Pharmacy Practice Flashcards
Controlled Drugs Legislation:
Who is responsible?
- Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
- Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973
- Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001
Home Office
Veterinary Medicinal Products
a. having properties for treating/ preventing disease in animals
b. used in/ admin to animals w a view to restore, correct, modify physiological functions
c. purpose for euthanasia
Summary of Product Characteristics
- Target species
- indications
- contraindications
- routes/amounts to admin
Cascade - What
Risk based decision tree
Justify use of unauthorised meds
Make clients aware
Obtain consent in writing
Cascade Steps - GB
- Vet product in GB/UK wide for indicated species/condition
- Vet product in NI for indicated species/ condition
- Vet product in GB, NI/ UK for different species/ condition
- Human product from GB, NI, UK OR vet product from outside UK
- Extemporaneous preparation - UK made
Exemption - Human - outside UK
Egg Withdrawal Period - Unauthorised VMPs
Longest WP in the SPC x 1.5
14 days
Milk Withdrawal Period - Unauthorised VMPs
Longest WP in the SPC x 1.5
7 days
1 day if zero-hour WP.
Meat and Offal (Mammals/Birds) Withdrawal Period - Unauthorised VMPs
Longest WP in the SPC x 1.5
28 days
1 day if zero-day WP.
Meat (aquatic species) Withdrawal Period - Unauthorised VMPs
Longest WP for aquatic species in the SPC x 1.5
for terrestrial species x 50 or 25 degree days if WP for any species is 0.
Authorisation Categories
4 points
- Prescription Only Medicine - Vet (POM-V)
- Prescription Only Medicine - Vet, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person (POM-VPS)
- Non-Food Animal – Vet, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person (NFA-VPS)
- Authorised Veterinary Medicine–General Sales List (AVM-GSL)
Retail Supply Requirements
- Be satisfied that the person who will use product is competent to use it safely and intends to use it for authorised use
- Advise on the safe admin
- Advise necessary warnings or contra-indications
- Not prescribe/supply more than the
minimum required
Controlled Drugs Regulations:
- Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
= Class A, Class B and Class C - Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody)
Regulations 1973
= Strict storage and record keeping - Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001
Classifies CDs into 5 Schedules and
defines form of prescriptions,
supply, administration, record
Controlled Drugs - Requirements
Schedule 2 (diamorphine, fentanyl, ketamine) and 3 (buprenorphine, tramadol) = kept in safe custody (locked)
Medicines Waste Disposal
Black and Yellow Stripes
Yellow = Hazardous waste for incineration
Orange = hazardous waste for tx prior to disposal
Purple = hazardous waste - cytotoxic/ cytostatic medicines
Blue = Non-hazardous = medicines
Black and yellow stripes = non-hazardous offensive waste - blood, body fluid, excrement contaminated waste
Black = domestic waste