photosynthesis and respiration Flashcards
scientists studied the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by grape leaves.
Grape leaves have stomata on the lower surface but no stomata on the upper surface
the scientist recorded the carbon dioxide uptake by the leaves with three different treatments
suggest the purpose of each of three-leaf treatments
treatment 1: to allow CO2 uptake as normal/ it means that the stomata are open
treatment 2: to stop CO2 uptake through the stomata
treatment 3: to make sure the sealing grease is effective/ to stop all CO2 uptake
the stomata close when the light is turned off
Explain the advantage of this to the plant
when the stomata are open, water is lossed when it closes water loss via the stomata stops
treatment 2 shows that even when the lower surface of the leaf is sealed there is still some uptake of carbon dioxide
suggest how this uptake of CO2continues
CO2 diffuses into the plant via the upper surface through the CUTICLES
in both treatment 1 and treatment 2, the uptake of CO2 falls to zero when the light is turned off
when the lights are turned off there is no longer a need for CO2 as photosynthesis can not occur so the stomata closes
This means a diffusion gradient into the leaf is no longer maintained for CO2
what measurements should the student have taken to determine the rate of photosynthesis
the concentration of O2 AND time
suggests and explain why the rate of photosynthesis was low between 525 and 575nm wavelengths of light
light in this wavelength is green light and green light is reflected not absorbed
explain why the scientists measured the rate of production of oxygen in this investigation
O2 is produced in the light-dependent reaction via photolysis
it follows that the faster o2 is produced the faster the light dependant reaction is
the scientists suggested that mutant plants producing more chlorophyll b would grow faster than normal plants in all light intensities
Explain how these data support this suggestion
- have a faster production of ATP and NADP from the light dependant stage
- so they have a faster light-independent reaction
- so more sugars e.g. glucose is produced that can be used in respiration
- so more energy is available for growth
give two factors that could be limiting the rate of photosynthesis in the sun plant between points A and B on the figure
temperature and CO2
use the information in the figure to explain how the shade plant is better adapted to growing at low light intensities
the lower rate of respiration
and so more glucose is available for growth
describe how acetyl-coenzyme A is formed from pyruvate
pyruvate is oxidised to form acetate to form hydrogen and carbon dioxide
acetate then binds with coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A
explain why converting pyruvate to lactate allows the continual production of ATP during anaerobic repsiration
pyruvate to lactate accepts the hydrogen from reduced NAD and is reduced itselt
This allows NAD to be reformed and so glycolysis can continue
for the first 10 minutes, the tap attached to tube A was left open and the syringe form tube B was removed
suggest three reasons why the apparatus was left for 10 minutes
- to allow the seeds to equilibrate to the new environment
- to allow the apparatus to stabilise to the change in pressure/ pressure changes
- to allow the respiration rate of seed to stabilise
during the experiment, the coloured liquid in the tubing moved towards tube B
Explain why
o2 is taken up
CO2 given out is absorbed by the KIG
so pressure falls in B
what do you do when the question metions O2
O2 acts as the terminal electron acceptor and bind with electrons and protons to form water
use your knowledge of photosynthesis and respiration to describe and explain how the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air changes
- over a period of 24 hours
- at different heights above ground
- high concentration of CO2 at night time is linked to the plants respiring in darkness
- no photosynthesis in the dark only in the light
- light, the rate of photosynthesis is greater than the rate of respiration so CO2 concentrations decrease
- CO2 decreases with hight (due to plants at ground level having less photosynthetic tissue)
iron deficiency results in a decrease in the uptake of carbon dioxide
Explain why
- less triose phosphate converted to RUBP
- so CO2 is not needed to combine with RUBP/less triose phosphate so less RUBP
explain why it is important to keep conditions the same
so any differences are due to (insert independent variable)
what is important to remember when answering a question that asks why the rate of CO2 uptake decreases
less Gp is converted to triose phosphate
so less triose phosphate is converted to ribulose biphosphate therefore CO2 is needed to combine with RUBP
Plants produce ATP in their chloroplasts during photosynthesis
They also produce ATP during respiration
Explain why it is important for plants to produce ATP during respiration in addition to during photosynthesis
- When it is dark e.g. nighttime, no ATP is being produced as photosynthesis does not occur
- some plant tissue is unable to photosynthesis and produce ATRP
- plants use more ATP than produced in photosynthesis
- for active transport
- and for synthesis of organic substances such as glucose
describe the light dependent reaction
Ampk inhibits the production of acetyl coenzyme A to Malonyl-CoA
therefore more fatty acid is moved to the mitochondira
so fatty acids can be used in oxidation to produce ATP
the scientists then compared the length of time that the control mice and the trained mice could carry out prolonged exercise
The trained mice were able to exercise for a longer time period than the control mice
- (More aerobic respiration) produces more ATP;
- Anaerobic respiration delayed;
- Less or no lactate;