Philosophers Flashcards
when was Socrates alive
469-399 BC
what was Socrates charged for and why
state impiety
- he didn’t believe in the right gods
- he tried to introduce new gods
- said to have been “corrupting the youth”
who recorded socrates ideas
plato, Xenophanes and Aristophanes
Who likened Socrates to Sophists
Who believed Socrates and Sophists were different
Plato and Xenophanes
what were socrates views on the gods
- never fully acknowledges or denies their existence
- respected the gods
what were Socrates decisions based on
he claims his decisions were influenced by a ‘Daimonion’
how is Socrates presented in clouds
he is presented as holding extremely unorthodox views - claims Zeus doesn’t exist and that gods are elemental
what did Socrates say in ‘Euthyphro’
he says that offering sacrifices to the gods will not gain you anything, particularly if you ask for something in return. Instead he proposed that the study of philosophy was a better way to worship the gods.
what does Socrates say in “apology”
he mentions that he believes in the gods
what does socrates say in “phaedo”
he mentions his belief in oracle and divination
what do scholars believe about Socrates
that he believed there was one god more powerful than the others
Why did Socrates annoy Sophists?
He would walk around and spark up discussions, teaching for free which undercut the Sophists.
when was Xenohpanes born
570 BC
who came first, Xenophanes or Socrates?
whats a drawback of information of Xenophanes
we have limited information from fragmentary sources.
what was unique about Xenophanes ideas
he was a natural philosopher who believed everything originated from earth and water
what did Xenophanes think of Homer and Hesiod’s work
He criticised them for portraying the gods as behaving in ways that mortals would e.g. stealing, committing adultery…
what did Xenophanes believe that Socrates also believed
there was one god more powerful than the others
what were Xenophanes views on anthropomorphism
he didn’t believe gods were anthropomorphic
what is a famous quote from Xenophanes about anthropomorphism
“if oxen and horses or lions had hands and could paint with their hands, and produce works of art as men do, horses would paint the forms of gods like horses and oxen like oxen and make bodies in the images of their kind.