Multitasking in Urban Myth Flashcards
Necessary or needed for a particular purpose
Skillful labours are considered as a r________ to increase enterprises’ productivity
Requisite/ essential
Not skilled at achieving, or not able to produce, good results
The 3-month lockdown was i_______ in curtailing the spread of disease
Uneconomic businesses and industries are not making enough profit or are losing money.
Uneconomic processes or activities use more of something than is necessary, causing it to be wasted.
The “Work At Home” policy was an u_________ use of civil servants.
Critics may worry about the d______ effects to society of increasing taxation. However, it transpires that the government’s financial status is in urgent condition.
Nike is well-known for its e______ manner towards complaints.
giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect
having a strong dislike of anything dirty or unpleasant
e.g. People with a f______ character, especially researchers and investment bankers, are likelier to fall victim to anxiety and depression.
having an effect that is opposite to the one intended or wanted
e.g. Incentives to encourage the use of electric cars may be proven c_______ as it limits consumer choice and slows the transition to electric vehicles.
the fact of not giving enough care or attention to someone or something
e.g. Government’s n_________ towards teenagers’ academic pressure has resulted in increasing suicidal rates in the recent years
something that will solve all problems
e.g. Though artificial intelligence is playing a pivotal role in accelerating scientific research. Nevertheless, it is never a p______ for all problems.
the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because it is important
e.g. Their d_______ to defending their nations is praised
not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you
e.g. It seems that people are o______towards the potential risks that global warming brought by.
e.g. Absorbed in her work, she was totally o________ of her surroundings.
Definition 1: causing thought about interesting subjects
Definition 2: causing an angry reaction, usually intentionally
Definition 3: If behavior or clothing is provocative, it is intended to cause sexual desire.
e.g. The expert has thew out a p________ question on whether dementia can be cured by medicines.
e.g. In a p_____ speech by the president of the Democratic Party, he condemns the socialist system in China.
e.g. She slowly leaned forward in a p_____ way.
Definition 1: to throw several objects up into the air, and then catch and throw them up repeatedly so that one or more stays in the air, usually in order to entertain people
Definition 2: to succeed in arranging your life so that you have time to involve yourself in two or more different activities or groups of people
Definition 3:
to change results or information recorded as numbers so that a situation seems to be better than it really is
e.g. It is amazing as he j_____ ten balls simultaneously.
e.g. Many students find it difficult to j____ zoom lessons and mobile games.
e.g. In order to fulfill the sales volume, subordinates have no choice but to j______ the figures,
Definition (verb):
to spoil something
e.g. The inappropriate teaching method has b_____ her chance to take part in the Grade 8 Piano examination.
Definition (noun):
1. a disease that damages and kills plants
2. something that spoils or has a very bad effect on something, often for a long time
e.g. MaZeDong _______on our social progress.
blighted/ cast a blight
Definition: to happen or exist one after the other repeatedly
e.g. She a______ between revision and homework.
She a_______ between cheerfulness and deep despair.
Definition: to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something
e.g. In order to reserve more capital for his business, he has c_____ his holiday spending for 90%
Our freedom has been severely c________, thanks to the establishment of the National Security Law.
Definition 1: If something has happened, this previously secret or unknown fact becomes known.
e.g. It t______ that extraterrestrial species may have a higher level of technological development, though we reckoned our existence is superior and unique.
Definition 1: to become worse
worsen by his/ her own, not triggered by sth.
e.g. His exam score d______ rapidly, as the exam paper is much more difficult.
Definition: to become worse in quality
e.g. Our living standard is d_______ year by year because of the long-lasting natural disaster.
e.g. A wedding was d____ to an argument
Definition 1: to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up
e.g. Teachers have tried their best to e______ stupid questions so as not to slow down the teaching progress.
e.g. The protestors e_____ the use of violence after the establishment of National Security Law, in which the act of treason may subject to more than ten years of imprisonment
Definition 1: to call someone in order to attract their attention
e.g. I try my best to h____ him from the gate of hell.
Definition 2: If it hails, small, hard balls of ice fall from the sky like rain.
Definition 3: a lot of similar things or remarks, thrown or shouted at someone at the same time
e.g. He was greeted with a hail of insults for his exploitation towards women.
(Idiom) Definition: to express feelings or opinions of a particular
e.g. Wilson s_____ a note of anger as he said he perceived German as “beasts”
e.g. She s_______ of worry in her speech as she describes global warming as a “disconcerting phenomenon”
Strike a note of/ struck a note of
(Idiom) Definition: to make an effort to remember something without writing it down
e.g. As her boyfriend, he has ______________ her favorite food and hobbies.
make a mental note of
(x for/at/in/about)
(Idiom) Definition: to behave badly/ break the rules
e.g. You will be fired if you step out of line for one more time
Step out of line