Pharmacy unscripted - sleep, relax and energise Flashcards
What does adaptogen mean?
Adaptogen is the term used to describe a range of holistic supplements derived from certain plants and mushrooms (e.g. turmeric, ashwagandha) and considered to have health benefits.1 They are believed to help the body ‘adapt’ to take on life pressures and are linked with stress relief.
What are some signs of seasonal affective disorder?
feeling persistently low, irritable or lethargic, sleeping more than usual and finding it hard to get out of bed, these could be signs of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Should be referred if this suspected.
What are some symptoms of long covid?
Fatigue Shortness of breath Chest pain/tightness Problems with memory or concentration Difficulty sleeping Joint pain or pins and needles Gastrointestinal issues
What are common digestion problems?
Abdominal pain or discomfort Changes in bowel habit such as constipation or diarrhoea Indigestion Heartburn Bloating Flatulence.
When should patients be referred for digestive problems?
A sudden, persistent change in their bowel habits
Any bleeding from their bottom
Worsening heartburn, indigestion or abdominal pain
Lost weight unintentionally
Difficulty swallowing
Been using OTC products for two weeks with no improvement.
How much fibre should an adult aim for per day?