Philosophical Perspective Flashcards
What happened in 600 BCE?
Birth of Philosophy or love for wisdom
What greeks searched for and came up?
Knowledge and answers that are both cognitive and scientific in nature
Study of change led to
idea of permanence
seek natural explanations to events and phenomena around them
Greek Philosophers in Miletus
observed changes in the world and wanted to explain these changes
Greek Philosophers in Miletus
What early philosophers sought to understand?
the nature of human beings, problems of morality and life philosophies
Mentor of Plato
Socrates wanted to discover?
essential nature of knowledge, justice, beauty, and goodness.
Socrates’ thoughts which are in Plato’s writing
The Dialogues
Asking questions and engage the person in a discussion
Socratic Method
Someone should be
Skilled in detecting misconceptions and revealing them by asking right questions.
The goal of the Socratic Method
bring the person closer to the final understanding
“The mission in life is to seek the highest knowledge and convince others who were willing to seek his knowledge with him.”
Socrates’ View of Human Nature
the soul helps a person get in touch with his or her?
True Self
Inner Goodness
forces people to use their innate reason by reaching inside themselves to their deepest nature.
Socratic Method
Aristocles as real name
Established the Academy
Plato’s Metaphysics
Theory of Forms
Refer to what are real
objects that can only be grasped intellectually, not merely by senses.
Characteristics of Forms
- Ageless or Eternal
- Unchanging or Permanent
- Unmoving and indivisible
Plato’s Dualism
The Realm of Shadows
The Realm of Forms
- Composed of changing, sensible things which are lesser entities and therefore imperfect and flawed.
The Realm of Shadows
Composed of eternal things which are permanent and perfect. It is the source of all reality and true knowledge.
The Realm of Forms
Knowledge lies within the person’s soul.
Plato’s View of Human Nature
Human beings as microcosms of the universal macrocosms.
Plato’s View of Human Nature
Component of Soul that is rational and motivation of goodness and truth.
Component of Soul that is non-rational and is the will or the drive toward action
Component of Soul that is irrational and lean towards the desire for the pleasures of the body.
People are blank. Sometimes, however, judgments are made in blank and blank equal to evil.”
Intrinsically good
People see shadows of reality only and they believe as real and as knowledge.
The Allegory of the Cave
Blank are not real, but Blank are the only real
According to Plato, It begins with a feeling of something lacking
Blank is a process of seeking higher stages of being
Concern were God and Relationship with God
Christian Philosphers
According to Christian Philosophers, blank and blank were the ultimate goals of man
Sees man as basically good and becomes evil through ignorance of what is good
Greek Philosophers
Sees man as sinners who reject/go against a loving God’s commands.
Christian Philosophers
Man is capable of knowing the blank, which is God
Eternal Truths
Who is within man and transcends man?
St. Augustine’s View of Human nature
God as the source of reality and truth
The Sinfulness of man
What is the cause of sin or evil?
Act of freewill
Can be achieved through the grace of God
Moral Goodness
when a man loves the wrong things
Disordered love
“For God is love and he created humans for them to also love”
The Role of Love
Love for physical objects leads to
Sin of greed
Love for other people is?
Not lasting
Excessive love for people leads to
Sin of Jealousy
Love for the self leads to
The sin of people
Love for God is?
The supreme virtue
How does man find real happiness?
Only through loving God
Who said that Soul is within the Body and the body needs a soul?
A life-changing event according to Aristotle
Father of Modern Philosophy and one of the Rationalist Philosophers of Europe
Rene Descartes
Two powers of Mind
the ability to apprehend direction of certain truths.
the power to discover what is not known by progressing in an orderly way from what is already known.
According to Rene Descartes’ View of Human nature, a thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills, refuses and also imagines and feels.
The body is like a machine controlled by the will and aided by the mind.
Mind-Body Problem
According to who?knowledge results from ideas produced posteriori or objects that were experienced
John Locke
Objects are experience through senses
The mind looks at the objects that were experienced to discover relationships that may exist between them.
ideas are not innate but rather the mind at birth is a blank slate or neutral called?
Tabula Rosa
According to Locke’s View of Human Nature, it depends on the conformity of a person’s behavior towards some law
Moral Good
According to Locke, what law where praiseworthy actions are virtues and those are not are vices?
Law of Opinion
According to Locke, what law where right actions are enforced by people in authority
Civil law
According to Locke, what law where set by God on the actions of man
Divine Law
He relied on the scientific method, believing that it could analyze human nature and explain the workings of the mind.
David Hume
Two types of perception according to David Hume
Impression and Ideas
Type of perception that immediate sensations of external reality
Type of perception which is defined as recollections of the impressions
Three principles of patterns of thinking
- The principle of resemblance – repetition
- The principle of contiguity – continuation
- The principle of cause and effect – causation
According to David Hume’s View of Human Nature, self is?
a product of imagination
According to David Hume’s View of Human Nature, there is no such thing as blank behind perceptions and feelings that come and go; there is blank self.
personal identity
no permanent/unchanging self
Founder of German Idealism and wrote a critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical reason, and Critique of Judgment.
Immanuel Kant
Mind is not a blank of sense experience but rather blank in knowing the objects it experiences.
passive receiver
actively participates
According to Kant’s View of Human Nature, what is the experience of the self and its unity with objects?
Transcendental Apperception
Who introduced Psychodymanic theory has characteristics of philosophical thought?
Sigmund Freud
Structure of the Mind according to Sigmund Freud that is based on the pleasure principle
Structure of the Mind according to Sigmund Freud that is based on the reality principle
Structure of the Mind according to Sigmund Freud that is dependent on learning the difference between right or wrong
Super Ego
Blank or Life Instinct; the energy is called Blank and urges necessary for survival like thirst, hunger, sex, etc.
Blank or Death Instinct; behavior that is directed towards destruction
Who contradicted Cartesian Dualism?
Gilbert Ryle
According to Ryle, it is a type of knowledge that uses facts in the performance of skills or technical abilities
According to Ryle, it is a type of knowledge that knows facts
Knowing That
Blank is worthless if not used to solve practical problems
Coined the term Neurophilosophy
Patricia Churchland
They sought to guide scientific theorizing with philosophy
Patricia & Paul Churchland
responsible for the identity known as the self
Man’s brain
Aims to explore the relevance of the neuroscientific studies to the philosophy of mind
responsible for thoughts, feelings, and behavior
According to Churchland’s view of human nature, • The self is blank, that it is the tool that helps the person blank to the realities of the brain and the extent reality.
tune in
Philospoher of the body
Maurice Merleau–Ponty
According to Ponty, The world and the sense of self are blank in the ongoing process of man’s becoming.
emergent phenomena
According to Ponty, Blank is a process that includes sensing as well as interpreting/reasoning.