phrases--0501-0750 Flashcards
Which way did he go?
Kade išiel?
Where did he put it?
Kam to dal?
Where are you going?
Kam ideš?
Where does this belong?
Kam toto patrí?
He has nowhere to go.
Nemá kam ísť.
It is made of stone.
Je to vyrobené z kameňa.
key issue
kameň úrazu
I coughed all night.
Kašlal som celú noc.
Screw/Forget it.
Kašli na to.
You will ruin your eyes.
Kazíš si oči.
Don’t ruin it.
Nekaz to.
The weather is getting worse.
Počasie sa kazí.
Meat goes bad quickly.
Mäso sa rýchlo kazí.
each of us/you
každý z nás/vás
every other day
každý druhý deň
just in case
pre každý prípad
That applies to all.
To platí pre každého.
Everyone knows that.
To vie každý.
Where’s the problem?
Kde je problém?
Leave it where it is.
Nechaj to kde to je.
He could be anywhere.
Môže byť hocikde/kdekoľvek.
even if…
aj keby…
not even if…
ani keby…
If that were true…
Keby to bolo pravda…
If I had known that…
Keby som to bol vedel…
always when
vždy keď
even when
aj keď
When will we meet?
Kedy sa stretneme?
When did it happen?
Kedy sa to stalo?
whenever possible
kedykoľvek sa dá
That was long ago.
To bolo/bývalo kedysi.
He was once famous.
Kedysi bol slávny.
Since I didn’t need it…
Keďže som to nepotreboval…
if only
If only he were here.
Keby/Kiežby bol tu.
Don’t lie to me!
Neklam ma!
Have I ever lied to you?
Klamal som ti hádam niekedy?
Numbers don’t lie.
Čísla neklamú.
We put quality first.
Kvalitu kladieme na prvé miesto.*
I have something with my knee.
Mám niečo s kolenom.
on (one’s) knees
na kolenách
I have a flat rear tire.
Mám defekt na zadnom kolese.
How much does it cost?
Koľko to stoji?
How much money do you have?
Koľko máš peňazí?
How many of you are there?
Koľko vás je?
What time is it?
Koľko je hodín?
From what time?
Od koľkej?
How much do you weigh?
Koľko vážiš?
You can take as much as you like.
Môžeš si vziať koľko chceš.
How many times must I repeat it?
Koľkokrát to musím opakovať?
How many times a day should I take it?
Koľkokrát denne to mám brať?
What is the date today?
Koľkého je dnes?
How many beers have you had?
Koľké pivo už piješ?
In the last lap of the race…
V poslednom kole pretekov…
He acted irresponsibly.
Konal nezodpovedne.
We must act quickly.
Musíme konať okamžite.
You acted correctly.
Konali ste správne.
I am finishing.
Už končím.
It is finishing.
Už to končí.
The summer is slowly ending.
Leto pomaly končí.
No konečne!
It’s the end.
(To) je koniec.
I was third from the end.
Bol som tretí od konca.
by the end of the year
do konca roka
till the every end
do úplného konca
on the other end
na druhom konci
end of the week
koncom týždňa
after all
koniec koncov
Don’t kick him/that.
Nekop do neho/toho.
I am going to kick his butt!
Ja ho kopnem do zadku!
He is digging his own grave.
Kope si vlastný hrob.
I got it for a few crowns.
Dostal som to za pár korún.
I wouldn’t want to be in your skin.
Nechcel by som byť v tvojej koži.
I caught him stealing my money.
Pristihol som ho ako mi kradne peniaze.
They steal our ideas.
Kradnú nám nápady.
on the very edge of…
na úplnom kraji…
It’s just on the edge of town.
Je to hneď na kraji mesta.
different country, different customs
iný kraj, iný mrav
short hair
krátke vlasy
We’ll take a short break.
Urobíme si krátku prestávku.
for a short visit
na krátku návštevu
Life is too short for…
Život je príliš krátky na to aby…
shortly after (that)
krátko potom
A lie has short legs.
Lož má krátke nohy.
You have a short memory!
Máš krátku pamäť!
Don’t shout!
Stop yelling at me!
Prestaň na mňa kričať!
He screamed with pain.
Kričal od bolesti.
She cried for help.
Kričala o pomoc.
Button (yourself) up (to the neck).
Zapni sa až ku krku.
She threw herself around my neck.
Padla mi okolo krku.
I’m fed up (to the neck).
Mám toho (až) po krk.
Take two steps.
Urob dva kroky.
They followed/watched my every step.
Sledovali ma na každom kroku.
It’s a step into the unknown.
Je to krok do neznáma.
It’s a few steps from here.
Je to odtiaľto pár krokov.
Your nose is bleeding.
Tečie ti krv z nosa.
Who else?
Kto iný?
Who did you give it (to)?
Komu si to dal?
Who are you talking about?
O kom (to) hovoríš?
Who did you get it from?
Od koho to máš?
Who are you going with?
S kým (to) ideš?
Who do you work for?
Pre koho (to) pracuješ?
Which (one) do you want?
Ktorý chceš?
Which color do you want?
Ktorú farbu chcete?
Which one of them is yours?
Ktorý z nich je tvoj?
In which year?
V ktorom roku?
The first man which…
Prvý muž ktorý…
I bought you something.
Niečo som ti kúpil.
Can one by it on the internet?
Dá sa to kúpiť cez internet?
It broke into pieces.
Rozbilo sa to na kusy.
Write it on a piece of paper.
Napíš to na kus papiera.
The price per piece is…
Cena za kus je…
He did a lot/chunk of work.
Urobil kus práce.
It is quite a way from here.
Je to odtiaľto pekný kus cesty.
It is a little further.
Je to o kúsok ďalej.
Want a piece of cake?
Nechceš kúsok koláča?
in one piece (of time)
v jednom kuse
He did it because of her.
Urobil to kvôli nej.
Don’t leave because of me.
Kvôli mne neodchádzaj(te).
just for your sake
len kvôli tebe/vám
As long as it rains…
Kým bude pršať…
Before you leave…
Kým odideš…
I’ll wait until you come.
Počkám kým neprídeš.
As long as I am here…
Kým/Zakial/Dokial tu budem ja…
While I was sleeping…
Kým som spal…
Wait until I come.
Počkaj kým prídem.
It was amusingly cheap.
Bolo to smiešne lacné.
I bought the cheapest (one).
Kúpil som ten najlacnejší.
I’ll have water with ice.
Dám si vodu s ľadom.
Hopefully that will break the ice.
Hádam/Snaď to prelomí ľady.
Your treading on thin ice.
‘Pohybuješ sa po’/’Si na’ tenkom ľade.
We had a light lunch.
Dali sme si ľahký obed.
S/he is a light sleeper.
Má ľahký spánok.
The easiest of all was…
Najľahšie zo všetkého bolo…
light as a feather
ľahké ako pierko
That’s easy for you to say.
To sa ti ľahko povie.
This glass breaks easily.
Toto sklo sa ľahko láme.
They are racking their brains over…
Lámu si hlavu s…
I did it out of love.
Urobil som to z lásky.
Unlucky at cards, lucky in love.
Nešťastie v hre, šťastie v láske.
He has two left hands.
Má obe ruky ľavé.
…or it will be bad!
…lebo bude zle!
…or you’ll see!
…lebo uvidíš!
I can hardly walk.
Ledva idem/kráčam.
We barely made it.
Ledva sme to zvládli/stihli.
waiting time
čakacia lehota
only if
len ak
Only she came.
Prišla len ona.
I got just one book.
Dostal som len jednu knihu.
I need just a little time.
Potrebujem len trochu času.
Just go there.
Len tam choď.
Stay cool!
Len pokojne!
if only
keby len (kiežby); len aby
as soon as…
len čo…
only just
…except that we can’t afford it.
…lenže si to nemôžeme dovoliť.
He’s much better than…
Je oveľa lepší než…
my better self
moje lepšie ja
much better
oveľa lepšie
better and better
čím ďalej, tým lepšie
Even better!
Tým lepšie!
the sooner, the better
čím skôr, tým lepšie
When do you fly/take off?
Kedy ti to leti?
How time flies!
Ten čas tak letí!
I must run/fly.
Musím už letieť.
It is summer(time).
Je leto.
Where do you go in the summer?
Kam chodíte v lete?
I will be there all summer.
Budem tam celé leto.
You should lie down.
Mal by si ležať.
I’ll go lie down.
Pôjdem si ľahnúť.
I’m going to lie down for a bit.
Na chvíľku si ľahnem.
(Lie) down!
It lies on my heart.
Leží mi to na srdci.
She had red cheeks.
Mala červené líca.
Tears ran down his cheeks.
Po lícach mu tiekli slzy.
It’s getting to his head.
Už mu to lezie na mozog.
thank you letter
ďakovný list
Do you (still) have a warrenty card?
Máš (ešte) záručný list?
I am sorry about that.
Je mi to lúto.
I felt sorry for him.
Bolo mi ho lúto.
Stop or you’ll be sorry.
Prestaň lebo budeš ľutovať.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Prestaň sa ľutovať.
too little
príliš málo
Only a few people know…
Len málo ľudí vie…
We have (too) little money.
Máme málo peňazí.
It is still too little.
Stále je to málo.
It’s in vain.
Je to márne.
I tried in vain to…
Márne som sa snažil…
He had on…
Mal na sebe…
I’ve got it (already).
(Už) to mám.
I’ve had enough.
Mám toho dosť/plné zuby.
You are welcome.
Nemáš za čo.
What are you up to?
Čo máš za lubom?
What is that supposed to be?
Čo to má byť?
How are you? I’m fine.
Ako sa máš? Mám sa dobre.
What’s the difference between…
Aký je rozdiel medzi…
You’re among friends.
Si medzi priateľmi.
He stood in the doorway.
Stál medzi dvermi.
He belongs to the best…
Patrí medzi najlepších…
Something in between.
Niečo medzi tým.
one on one
medzi štyrmi očami.
fewer and fewer
čím dalej, tým menej
much less
oveľa menej
more or less
no less than
o nič menej ako
That changes things.
Tak to mení situáciu.
I wouldn’t trade (places) with him.
Nemenil by som s ním.
Times are changing.
Časy sa menia.
I don’t know him by name.
Nepoznám ho podľa mena.
Ask him for his name.
Spýtaj sa ho na meno.
In the name off..
V mene….
first/last name
‘krstné meno’/priezvisko
He didn’t name anyone.
Nikoho nemenoval.
How long is it?
Koľko to meria?
How tall are you?
Koľko meriate?
Father is two meters tall.
Otec meria dva metre.
It’s one meter wide.
Na šírku to meria meter.
Did you take your temperature?
Meral si si teplotu?
I’ll time you.
Budem ti merať čas.
It’s a full moon.
Mesiac je v splne.
It’ll be done (with)in a month.
Do mesiaca to bude hotové.
once/twice a month
raz/dvakrát za mesiac
What do you intend to do?
Čo mieniš robiť?
It was meant well.
Bolo to mienené dobre.
In my opinion…
Podľa mojej mienky…
I’m of the opinion that…
Som tej mienky že…
We are of the same opinion.
Sme rovnakej/’tej istej’ mienky.
to the degree that
do takej miery že
to a large degree
do veľkej/značnej miery
with moderation
s mierou
Where are you headed (with that)?
Kam tým mieriš?
The train is headed to…
Vlak mieri do…
Is this seat/place free?
Je toto miesto voľné?
You took my seat.
Obsadili ste mi miesto.
This seat might be taken.
Toto miesto je asi obsadené.
Here we are.
Sme na mieste.
Everything is in its place.
Všetko je na svojom mieste.
We need more space.
Potrebujeme viac miesta.
There’s not enough space (here).
Nie je (tu) dosť miesta.
on the space
na mieste
He went there instead of me.
Išiel tam miesto mňa.
He came at eight instead of at seven.
Miesto o siedmej prišiel o ôsmej.
Stir until the sauce thickens.
Miešajte pokým omáčka nezhustne.
Do you know how to shuffle cards?
Vieš miešať karty?
Don’t mix me into this.
Mňa do toho nemiešajte.
Stay out of this!
Do toho sa nemiešaj!
He loves pizza.
Miluje pizzu.
I simply/just love this!
Toto jednoducho milujem!
to make love
milovať sa