Pharynx & Nose Flashcards
What is the Choana?
-the opening to the nasopharynx from the nasal cavity
What is the significance of the pharyngeal recess?
- posterior to the opening to the eustachian tube
- most common site of a pharyngeal fistula
What separates the superior constrictor from the inferior constrictor?
-Stylopharyngeus muscle
All muscles of the pharynx are innervated by ________, except for__________.
- CN X
- Stylopharyngeus muscle
What innervates the stylopharyngeus muscle?
-CN IX (only motor branch)
What muscles open the eustachian tube?
- Tensor Palati
- Levator Palati
What innervates Tensor Palati?
What innervates Levator Palati?
What is the Ring of Waldeyer and what is its significance?
-Straight line of tonsils: pharyngeal, tubal, palatine, and lingual
- If all inflame at ones can cause respiratory problems
- might be a cause for SIDS
What are the boundaries of the Nasopharynx?
-Choana to tip of uvula
What are the boundaries of the Oropharynx?
-inferior edge of uvula to top of epiglottis
What are the boundaries of the laryngopharynx?
-Top of epiglottis to bottom of cricoid cartilage
Where does the esophagus begin?
-The bottom of the cricoid cartilage
What structure surrounds the pharyngeal orifice of the eustachian tube?
Torus Tubarius
What muscle is located under the opening to the eustachian tube?
-Levator Palatini
What muscles elevate the soft palate to shut off the nasopharynx?
- Tensor Palatini
- Levator Palatini
What nerve carries sensory information from the nasopharynx?
What nerve carries sensory information from the uvula?
What nerve carries sensory information from the oropharynx?
What nerve carries sensory information from the Laryngopharynx?
All muscles ending in -glossus are innervated by _______ except for __________.
- Palatoglossus.
All muscles of the palate are innervated by ______ except for _______.
-Tensor Palati