Pharr's Homeric Greek Flashcards
Five main Greek dialects
Homeric, Aeolic, Ionic, Doric, Attic
The composition of the Homeric Dialect
Aeolic plus Ionic with the bulk of the forms being Ionic
ε +ο και ε+ου = _ in Attic and Homeric respectively
ου in Attic and ευ in Homeric
The digamma made what sound and what is its other name?
a “w” sound. and vau
Homeric double σ’s become _ in Attic?
ττ like θάλασσα και πρήσσω become θαλαττα και πραττω. but two sigmas brought together by inflection in Homeric drop down to one sigma in Attic
Homeric ρς becomes _ in Attic
pronouncing gamma nasals γγ γκ γξ γχ
nk like ink
nkh like pink
pronounce αι
ai as in aisle
pronounce ου and ωυ
oo as in moose
pronounce ευ and ηυ
e-oo pronounced together quickly
pronounce αυ
ow as in house
pronounce υι
ui as in suite
pronounce οι
oy as in boy
pronounce ει
ay as in hay
when do you see a diaeresis?
over the second vowel of a diphthong signifying that the two vowels are to be pronounced separately like in προιϊάπτω = pro-i-ap-to
when a diphthong ending in υ is followed by a vowel pronounce a _ between them
w like ευορκος = eu-wor-kos
when a diphthong ending in ι is followed by a vowel pronounce a _ between them
y like αιολος = ai - yo - los
letters 21-24
φ, χ, ψ, ω
letters 17-20
ρ, σ, τ, υ
letters 9-16
ι, κ, λ, μ, ν, ξ, ο, π
sixth, seventh, and eighth letters
ζ, η, θ
first five letters
α, β, γ, δ, ε
the pitches of acute, grave, and circumflex accents:
acute: a higher or rising pitch (φίλη) grave: a lower or falling pitch. circumflex: a rising then falling pitch.
Greek has how many declensions?
3 with additional subgroups
a pattern of Greek suffixes
a declension
This declension, also called the alpha and eta stem declension, consists mostly of words of the feminine gender
the first declension
This declension, or omicron declension, consists mostly of masculine and neuter words
the second declension
This declension consists of nouns of all three genders. Many have stems that end in consonants.
the third declension
the purpose of numovables when found is what?
to make the words easier to pronounce
The Greek vowels are
α, ε, η, ο, ω (pure) and ι, υ, and the digamma (semi-vowels)
A syllable is long by position when…
its vowel is followed by two or more consonants, or by a double consonant. this also applies when those consonants come in the following word.
what is always the quantity of a diphthong?
the horizontal line - , called a macron, over a doubtful vowel means what?
it’s long
the quantity of vowels with a circumflex
always long
quantity of vowels (at least in Homer)
η και ω are always long. ε και ο are always short. α, ι, and υ (the doubtful vowels) are sometimes long and sometimes short
the double consonants
ζ =σδ, ξ=κς, γς, χς, ψ=πς, βς, φς
the spirants/sibiliants
σ και ζ
the liquids
λ και ρ
the nasals
μ (labial), ν (dental), γ-nasal (velar)
Rough/aspirate mutes
φ, θ, χ
middle/medial mutes
β, δ, γ
smooth mutes/tenues
π, τ, κ
Velar/palatal (palate)/κ/guttural (throat) mutes
κ, γ, χ
dental (teeth)/τ/lingual (tongue) mutes
τ, δ, θ
labial (lip)/π mutes
π, β, φ
list all of the mutes/stops
π, β, φ, κ, γ, χ, τ, δ, θ
a rough breathing mark is also called…
an aspiration
in ancient Greek and Latin only the last three syllables can be accented. what are they called?
the ultima is the last syllable of a word, the penult is the next-to-last syllable, and the antepenult is third-from-last syllable.
an accent, usually to be found in verbs, which occurs as early as the rules will allow is called…
a word with the acute on the last syllable is called…
oxytone (sharp-toned)
monosyllables with no accent of their own which closely precede other words are called…
monosyllables that have lost their accents which closely follow other words and are often pronounced with the preceding word as if part of the last syllable of the preceding word…
A Greek word has as many syllables as it has…
vowels and diphthongs
some common double forms:
μία (ἴα), γαῖα (γῆ), λείβω (εἴβω) drip, drop, pour; ἐρί(γ)δουπος loud-roaring, resounding; ξύν (σύν) together, with
metathesis of quantity
when the longness and shortness in back to back vowels trade places.
the falling away of a short final vowel when the next word begins with a vowel or diphthong. an apostrophe marks the omission except in the case of elisions found within compounds
adjacent like-sounding vowels often contract into a common long sound in the following cases…
αα=α; εη=η; ιι=ι; οω=ω; υυ=υ
except εε becomes ει and οο becomes ου
an o sound absorbs an a or an e sound and becomes… long o (ω)
long o (ω), except εο gives ευ, while οε becomes ου.
If an a sound comes together with an e sound,
the one that comes first absorbs the other and becomes long (α,η).
long alpha
long alpha plus short alpha equals
long alpha
short alpha plus long alpha equals
long alpha
long alpha
ᾳ but sometimes long alpha
long alpha
long alpha plus iota=
ε+long alpha=
ῃ but sometimes αι
ῃ but sometimes just η
long iota
long iota
ω but sometimes long alpha
οι rarely ου
οι rarely ῳ
long upsilon
long upsilon
when two successive vowels that do not form a diphthong are pronounced as one syllable for the sake of the meter
when a vowel or diphthong that ends a word is contracted and combined into a single syllable with the vowel that begins the following word (very rare in Homer)
the suppression (falling away) of a short vowel within a word which often happens when two words come together
(or vowel gradation) a change or disappearance of a vowel in very closely related words like sing, sang, song, sung.
vocalic (sonant)
when the liquids (λ, ρ) and μ και ν of the nasals are used as vowels in certain combinations. when this happens they are found with a small circle underneath
compensative (compensatory) lengthening
when the loss of one or more consonants in a word occasions the lengthening of the preceding vowel.
consonantal υ
digamma/vau was basically a more consonantal sounding υ and the two traded places often. upsilon ultimately entirely substituted for it
where did the rough breathing come from?
it is a substitute for a lost sigma. the sigma was often retained in ancient Latin borrowings such as ὑπερ to super.
the only consonants that can stand at the end of a word
ν, ρ, ς. εκ, εξ, ουκ, ουχ seem to be exceptions but are proclitics so they don’t really matter. other consonants are dropped but retained in latin such as with amat and amabat much like how latin retained s’ where rough breathing marks were put in in Greek.
the fusion of a stem and certain elements that express relationship to other words. it comes in the form of declension (nouns, pronouns, adjectives), comparison (adjectives, adverbs) and verbal conjugation.
a root
what’s left after all prefixes, suffixes, and formative elements have been removed. sometimes a root and a stem are identical
a stem
more complex than a root in that it usually has more than one possible form or is an expression of one form among many. it may have suffixes, prefixes, or other formative elements that a root does not have. sometimes identical with a root however
the stem characteristic
the last letter of the stem from which stems are classified as either vowel stems, mute stems, liquid stems, etc.
the three main classifications of stems
vowel, mute, and liquid stems
Rules of thumb for gender
- the names of males are masculine.
- the names of females are feminine.
- names of rivers, winds, and months are usually masculine.
- names of countries, towns, trees, and islands are usually feminine.
- most nouns denoting qualities and conditions are feminine.
some nouns have a common gender so can denote male or female based on context
the three basic personal pronouns and the genders they denote:
ὁ masculine, ἡ feminine, τό neuter
the two noun case endings that are the tell tale signs of its declension are…
the nominative and genitive.
the five main cases in Greek along with the three lost (now sub-) cases
nominative, genitiv, dative, accusative, and vocative. the locative, instrumental, and ablative.
the oblique cases
genitive, dative, accusative, locative, instrumental, and ablative
the two main ways nouns are declined
- the vowel declension for stems ending in the pure vowels, long alpha and short omicron.
- the consonant declension for stems ending in a consonant or the semi-vowels, iota and upsilon
the two declensions stemming from the vowel declension
- the first declension from stems ending in an alpha or long alpha
- the second declension from stems ending in omicron
the consonant declension/third declension stems from stems ending in
a semi-vowel of either iota or upsilon
the only two genders of the first declension
masculine and feminine. the other two declensions have all three
raw case endings of the first declension masculine singular
nom. σ or none
gen. ο (ιο)
dat. ι
acc. ν
voc. none
raw first declension feminine singular case endings
nom. none
gen. ς
dat. ι
acc. ν
voc. none
raw first and second declension masculine and feminine dual case endings
N.A.V. none
G.D. ιιν
raw masculine and feminine third declension dual case endings
N.A.V. ε
G.D. οιιν
Raw second declension male and female singular case endings
nom. ς
gen. ο (ιο)
dat. ι
acc. ν
voc. none
Raw second declension neuter singular case endings
nom. ν
gen. ο (ιο)
dat. ι
acc. ν
voc. ν
Raw masculine and feminine third declension singular case endings
nom. ς (none)
gen. ος
dat. ι
acc. ν, α
voc. ς (none)
raw third declension singular neuter case endings
nom. none
gen. ος
dat. ι
acc. none
voc. none
raw masculine and feminine first and second declension plural case endings
N.V. ι
Gen. ων
Dat. (ι)σι, ις
Acc. νς
Raw second declension neuter plural case endings
N.V. α
Gen. ων
Dat. (ι)σι, ις
Acc. α
Raw third declension masculine and feminine plural case endings
N.V. ες
Gen. ων
Dat. σ(σ)ι,
Acc. νς, ννς
Raw third declension neuter plural case endings
N.V. α
Gen. ων
Dat. σ(σ)ι,
Acc. α
incarnate first declension, masculine, singular endings
N. ης, (α, ας)
G. αο, (εω,ω)
D. ῃ, (ᾳ)
A. ην, (αν)
V. η, α,
incarnate first declension, feminine, singular endings
N. η, α G. ης, ας D. ῃ, (ᾳ) A. ην, αν V. η, α,
incarnate first declension masculine and feminine dual endings
N.A.V. α
G.D. ῃιν
incarnate first declension masculine and feminine plural endings
N.V. αι
G. αων (έων, ῶν)
D. ῃσι, ῃς (sometimes αις with feminine)
A. ας
incarnate second declension singular mas. and fem. endings
N. ος, (ως, ους)
G. οιο, ου, (οο, ωο, ω)
D. ῳ
A. ον, (ων)
V. ε (ος)
incarnate second declension singular neuter endings
N. ον
D. ῳ
A. ον
V. ον
incarnate second declension dual masc., fem, and neuter endings
N.A.V. ω
G.D. οιιν
incarnate second declension plural masculine and feminine endings
N.V. οι, (ῳ)
G. ων
D. οισι, οις
A. ους, (ως)
incarnate second declension plural neuter endings
N.V. α
D. οισι, οις
A. α
incarnate third declension singular masc. and fem. endings
N. ς
G. ος, (ευς, ους, ως)
D. ι, (ι, ῳ)
A. α, ν, (η, ω)
V. (ς)
incarnate third declension singular neuter endings
G. ος, (ευς, ους, ως)
D. ι, ( ι, )
incarnate third declension dual masculine, feminine, and neuter endings
N.A.V. ε
G.D. οιιν
incarnate third declension plural masculine and feminine
N.V. ες, (εις, ους)
G. ων
D. σι, εσσι, (εσι)
A. ς, ας, (ις, υς, ιες)
incarnate third declension plural neuter endings
N.V. α, (η, ω)
G. ων
D. σι, εσσι, (εσι)
A. α, (η)
iota, the dative singular ending for all declensions, always becomes an iota subscript after what kind of letter?
long vowels
the regular forms for the ending of the dative plural in the first two declensions are what?
ῃσι and οισι. occasionally ῃς, οις but almost always when vowels start the next word in which case they should be treated as examples of elision (with an apostrophe at the end)
the genitive plural of all forms ends in what?
the nominative, accusative, and vocative of all _ are alike.
the three cases at a pre-Homeric stage of the Greek language:
the instrumental (means, manner, instrument), the locative (denoting the place where), and the ablative (denoting separation, source, etc.)
what happened to the three lost cases?
the dative fused with the instrumental and locative. the genitive absorbed most of the functions of the ablative
first declension feminine noun (βουλή, ῆς, ἡ) singular
N. βουλή
G. βουλῆς
D. βουλῇ
A. βουλήν
V. βουλή
first declension feminine noun (βουλή, ῆς, ἡ) dual
N.A.V. βουλά
G.D. βουλῇιν
first declension feminine noun (βουλή, ῆς, ἡ) plural
N.V. βουλαί
G. βουλάων (έων, ῶν)
D. βουλῇσι, ῇς
A. βουλάς
first declension feminine noun (θεά, ᾶς, ἡ) singular
N.A.V. θεά
G. θεᾶς
D. θεᾷ
A. θεάν
first declension feminine noun (θάλασσα, ης, ἡ) singular
N.A.V. θάλασσα
G. θαλάσσης
D. θαλάσσῃ
A. θάλασσαν
first declension feminine noun (γαῖα, ης, ἡ) singular
N.A.V. γαῖα
G. γαίης
D. γαίῃ
A. γαῖαν
first declension feminine noun (γαῖα, ης, ἡ) dual
N.A.V. γαία
G.D. γαίῃιν
first declension feminine noun (γαῖα, ης, ἡ) plural
N.V. γαῖαι
G. γαιάων (έων, ῶν)
D. γαίῃσι, ῃς
A. γαίας
first declension feminine noun (θάλασσα, ης, ἡ) dual
N.A.V. θαλάσσα
G.D. θαλάσσῃιν
first declension feminine noun (θάλασσα, ης, ἡ) plural
N.V. θάλασσαι
G. θαλασσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. θαλάσσῃσι, ῃς
A. θαλάσσας
first declension feminine noun (θεά, ᾶς, ἡ) dual
N.A.V. θεά
G.D. θεῇιν
first declension feminine noun (θεά, ᾶς, ἡ) plural
N.V. θεαί
G. θεάων (ῶν)
D. θεῇσι, ῇς (θεαῖς)
A. θεάς
First declension masculine noun (Ἀτρεΐδης, αο, ὁ. son of Atreus) singular
N. Ἀτρεΐδης
G. Ἀτρεΐδαο (εω)
D. Ἀτρεΐδῃ
A. Ἀτρεΐδην
V. Ἀτρεΐδη
First declension masculine noun (Ἀτρεΐδης, αο, ὁ. son of Atreus) dual
N.A.V. Ἀτρεΐδα
G.D. Ἀτρεΐδῃιν
First declension masculine noun (Ἀτρεΐδης, αο, ὁ. son of Atreus) plural
N.V. Ἀτρεΐδαι
G. Ἀτρεΐδάων (έων, ῶν)
D. Ἀτρεΐδῃσι, ῃς
A. Ἀτρεΐδας
First declension masculine noun (Aἰνείας, αο, ὁ. Aeneas) singular
N. Aἰνείας
G. Aἰνείαο (ω)
D. Aἰνείᾳ
A. Aἰνείαν
V. Aἰνεία
First declension masculine noun (Aἰνείας, αο, ὁ. Aeneas) dual
First declension masculine noun (Aἰνείας, αο, ὁ. Aeneas) plural
First declension masculine noun (αἰχμητής, ᾶο, ὁ.) singular
N. αἰχμητής (αἰχμητά)
G. αἰχμητᾶο (έω)
D. αἰχμητῇ
A. αἰχμητήν
V. αἰχμητά
First declension masculine noun (αἰχμητής, ᾶο, ὁ.) dual
N.A.V. αἰχμητά
G.D. αἰχμητῇιν
First declension masculine noun (αἰχμητής, ᾶο, ὁ.) plural
N.V. αἰχμηταί
G. αἰχμητάων (έων, ῶν)
D. αἰχμητῇσι, ῇς
A. αἰχμητάς
Masculines usually take the case ending _ in the nominative singular whereas the feminines do not
masculines and feminines in both the dual and the plural are all declined alike in what declension?
the first
in the first declension masculines are declined like feminines except in the _ and _ singular and occasionally in the _ singular
nominative and genitive. vocative
masculines ending in δης have _ in the vocative singular. those ending in της have _ and those ending in ας have _.
η, τα, α
nouns of the second declension have stems ending in _
ο (ε in the vocative sing. f and m.). primarily a masculine and neuter declension with very few feminines
which two genders are declined alike in the second declension?
masculine and feminine.
how do neuters differ from masculines and feminines in the second declension?
- nom., acc., and voc. singular all end in ν (ον).
2. The nom., acc., and voc., plural end in α.
second declension masculine noun (θυμός, οῦ, ὁ. θυμο) singular
N. θυμός
G. θυμοῦ, οῖο (όο)
D. θυμῷ
A. θυμόν
V. θυμέ
second declension masculine noun (θυμός, οῦ, ὁ. θυμο) dual
N.A.V. θυμώ
G.D. θυμοῖιν
second declension masculine noun (θυμός, οῦ, ὁ. θυμο) plural
N.V. θυμοί
G. θυμῶν
D. θυμοῖσι, οῖς
A. θυμούς
the second declension masculine nouns (κακός πόλεμος, ου, ὁ. κακο πολεμο) singular
N. κακὸς πόλεμος
G. κακοῦ πολέμου, οῖο, οιο, (όο, οο)
D. κακῷ πολέμῳ
A. κακὸν πόλεμον
V. κακὲ πόλεμε
the second declension masculine nouns (κακός πόλεμος, ου, ὁ. κακο πολεμο) dual
N.A.V. κακὼ πολέμω
G.D. κακοῖιν πολέμοιιν
the second declension masculine nouns (κακός πόλεμος, ου, ὁ. κακο πολεμο) plural
N.V. κακοὶ πόλεμοι
G. κακῶν πολέμων
D. κακοῖσι πολέμοισι, οῖς οις
A. κακοὺς πολέμους
the second declension neuter nouns (καλὸν ἔργον, ου, τό. καλο εργο) singular
N. καλὸν ἔργον
G. καλὸῦ ἔργοῦ, οῖο, οιο (όο, οο)
D. καλῳ ἔργῳ
A. καλὸν ἔργον
V. καλὸν ἔργον
the second declension neuter nouns (καλὸν ἔργον, ου, τό. καλο εργο) dual
N.A.V. καλὼ ἔργω
G.D. καλοῖιν ἔργοιιν
the second declension neuter nouns (καλὸν ἔργον, ου, τό. καλο εργο) plural
N.V. καλὰ ἔργα
G. καλῶν ἔργων
D. καλὸῖσι ἔργοισι, οῖς, οις
A. καλὰ ἔργα
the second declension feminine nouns (κακὴ νοῦσος, ου, ἡ. κακα νουσο) singular
N. κακὴ νοῦσος
G. κακὴς νούσου, οιο (οο)
D. κακῇ νούσῳ
A. κακὴν νοῦσον
V. κακὴ νοῦσε
the second declension feminine nouns (κακὴ νοῦσος, ου, ἡ. κακα νουσο) dual
N.A.V. κακὰ νούσω
G.D. κακῇιν νούσοιιν
the second declension feminine nouns (κακὴ νοῦσος, ου, ἡ. κακα νουσο) plural
N.V. κακαὶ νοῦσοι
G. κακάων (έων, ῶν) νούσων
D. κακῇσι νούσοισι, ῇς οις
A. κακὰς νούσους
nouns of the third declension are normally which genders?
all three
nominative third declension nouns come in many forms. t or f?
in the third declension masculine and feminine stems generally add _ to the stem in addition to usual euphonic changes.
σ (except those stems ending in ν, ρ, και σ).
those third declension masculine and feminine stems ending in _, _, and mostly those ending in _ make no change except to lengthen the last vowel if it is short.
ρ,σ, ν.
The third declension stems: δαιμον, θιν, μελαν, and γεροντ become what in the nominative?
δαίμων, θίς, μέλας, γέρων (vowel lengthens and tau is dropped if relevant or either the sigma added and ν dropped with vowel lengthening)
in the third declension the nominative singular is usually nothing more than the stem (with any final taus dropped) in which gender?
as a rule the stem of a third declension noun can be found by dropping the case ending (-ος) off of which case and number?
the genitive singular
in the third declension the case ending of both masculine and feminine accusative singulars is regularly _ for vowel stems and _ for consonantal stems.
-ν, -α
in the third declension the dative plural is formed by either…
adding εσσι (εσι) to the stem or by adding σι (σσι) to the stem.
the third declension nouns ποδός, νυκτός, and γέροντος become what in the dative plural?
ποσσί (ποσί), νυξί, γέρουσι
in the third declension the vocative singular is either the same as the _ or else the same as the _
nominative or stem with final consonants except ν, ρ, ς being dropped whenever they occur.
The third declension noun ἄναξ, ἄνακτος, ὁ. (ανακτ) singular
N. ἄναξ
G. ἄνακτος
D. ἄνακτι
A. ἄνακτα
V. ἄναξ (ἄνα)
The third declension noun νύξ, νυκτός, ἡ. (νυκτ) singular
N. νύξ
G. νυκτός
D. νυκτί
A. νύκτα
V. νύξ
The third declension noun παῖς, παιδός, ὁ, ἡ. (παιδ) singular
N. παῖς
G. παιδός
D. παιδί
A. παῖδα
V. παῖ
The third declension noun γέρων, γέροντος (γεροντ) singular
N. γέρων
G. γέροντος
D. γέροντι
A. γέροντα
V. γέρον
The third declension noun ἄναξ, ἄνακτος, ὁ. (ανακτ) dual
N.A.V. ἄνακτε
G.D. ἀνάκτοιιν
The third declension noun νύξ, νυκτός, ἡ. (νυκτ) dual
N.A.V. νύκτε
G.D. νυκτοῖιν
The third declension noun παῖς, παιδός, ὁ, ἡ. (παιδ) dual
N.A.V. παῖδε
G.D. παίδοιιν
The third declension noun γέρων, γέροντος (γεροντ) dual
N.A.V. γέροντε
G.D. γερόντοιιν
The third declension noun ἄναξ, ἄνακτος, ὁ. (ανακτ) plural
N.V. ἄνακτες
G. ἀνάκτων
D. ἀνάκτεσ(σ)ι, ἄναξι
A. ἄνακτας
The third declension noun νύξ, νυκτός, ἡ. (νυκτ) plural
N.V. νύκτες
G. νυκτῶν
D. νύκτεσ(σ)ι, νυξί
A. νύκτας
The third declension noun παῖς, παιδός, ὁ, ἡ. (παιδ) plural
N.V. παῖδες
G. παίδων
D. παίδεσ(σ)ι, παισί
A. παῖδας
The third declension noun γέρων, γέροντος (γεροντ) plural
N.V. γέροντες
G. γερόντων
D. γερόντεσ(σ)ι, γέρουσι
A. γέροντας
variants of παῖς
nom. sing.: πάις, παῖς
voc. sing.: πάι, παῖ
The third declension noun αἴξ, αἰγός, ὁ, ἡ. (αἰγ) singular
N. αἴξ
G. αἰγός
D. αἰγί
A. αἶγα
V. αἴξ
The third declension noun κῆρυξ, υκος, ὁ. (κηρυκ) singular
N. κῆρυξ
G. κήρυκος
D. κήρυκι
A. κήρυκα
V. κῆρυξ
The third declension noun Αἰθίοψ, οπος, ὁ. (Αἰθιοπ) singular
N. Αἰθίοψ
G. Αἰθίοπος
D. Αἰθίοπι
A. Αἰθίοπα
V. Αἰθίοψ
The third declension noun αἴξ, αἰγός, ὁ, ἡ. (αἰγ) dual
N.A.V. αἶγε
G.D. αἰγοῖιν
The third declension noun κῆρυξ, υκος, ὁ. (κηρυκ) dual
N.A.V. κήρυκε
G.D. κηρύκοιιν
The third declension noun Αἰθίοψ, οπος, ὁ. (Αἰθιοπ) dual
N.A.V. Αἰθίοπε
G.D. Αἰθιόποιιν
The third declension noun αἴξ, αἰγός, ὁ, ἡ. (αἰγ) plural
N.V. αἶγες
G. αἰγῶν
D. αἴγεσσι (εσι), αἰξί
A. αἶγας
The third declension noun κῆρυξ, υκος, ὁ. (κηρυκ) plural
N.V. κήκυκες
G. κηρύκων
D. κηρύκεσσι (εσι), κηρυξι
A. κήρυκας
The third declension noun Αἰθίοψ, οπος, ὁ. (Αἰθιοπ) plural
N.V. Αἰθίοπες
G. Αἰθίόπων
D. Αἰθίόπεσσι (εσι), Αἰθίοψι
A. Αἰθίοπας
The third declension noun δαίμων, ονος, ὁ. (δαιμον) singular
N. δαίμων
G. δαίμονος
D. δαίμονι
A. δαίμονα
V. δαῖμον
The third declension noun φρήν, φρενός, ἡ. (φρεν) singular
N. φρήν
G. φρενός
D. φρενί
A. φρένα
V. φρήν
The third declension noun χείρ, ος, ἡ. (χειρ) singular
N. χείρ
G. χειρός
D. χε(ι)ρί
A. χεῖρα
V. χείρ
The third declension noun δαίμων, ονος, ὁ. (δαιμον) dual
N.A.V. δαίμονε
G.D. δαιμόνοιιν
The third declension noun φρήν, φρενός, ἡ. (φρεν) dual
N.A.V. φρένε
G.D. φρενοῖιν
The third declension noun χείρ, ος, ἡ. (χειρ) dual
N.A.V. χεῖρε
G.D. χειροῖιν
The third declension noun δαίμων, ονος, ὁ. (δαιμον) plural
N.V. δαίμονες
G. δαιμόνων
D. δαιμόνεσσι (εσι), δαίμοσι
A. δαίμονας
The third declension noun φρήν, φρενός, ἡ. (φρεν) plural
N.V. φρένες
G. φρενῶν
D. φρένεσσι (εσι), φρεσί
A. φρένας
The third declension noun χείρ, ος, ἡ. (χειρ) plural
N.V. χεῖρες
G. χειρῶν
D. χείρεσσι (εσι), χερσί
A. χεῖρας
The two grades of ablaut found in several -ηρ stemmed words
-ερ, -ρ
When a sigma at the end of a stem comes between two vowels, what happens?
it gets the hell outta there
in the second and third declensions all nouns ending in -ος in the nominative singular are what or what, and what genders?
masculine or feminine (almost always masculine) if of the second declension and always neuter if of the third declension
Nouns ending in -μα in the nominative singular and all others with genitives ending in -ατος, are what gender?
the old ending
-θι may be added to the stem of a noun or a pronoun to indicate what?
place where
the ending -θεν may be added to the stem of a noun or a pronoun to indicate what?
source or separation, or to express various other relations of the genitive, as οὐρανόθεν - from heaven, σέθεν - of you.
-δε, acting in its normal function as a preposition, may be added to the accusative to denote what?
place to which, or limit or purpose of motion, as ἀγορήνδε -to the assembly.
the ending -ι may be added to the stem of a noun to denote what?
place where, or in which, as in οἴκοι - at home.
The ending
-φι(ν) added to a noun or a pronoun is used to do what?
express various relations, both singular and plural, of both genitive and dative.
The third declension noun πατήρ, τέρος, τρός, ὁ. (πατερ, ηρ, ρ) singular
N. πατήρ
G. πατέρος, τρός
D. πατέρι, τρί
A. πατέρα
V. πάτερ
The third declension noun μητήρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (ματηρ, ερ, ρ) singular
N. μητήρ
G. μητέρος, τρός
D. μητέρι, τρί
A. μητέρα
V. μῆτερ
The third declension noun θυγάτηρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (θυγατηρ, ερ, ρ) singular
N. θυγάτηρ
G. θυγατέρος, τρός
D. θυγατέρι, τρί
A. θυγατέρα, θύγατρα
V. θύγατερ
The third declension noun ἀνήρ, έρος, δρός, ὁ. (ἀνηρ, ερ, ρ) singular
N. ἀνηρ
G. ἀνέρος, ἀνδρός
D. ἀνέρι, ἀνδρί
A. ἀνέρα, ἄνδρα
V. ἆνερ
The third declension noun πατήρ, τέρος, τρός, ὁ. (πατερ, ηρ, ρ) dual
N.A.V. πατέρε
G.D. πατέροιιν
The third declension noun μητήρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (ματηρ, ερ, ρ) dual
N.A.V. μητέρε
G.D. μητέροιιν
The third declension noun θυγάτηρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (θυγατηρ, ερ, ρ) dual
N.A.V. θυγατέρε
G.D. θυγατέροιιν
The third declension noun ἀνήρ, έρος, δρός, ὁ. (ἀνηρ, ερ, ρ) dual
N.A.V. ἀνέρε, ἄνδρε
G.D. ἀνέροιιν, ἀνδροῖιν
The third declension noun πατήρ, τέρος, τρός, ὁ. (πατερ, ηρ, ρ) plural
N.V. πατέρες
G. πατέρων, τρῶν
D. πατράσι
A. πατέρας
The third declension noun μητήρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (ματηρ, ερ, ρ) plural
N.V. μητέρες
G. μητέρων
D. μητράσι
A. μητέρας
The third declension noun θυγάτηρ, τέρος, τρός, ἡ. (θυγατηρ, ερ, ρ) plural
N.V. θυγατέρες, θύγατρες
G. θυγατέρων, θυγατρῶν
D. θυγατράσι, τέρεσσι
A. θυγατέρας, θύγατρας
The third declension noun ἀνήρ, έρος, δρός, ὁ. (ἀνηρ, ερ, ρ) plural
N.V. ἀνέρες, ἄνδρες
G. ἀνέρων, ἀνδρῶν
D. ἀνδράσι, ἄνδρεσσι
A. ἀνέρας, ἄνδρας
The third declension noun βασιλεύς, ῆος, ὁ. (βασιληυ, ευ, η+nau) singular
N. βασιλεύς
G. βασιλῆος, (έος)
D. βασιλῆι, (έι)
A. βασιλῆα (έα)
V. βασιλεῦ
The third declension noun βοῦς, βοός, ὁ, ἡ. (βου, βω+nau, βο+nau) singular
N. βοῦς
G. βοός
D. βοΐ
A. βοῦν (βῶν)
V. βοῦ
The third declension noun νηῦς, νηός (νεός), ἡ. (ναυ, να+nau) singular
N. νηῦς
G. νηός (νεός)
D. νηί
A. νῆα (νέα)
V. νηῦ
The third declension noun ἥρως, ωος, ὁ. (ἡρω+nau) singular
N. ἥρως
G. ἥρωος
D. ἥρωι
A. ἥρωα
V. ἥρως
The third declension noun πόλις, ιος, ἡ. (πολι, ει) singular
N. πόλις
G. πόλιος, ηος
D. πόλιι, ηι, ει
A. πόλιν
V. πόλι
The third declension noun πῆχυς, εος, ὁ. (πηχυ, ε+nau) singular
N. πῆχυς
G. πήχεος
D. πήχεϊ
A. πῆχυν
V. πῆχυ
The third declension noun ἄστυ, εος, τό. (nau+αστυ, ε+nau) singular
N. ἄστυ
G. ἄστεος
D. ἄστεϊ
A. ἄστυ
V. ἄστυ
The third declension noun νέκυς, υος, ὁ. (νεκυ) singular
N. νέκυς
G. νέκυος
D. νέκυϊ
A. νέκυν
V. νέκυ
The third declension noun δάκρυ, υος, τό. (δακρυ) singular
N. δάκρυ
G. δάκρυος
D. δάκρυϊ
A. δάκρυ
V. δάκρυ
The third declension noun ἔπος, εος, τό. (nau+επες) singular
N. ἔπος
G. ἔπεος
D. ἔπεϊ
A. ἔπος
V. ἔπος
The third declension noun γέρας, αος, τό. (γερας) singular
N. γέρας
G. γέραος
D. γέραϊ
A. γέρας
V. γέρας
The third declension noun ἠώς, ἠόος, ἡ. (ά+nau+σοσ) singular
N. ἠώς
G. ἠόος
D. ἠόι
A. ἠόα
V. ἠώς
The third declension noun δῶμα. (δωματ) singular
N. δῶμα
G. δώματος
D. δῶματι
A. δῶμα
V. δῶμα
The third declension noun ἦμαρ, ἤματος, τό. (ἠμαρ, ἠματ) singular
N. ἦμαρ
G. ἤματος
D. ἤματι
A. ἦμαρ
V. ἦμαρ
The third declension noun βασιλεύς, ῆος, ὁ. (βασιληυ, ευ, η+nau) dual
N.A.V. βασιλῆε
G.D. βασιλήοιιν
The third declension noun βοῦς, βοός, ὁ, ἡ. (βου, βω+nau, βο+nau) dual
N.A.V. βόε
G.D. βοοῖιν
The third declension noun νηῦς, νηός (νεός), ἡ. (ναυ, να+nau) dual
N.A.V. νῆε
G.D. νηοῖιν
The third declension noun ἥρως, ωος, ὁ. (ἡρω+nau) dual
N.A.V. ἥρωε
G.D. ἡρώοιιν
The third declension noun πόλις, ιος, ἡ. (πολι, ει) dual
N.A.V. πόλιε
G.D. πολίοιιν
The third declension noun πῆχυς, εος, ὁ. (πηχυ, ε+nau) dual
N.A.V. πήχεε
G.D. πηχέοιιν
The third declension noun ἄστυ, εος, τό. (nau+αστυ, ε+nau) dual
N.A.V. ἄστεε
G.D. ἀστέοιιν
The third declension noun νέκυς, υος, ὁ. (νεκυ) dual
N.A.V. νέκυε
G.D. νεκύοιιν
The third declension noun δάκρυ, υος, τό. (δακρυ) dual
N.A.V. δάκρυε
G.D. δακρύοιιν
The third declension noun ἔπος, εος, τό. (nau+επες) dual
N.A.V. ἔπεε
G.D. ἐπέοιιν
The third declension noun γέρας, αος, τό. (γερας) dual
N.A.V. γέραε
G.D. γεράοιιν
The third declension noun δῶμα. (δωματ) dual
N.A.V. δώματε
G.D. δωμάτοιιν
The third declension noun ἦμαρ, ἤματος, τό. (ἠμαρ, ἠματ) dual
N.A.V. ἤματε
G.D. ἠμάτοιιν
The third declension noun βασιλεύς, ῆος, ὁ. (βασιληυ, ευ, η+nau) plural
N.V. βασιλῆες
G. βασιλήων
D. βασιλήεσσι, βασιλῆσι
A. βασιλῆας
The third declension noun βοῦς, βοός, ὁ, ἡ. (βου, βω+nau, βο+nau) plural
N.V. βόες
G. βοῶν
D. βόεσσι, βουσί
A. βόας, (βοῦς)
The third declension noun νηῦς, νηός (νεός), ἡ. (ναυ, να+nau) plural
N.V. νῆες
G. νηῶν (νεῶν)
D. νήεσσι (νέεσσι), νηυσί
A. νῆας (νέας)
The third declension noun ἥρως, ωος, ὁ. (ἡρω+nau) plural
N.V. ἥρωες
G. ἡρώων
D. ἡρώεσσι, ἥρωσι
A. ἥρωας
The third declension noun πόλις, ιος, ἡ. (πολι, ει) plural
N.V. πόλιες, ηες
G. πολίων
D. πολίεσσι, πόλεσι, ισι
A. πόλιας, ηας, ις, (εις)
The third declension noun πῆχυς, εος, ὁ. (πηχυ, ε+nau) plural
N.V. πήχεες
G. πηχέων
D. πηχέεσσι, πήχεσι
A. πήχεας
The third declension noun ἄστυ, εος, τό. (nau+αστυ, ε+nau) plural
N.V. ἄστεα
G. ἀστέων
D. ἀστέεσι, ἄστεσι
A. ἄστεα
The third declension noun νέκυς, υος, ὁ. (νεκυ) plural
N.V. νέκυες
G. νεκύων
D. νεκύεσσι, νέκυσ(σ)ι
A. νέκυας, υς
The third declension noun δάκρυ, υος, τό. (δακρυ) plural
N.V. δάκρυα
G. δακρύων
D. δακρύεσσι, δάκρυσι
A. δάκρυα
The third declension noun ἔπος, εος, τό. (nau+επες) plural
N.V. ἔπεα
G. ἐπέων
D. ἐπέεσσι, ἔπε(σ)σι
A. ἔπεα
The third declension noun γέρας, αος, τό. (γερας) plural
N.V. γέρα(α)
G. γεράων
D. γεράεσσι, γέρα(σ)σι
A. γέρα(α)
The third declension noun δῶμα. (δωματ) plural
N.V. δώματα
G. δωμάτων
D. δωμάτεσσι, δώμασι
A. δώματα
The third declension noun ἦμαρ, ἤματος, τό. (ἠμαρ, ἠματ) plural
N.V. ἤματα
G. ἠμάτων
D. ἠμάτεσσι, ἤμασι
A. ἤματα
The form of the adjective that appears in the vocabulary is the nominative singular of what gender?
all genders except in rare cases where it is an adjective of only one gender in which case the nominative and genitive singular are both given
the four classes of adjectives
1) of the first and second (vowel) declensions. (2-1-2 adjectives)
2) of the second declension (mostly compounds). (2-2)
3) of the first and third declensions (3-1-3).
4) of the third (consonant) declension. (3).
adjectives of the first and second declensions have what endings in the nominative singular?
(ος, η, ον)
the first and second declension adjective καλός, ή, όν (καλο, καλα) masculine
N. καλός
G. καλοῦ, οῖο (όο)
D. καλῷ
A. καλόν
V. καλέ
N.A.V. καλώ
G. D. καλοῖιν
N.V. καλοί
G. καλῶν
D. καλοῖσι, οῖς
A. καλούς
the first and second declension adjective καλός, ή, όν (καλο, καλα) feminine
N. καλή
G. καλῆς
D. καλῇ
A. καλήν
V. καλή
N.A.V. καλά
G. D. καλῇιν
N.V. καλαί
G. καλάων (έων, ῶν)
D. καλῇσι, ῇς
A. καλάς
the first and second declension adjective καλός, ή, όν (καλο, καλα) neuter
N. καλόν
G. καλοῦ, οῖο (όο)
D. καλῷ
A. καλόν
V. καλόν
N.A.V. καλώ
G. D. καλοῖιν
N.V. καλά
G. καλῶν
D. καλοῖσι, οῖς
A. καλά
the first and second declension adjective φίλος, η, ον (φιλο, φιλα) masculine
N. φίλος
G. φίλου, οιο (οο)
D. φίλῳ
A. φίλον
V. φίλε
N.A.V. φίλω
G. D. φίλοιιν
N.V. φίλοι
G. φίλων
D. φίλοισι, οις
A. φίλους
the first and second declension adjective φίλος, η, ον (φιλο, φιλα) feminine
N. φίλη
G. φίλης
D. φίλῃ
A. φίλην
V. φίλη
N.A.V. φίλα
G. D. φίλῃιν
N.V. φίλαι
G. φιλάων (έων, ῶν)
D. φίλῃσι, ῃς
A. φίλας
the first and second declension adjective φίλος, η, ον (φιλο, φιλα) neuter
N. φίλον
G. φίλου, οιο (οο)
D. φίλῳ
A. φίλον
V. φίλον
N.A.V. φίλω
G. D. φίλοιιν
N.V. φίλα
G. φίλων
D. φίλοισι, οις
A. φίλα
all words that have these three endings in the nominative singular are similarly declined including adjectives, superlatives, and participles
ος, η, ον
most feminine adjectives of the first and second declensions end in η and are declined as φίλη is. but sometimes they also end in what?
α and are declined like θάλασσα
adjectives of the second declension, which are mostly compounds, have how many endings?
only two (ος, ον). second=two. ος is both masculine and feminine and ον is neuter.
even among adjectives that have separate forms for the feminine, the _ form is often used for both _ and feminine forms.
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) masculine singular
N. πτερόεις
G. πτερόεντος
D. πτερόεντι
A. πτερόεντα
V. πτερόεν
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. πτερόεντε
G.D. πτεροέντοιιν
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) plural masculine
N.V. πτερόεντες
G. πτεροέντων
D. πτεροέντεσ(σ)ι, πτερόεσ(σ)ι
A. πτερόεντας
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) singular feminine
N. πτερόεσσα
G. πτεροέσσης
D. πτεροέσσῃ
A. πτερόεσσαν
V. πτερόεσσα
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) singular neuter
N. πτερόεν
G. πτερόεντος
D. πτερόεντι
A. πτερόεν
V. πτερόεν
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. πτεροέσσα
G.D. πτεροέσσῃιν
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. πτερόεντε
G.D. πτεροέντοιιν
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) plural feminine
N.V. πτερόεσσαι
G. πτεροεσσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. πτεροέσσῃσι, πτεροέσσῃς
A. πτεροέσσας
the adjective πτερόεις, εσσα, εν (πτερο(nau)εντ, πτερο(nau)ετια, πτερο(nau)εντ) plural neuter
N.V. πτερόεντα
G. πτεροέντων
D. πτεροέντεσ(σ)ι, πτερόε(σ)σι
A. πτερόεντα
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) singular masculine
N. εὐρύς
G. εὐρέος
D. εὐρέι
A. εὐρύν (έα)
V. εὐρύ(ς)
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) singular feminine
N. εὐρεῖα
G. εὐρείης
D. εὐρείῃ
A. εὐρεῖαν
V. εὐρεῖα
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) singular neuter
N. εὐρύ
G. εὐρέος
D. εὐρέι
A. εὐρύ
V. εὐρύ
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) dual masculine
N.A.V. εὐρέε
G.D. εὐρέοιιν
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) dual feminine
N.A.V. εὐρεία
G.D. εὐρείῃιν
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) dual neuter
N.A.V. εὐρέε
G.D. εὐρέοιιν
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) plural masculine
N.V. εὐρέες
G. εὐρέων
D. εὐρέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. εὐρέας
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) plural feminine
N.V. εὐρεῖαι
G. εὐρειάων (έων, ῶν)
D. εὐρείῃσι
A. εὐρείας
the adjective εὐρύς, εῖα, ύ (εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau); εὐρε(nau)ια; εὐρυ, εὐρε(nau) plural neuter
N.V. εὐρέα
G. εὐρέων
D. εὐρέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. εὐρέα
adjectives of the third declension have how many endings (patterns)?
only two. one shared between masculine and feminine and the other for the neuters
most third declension adjectives have what two raw endings and what corresponding incarnate (nominative) endings?
ον (ων, ον) and ες (ης, ες). more rare is the ωπ (ωψ, ωπις)
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) singular masculine and feminine
N. ἀμεινων
G. ἀμείνονος
D. ἀμείνονι
A. ἀμείνονα
V. ἄμεινον
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) singular neuter
N. ἄμεινον
G. ἀμείνονος
D. ἀμείνονι
A. ἄμεινον
V. ἄμεινον
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) singular masculine and feminine
N. ἀεικἠς
G. ἀεικέος
D. ἀεικέι
A. ἀεικέα
V. ἀεικές
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) singular neuter
N. ἀεικές
G. ἀεικέος
D. ἀεικέι
A. ἀεικές
V. ἀεικές
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) dual masculine and feminine
N.A.V. ἀμείνονε
G.D. ἀμεινόνοιιν
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) dual neuter
N.A.V. ἀμείνονε
G.D. ἀμεινόνοιιν
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) dual masculine and feminine
N.A.V. ἀεικέε
G.D. ἀεικέοιιν
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) dual neuter
N.A.V. ἀεικέε
G.D. ἀεικέοιιν
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) plural masculine and feminine
N.V. ἀμείνονες (ους)
G. ἀμεινόνων
D. ἀμεινόνεσ(σ)ι, ἀμείνοσι
A. ἀμείνονας (ους)
the third declension adjective ἀμείνων, ον (ἀμεινον) plural neuter
N.V. ἀμείνονα
G. ἀμεινόνων
D. ἀμεινόνεσ(σ)ι, ἀμείνοσι
A. ἀμείνονα
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) plural masculine and feminine
N.V. ἀεικέες
G. ἀεικέων
D. ἀεικέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. ἀεικέας
the third declension adjective ἀεικής, ές (ἀ(nau)εικεσ) plural neuter
N.V. ἀεικέα
G. ἀεικέων
D. ἀεικέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. ἀεικέα
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) singular masculine
N. πᾶς
G. παντός
D. παντί
A. πάντα
V. πᾶς
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) singular feminine
N. πᾶσα
G. πάσης
D. πάσῃ
A. πᾶσαν
V. πᾶσα
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) singular neuter
N. πᾶν
G. παντός
D. παντί
A. πᾶν
V. πᾶν
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) plural masculine
N.V. πάντες
G. πάντων
D. πάντεσ(σ)ι, πᾶσι
A. πάντας
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) plural feminine
N.V. πᾶσαι
G. πασάων (έων, ῶν)
D. πάσῃσι, πάσῃς
A. πάσας
an adjective with the stem ντ, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν (παντ, παντια, παντ) plural neuter
N.V. πάντα
G. πάντων
D. πάντεσ(σ)ι, πᾶσι
A. πάντα
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) singular masculine
N. μέλας
G. μέλανος
D. μέλανι
A. μέλανα
V. μέλαν
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) singular feminine
N. μέλαινα
G. μελαίνης
D. μελαίνῃ
A. μέλαιναν
V. μέλαινα
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) singular neuter
N. μέλαν
G. μέλανος
D. μέλανι
A. μέλαν
V. μέλαν
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) dual masculine
N.A.V. μέλανε
G.D. μελάνοιιν
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) dual feminine
N.A.V. μελαίνα
G.D. μελαίνῃιν
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) dual neuter
N.A.V. μέλανε
G.D. μελάνοιιν
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) plural masculine
N.V. μέλανες
G. μελάνων
D. μελάνεσ(σ)ι, μέλασι
A. μέλανας
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) plural feminine
N.V. μέλαιναι
G. μελαίναων (έων, ῶν)
D. μελαίνῃσι, μελαίνῃς
A. μελαίνας
an adjective with the stem ν, μέλας, μέλαινα, μέλαν (μελαν, μελανια, μελαν) plural neuter
N.V. μέλανα
G. μελάνων
D. μελάνεσ(σ)ι, μέλασι
A. μέλανα
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) singular masculine
N. μέγας
G. μεγάλου, οιο
D. μεγάλῳ
A. μέγαν
V. μέγα(ς)
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) singular feminine
N. μεγάλη
G. μεγάλης
D. μεγάλῃ
A. μεγάλην
V. μεγάλη
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) singular neuter
N. μέγα
G. μεγάλου, οιο
D. μεγάλῳ
A. μέγα
V. μέγα
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) dual masculine
N.A.V. μεγάλω
G.D. μεγάλοιιν
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) dual feminine
N.A.V. μεγάλα
G.D. μεγάλῃιν
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) dual neuter
N.A.V. μεγάλω
G.D. μεγάλοιιν
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) plural masculine
N.V. μεγάλοι
G. μεγάλων
D. μεγάλοισι, οις
A. μεγάλους
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) plural feminine
N.V. μεγάλαι
G. μεγαλάων (έων, ῶν)
D. μεγάλῃσι, ῃς
A. μεγάλας
the irregular adjective μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (μεγα, μεγαλο, μεγαλα, μεγαλο) plural neuter
N.V. μεγάλα
G. μεγάλων
D. μεγάλοισι, οις
A. μεγάλα
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) singular masculine
N. πολύς (πουλύς)
G. πολέος
D. πολέι
A. πολύν
V. πολύ(ς)
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) singular feminine
N. πολλή
G. πολλῆς
D. πολλῇ
A. πολλήν
V. πολλή
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) singular neuter
N. πολύ (πουλύ)
G. πολέος
D. πολέι
A. πολύ (πουλύ)
V. πολύ
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) plural masculine
N.V. πολέες
G. πολέων
D. πολέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. πολέας (πολῦς)
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) plural feminine
N.V. πολλαί
G. πολλάων (έων, ῶν)
D. πολλῇσι, ῇς
A. πολλάς
the irregular adjective πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (πολυ, πολε(nau); πολ(nau)α; πολυ, πολε(nau)) plural neuter
N.V. πολέα
G. πολέων
D. πολέ(ε)σ(σ)ι
A. πολέα
in addition to the irregular form πολύς, πολλή, πολύ, there is another form (πολλός, ή, όν) of this adjective that is declined like _
καλός, ή, όν.
all middle and passive participles, except those of the first and second aorist passive, are declined like _
καλός, ή, όν.
most active participles (except the perfect) and all first and second aorist passive participles have stems ending in _
ντ. the masculine and neuter are of the third declension and the feminine is of the first
the vocative case of all participles has the same form as the _ case
participles with stems in οντ usually have the nominative singular masculine in _
-ων, as with γερων
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) singular masculine
N.V. λύων
G. λύοντος
D. λύοντι
A. λύοντα
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) singular feminine
N.V. λύουσα
G. λυούσης
D. λυούσῃ
A. λύουσαν
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) singular neuter
N.V. λύον
G. λύοντος
D. λύοντι
A. λύον
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. λύοντε
G.D. λυόντοιιν
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. λυούσα
G.D. λυούσῃιν
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. λύοντε
G.D. λυόντοιιν
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) plural masculine
N.V. λύοντες
G. λυόντων
D. λυόντεσ(σ)ι, λύουσι
A. λύοντας
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) plural feminine
N.V. λύουσαι
G. λυουσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. λυούσῃσι, λυούσῃς
A. λυούσας
present participle λύων, ουσα, ον (λυοντ, λυοντια, λυοντ) plural neuter
N.V. λύοντα
G. λυόντων
D. λυόντεσ(σ)ι, λύουσι
A. λύοντα
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) singular masculine
N.V. διδούς
G. διδόντος
D. διδόντι
A. διδόντα
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) singular feminine
N.V. διδοῦσα
G. διδούσης
D. διδούσῃ
A. διδοῦσαν
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) singular neuter
N.V. διδόν
G. διδόντος
D. διδόντι
A. διδόν
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. διδόντε
G.D. διδόντοιιν
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. διδούσα
G.D. διδούσῃιν
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. διδόντε
G.D. διδόντοιιν
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) plural masculine
N.V. διδόντες
G. διδόντων
D. διδόντεσ(σ)ι, διδοῦσι
A. διδόντας
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) plural feminine
N.V. διδοῦσαι
G. διδουσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. διδούσῃσι, διδούσῃς
A. διδούσας
present participle διδούς, οῦσα, όν (διδοντ, διδότια, διδοντ) plural neuter
N.V. διδόντα
G. διδόντων
D. διδόντεσ(σ)ι, διδοῦσι
A. διδόντα
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) singular masculine
N.V. λύσας
G. λύσαντος
D. λύσαντι
A. λύσαντα
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) singular feminine
N.V. λύσασα
G. λυσάσης
D. λυσάσῃ
A. λύσασαν
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) singular neuter
N.V. λύσαν
G. λύσαντος
D. λύσαντι
A. λύσαν
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. λύσαντε
G.D. λυσάντοιιν
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. λυσάσα
G.D. λυσάσῃιν
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. λύσαντε
G.D. λυσάντοιιν
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) plural masculine
N.V. λύσαντες
G. λυσάντων
D. λυσάντεσ(σ)ι, λύσασι
A. λύσαντας
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) plural feminine
N.V. λύσασαι
G. λυσασάων (έων, ῶν)
D. λυσάσῃσι, λυσάσῃς
A. λυσάσας
aorist participle λύσας, ασα, αν (λυσαντ, λυσαντια, λυσαντ) plural neuter
N.V. λύσαντα
G. λυσάντων
D. λυσάντεσ(σ)ι, λύσασι
A. λύσαντα
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) singular masculine
N.V. λυθείς
G. λυθέντος
D. λυθέντι
A. λυθέντα
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) singular feminine
N.V. λυθεῖσα
G. λυθείσης
D. λυθείσῃ
A. λυθεῖσαν
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) singular neuter
N.V. λυθέν
G. λυθέντος
D. λυθέντι
A. λυθέν
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. λυθέντε
G.D. λυθέντοιιν
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. λυθείσα
G.D. λυθείσῃιν
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. λυθέντε
G.D. λυθέντοιιν
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) plural masculine
N.V. λυθέντες
G. λυθέντων
D. λυθέντεσ(σ)ι, λυθεῖσι
A. λυθέντας
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) plural feminine
N.V. λυθεῖσαι
G. λυθεισάων (έων, ῶν)
D. λυθείσῃσι, λυθείσῃς
A. λυθείσας
aorist passive participle λυθείς, εῖσα, έν (λυθεντ, λυθεντια, λυθεντ) plural neuter
N.V. λυθέντα
G. λυθέντων
D. λυθέντεσ(σ)ι, λυθεῖσι
A. λυθέντα
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) singular masculine
N.V. δύς
G. δύντος
D. δύντι
A. δύντα
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) singular feminine
N.V. δῦσα
G. δύσης
D. δύσῃ
A. δῦσαν
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) singular neuter
N.V. δύν
G. δύντος
D. δύντι
A. δύν
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. δύντε
G.D. δύντοιιν
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. δύσα
G.D. δύσῃιν
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. δύντε
G.D. δύντοιιν
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) plural masculine
N.V. δύντες
G. δύντων
D. δύντεσ(σ)ι, δῦσι
A. δύντας
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) plural feminine
N.V. δῦσαι
G. δασάων (έων, ῶν)
D. δύσῃσι, δύσῃς
A. δύσας
second aorist active participle δύς, δῦσα, δύν (δυντ, δυντια, δυντ) plural neuter
N.V. δύντα
G. δύντων
D. δύντεσ(σ)ι, δῦσι
A. δύντα
perfect active participles have stems in _
(κ)οτ. those that have κ are called first perfects, those without κ second perfects.
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) singular masculine
N.V. λελυκώς
G. λελυκότος
D. λελυκότι
A. λελυκότα
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) singular feminine
N.V. λελυκῦια
G. λελυκυίης
D. λελυκυίῃ
A. λελυκυῖαν
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) singular neuter
N.V. λελυκός
G. λελυκότος
D. λελυκότι
A. λελυκός
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) dual masculine
N.A.V. λελυκότε
G.D. λελυκότοιιν
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) dual feminine
N.A.V. λελυκυία
G.D. λελυκυίῃιν
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) dual neuter
N.A.V. λελυκότε
G.D. λελυκότοιιν
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) plural masculine
N.V. λελυκότες
G. λελυκότων
D. λελυκότεσ(σ)ι, λελυκόσι
A. λελυκότας
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) plural feminine
N.V. λελυκυῖαι
G. λελυκυιάων (έων, ῶν)
D. λελυκυίῃσι, λελυκυίῃς
A. λελυκυίας
perfect active participle λελυκώς, υῖα, ός (λελυκοτ, λελυκυσια, λελυκοτ) plural neuter
N.V. λελυκότα
G. λελυκότων
D. λελυκότεσ(σ)ι, λελυκόσι
A. λελυκότα
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) singular masculine
N.V. εἰδώς
G. εἰδότος
D. εἰδότι
A. εἰδότα
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) singular feminine
N.V. (ε)ἰδυῖα
G. (ε)ἰδυίης
D. (ε)ἰδυίῃ
A. (ε)ἰδυῖαν
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) singular neuter
N.V. εἰδός
G. εἰδότος
D. εἰδότι
A. εἰδός
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) dual masculine
N.A.V. εἰδότε
G.D. εῖδότοιιν
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) dual feminine
N.A.V. (ε)ἰδυία
G.D. (ε)ἰδυίῃιν
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) dual neuter
N.A.V. εἰδότε
G.D. εἰδότοιιν
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) plural masculine
N.V. εἰδότες
G. εἰδότων
D. εἰδότεσ(σ)ι, εἰδόσι
A. εἰδότας
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) plural feminine
N.V. (ε)ἰδυῖαι
G. (ε)ἰδυιάων (έων, ῶν)
D. (ε)ἰδυίῃσι, (ε)ἰδυίῃς
A. (ε)ἰδυίας
perfect active participle εἰδώς, (ε)ἰδυῖα, εἰδός (ειδοτ, (ε)ιδυσια, ειδοτ) plural neuter
N.V. εἰδότα
G. εἰδότων
D. εἰδότεσ(σ)ι, εἰδόσι
A. εἰδότα
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) singular masculine
N.V. τιμῶν
G. τιμῶντος
D. τιμῶντι
A. τιμῶντα
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) singular feminine
N.V. τιμῶσα
G. τιμώσης
D. τιμώσῃ
A. τιμῶσαν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) singular neuter
N.V. τιμῶν
G. τιμῶντος
D. τιμῶντι
A. τιμῶν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. τιμῶντε
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. τιμῶσα
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. τιμῶντε
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) plural masculine
N.V. τιμῶντες
G. τιμώντων
D. τιμώντεσ(σ)ι, τιμῶσι
A. τιμῶντας
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) plural feminine
N.V. τιμῶσαι
G. τιμώσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. τιμώσῃσι, τιμώσῃς
A. τιμώσας
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: τιμῶν, οῦσα, ῶν ( sometimes τιμάων, άουσα, άον) stem: (τιμαοντ, τιμαοντια, τιμαοντ) plural neuter
N.V. τιμῶντα
G. τιμώντων
D. τιμώντεσ(σ)ι, τιμῶσι
A. τιμῶντα
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) singular masculine
N.V. ποιῶν
G. ποιεῦντος
D. ποιεῦντι
A. ποιεῦντα
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) singular feminine
N.V. ποιεῦσα
G. ποιεύσης
D. ποιεύσῃ
A. ποιεῦσαν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) singular neuter
N.V. ποιεῦν
G. ποιεῦντος
D. ποιεῦντι
A. ποιεῦν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) dual masculine
N.A.V. ποιεῦντε
G.D. ποιεύντοιιν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) dual feminine
N.A.V. ποιεύσα
G.D. ποιεύσῃιν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) dual neuter
N.A.V. ποιεῦντε
G.D. ποιεύντοιιν
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) plural masculine
N.V. ποιεῦντες
G. ποιεύντων
D. ποιεύντεσ(σ)ι, ποιεῦσι
A. ποιεῦντας
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) plural feminine
N.V. ποιεῦσαι
G. ποιευσάων (έων, ῶν)
D. ποιεύσῃσι, ποιεύσῃς
A. ποιεύσας
participles of contract verbs as declined in their contracted forms: ποιῶν, εῦσα, εῦν ( sometimes ποιέων, έουσα, έον) stem: (ποιοντ, ποιεοντια, ποιεοντ) plural neuter
N.V. ποιεῦντα
G. ποιεύντων
D. ποιεύντεσ(σ)ι, ποιεῦσι
A. ποιεῦντα
The participles of -οω contract verbs like χολόω end in _, _, _.
ῶν, οῦσα, οῦν (χολῶν, χολοῦσα, χολοῦν) and the rest of their declensions are quite regular
most adjectives form their comparatives by adding _, _, _ and their superlatives by adding _, _, _ to the stem of the masculine positive.
τερος, η, ον
τατος, η, ον
give the comparative and superlative forms for πιστός (πιστο) and μαλακός (μαλακο)
πιστότερος, πιστότατος.
μαλακώτερος, μαλακώτατος.
some adjectives, mainly those in υς and ρος, form the comparative and superlative by changing these endings to _, _, _ for the comparative and _, _, _ for the superlative.
ιων, ιον
ιστος, η, ον
give the comparative and superlative forms for ἡδύς and αἰσχρός
ἡδίων, ἥδιον and ἥδιστος, η, ον.
αἰσχίων, ιον and αἴσχιστος, η, ον.
the intrinsically irregular comparative forms of the adjective ἀγαθός
- ἀρείων, ον
- ἀμείνων, ον
- βέλτερος, η, ον
- λωίων, ον (λωίτερος, η, ον)
the intrinsically irregular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective κρατύς (κραταιός, ή, όν) and κρατερός, ή, όν (καρτερός)
κρείσσων, ον - κράτιστος (κάρτιστος)
φέρτερος - φέρτατος (φέριστος)
the intrinsically irregular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective κακός, ή, όν
κακίων, ον (κακώτερος) and ἥσσων, ον (comparatives) = κάκιστος, η, ον and ἥκιστος, η, ον (superlatives)
yet more comparative forms….
χείρων, ον, (χειρότερος)
(χερείων, ον)
καλλίων, ον - no corresponding superlatives for these particular forms
the intrinsically irregular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective μέγας
μείζων, ον (μέζων, ον) - μέγιστος, η, ον.
the intrinsically irregular comparative form of the adjective μικρός
μείων, ον
the intrinsically irregular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective ἐλαχύς
ἐλάσσων, ον - ἐλάχιστος, η, ον.
the intrinsically irregular comparative and superlative forms of the adjective ὀλίγος
ὀλείζων, ον (ὀλίζων, ον) - ὀλίγιστος, η, ον.
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 1.
εἷς, μία (ἴα), ἕν
πρῶτος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 2.
δύο (δύω)
δεύτερος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 3.
τρεῖς, τρία
τρί(τα)τος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 4.
τέσσαρες (πίσυρες), τέσσαρα
τέταρτος (τέτρατος), η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 5.
πέμπτος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 6.
ἕκτος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 7.
ἕβδομος (ἑβδόματος), η, ον.
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 8.
ὄγδοος (ὀγδόατος), η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 9.
ἔνατος (εἴνατος), η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 10.
δέκατος, η, ον
The cardinals, ordinals, and adverbs for the number 11.
ἑνδέκατος, η, ον