Phonetics Flashcards
3 stages of production of speech sound
1) initiation: airstream created
2) phonation: as modified by vocal cords
3) articulation: as modified again along vocal tract
Initiation of airstream
Egressive or ingressive
3 different location of production
Location of initiation of airstream
Lung: pulmonic as
Velum: velaric as
Glottis: glottalic as
Phonation of airstream
Airstream go through glottis (between vocal folds in larynx)
State of glottis
State of glottis
Open: voiceless consonant
Closed: voiced consonants
Articulation of airstream
Active and passive articulators modify airstream
Active articulators
Lips Tip Blade Front Back Root of the tongue
Labelling sounds
- voicing
- place of articulations (location of passive articulators)
- manner of articulation (degree of obstruction)
Place of articulation
Passive articulators
Lips, teeth, alveolar ridge, hard palate, velum, uvula, epiglottis, glottis
PA: labial
Upper touches lower lip
PA: labio-dental
Lips touch up incisors
PA: dental
tongue touches teeth
PA: alveolar
Blade of tongue touches ridge
PA: post-alveolar
Blade touches spot behind ridge
PA: palatal
Front of tongue touches hard palate
PA: velar
Back of tongue raised to velum
PA: glottis
The glottis duh
Manner of articulation
Proximity of active and passive articulators vary
- stop
- fricative
- affricate
- approximant
MA: stop
Or plosive
Air in tight seal (stop) is released forcefully (plosive)
MA: fricative
Air is turbulent and not stopped completely
Hiss heard
MA: affricate
Air stopped and released gradually
MA: approximant
Vocal tracts narrow, no hiss
MA: nasal
Velum relaxed, airstream in nasal cavity
MA: central
Majority of consonants have airstream going in the centre of the tongue
MA: lateral
airstream on side of tongue
Vowel production
Produced in oral cavity by lips, tongue, lower jaw
Vowel parameters
Tongue height (H M L) Tongue backness (F C B) Lip attitude (rounded/ unrounded)
Vowel quality
Monophtong/ diphtong
Vowels which do not change when articulated
Vowels which change when articulated
Vowel quantity
Duration of vowel
Marked with “:”