ku mne!
one to ten
jedna k desiatim
at your service
k vašim službám