Philospohical and physchological questions behind fear Flashcards
If you relish the idea or thought of something, you feel pleasure that it is going to happen.
She’s ______ the prospect of studying in Bologna for six months.
Definition: to make a decision formally or with determination
e.g. She _____ that she would never speak to him again.
e.g. After hours of argument, they _____ against taking legal action.
Synonym of social problem
social ill
Definition: to try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system
The rebel army is attempting to ______ the government.
Definition: a feeling of strong dislike, opposition, or anger
e.g. Kelly’s ________ towards spiders was so strong that even the sight of a Halloween spider toy would make her sick.
e.g. Declarations of r_____ a_______against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.
racial/ tribal antipathy
to disagree with something that someone says
e.g. Few would ________ his status as the finest artist of the period.
e.g. It is vigorously _______ that a leader should rule a country by terror and fear.
Definition: (formal) make somebody think seriously about something or hesitate before doing somethign.
e.g. The height of the bungee jumping platform gave Jason p_____ for t______ on whether he wanted to challenge himself
give sb pause for thought
Definition: a hormone produced by the body, for example when you are frightened, angry, or excited, that makes the heart beat faster and prepares the body to react to danger
e.g. These arguments always get my a______ going (= make me excited or angry)
e.g. Human central nervous system craves stimulation, which it can get rither from within by the provocation of ________ and other endogenous substances.
get my adrenalin going/ ad/re/na/lin
Definition: found or coming from within something, for example a system or a person’s body or mind
(*i.e. medical term)
e.g. E_______ insulin levels decrease over time in people with type 2 diabetes.
Definition: to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible
e.g. It was the first chocolate he’d tasted for over a year, so he s______ every mouthful.
Savour (v.)
Definition: pleasure and interest
e.g. having lost sensitivity to delicate naturally occuring ______
Savour (n.)
(delicate is only an adjective)
Definition: a substance, such as salt, that you add to food to improve its taste
Definition 1: inferior or unimpressive.
e.g. The lover’s touch, the hinted melody, the fascination of ideas, to some seems too p____ a source of stimulation
(synonym: poor, weak, inferior)
Definition 2: used to describe a person’s face or skin if it has less colour than usual, for example when the person is or ill or frightened, or if it has less colour than people generally have
e.g. She has a naturally p_____ complexion and dark hair.
pale (looking pale)
Definition 3: A pale light or colour is not bright or strong.
e.g. She wore a ____ blue hat.
pale (used to describe clothing/ sunlight)
An Indian curry dish, the hottest curry with a fierce taste
(can be used as a metaphor)
e.g For them the _______ of a horror film is the remedy. (a form of stimulation)
Definition: a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty:
e.g. For them, the most effectively herbal r_____ for cancer is surgical operation.
Definition: a way of solving a problem or ordering someone to make a payment for harm or damage they have caused, using a decision made in a law court:
(*legal term)
e.g. We have exhausted all possible legal _____ for this injustice.
Definition: (especially of an animal) unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot.
e.g. Peter went l_____ during his first expedition to Mount Everest
Definition: similar to determination
e.g. It subverts confidence, ccreating obstacles, lames ________.
Definition: belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc.
e.g. Fear gives rise to ________and religions
e.g. I don’t believe in the old ________ that the number 4 is unlucky.
Definition: a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities
e.g. the Masai _____
Definition: a large family or other group that someone belongs to
e.g. We invited Carol’s sisters and brothers and their families - the whole Cassidy ________
tribe (adjective form: tribal)
Definition: the quality of being stiff, fixed, or impossible to bend
e.g. Cables lack the _____of wires.