Pharmacy Jurisprudence Flashcards
What is pharmacy law?
This refers to all the laws governing the practice of pharmacy in Nigeria and is regulated by bodies such as PCN(pharmacist council of Nigeria),PPA(poison and pharmacy act)
Pharmacy laws provides guidance and assistance to the pharmacy professionals and includes matters that may be considered as a breach.
The two types of laws in pharmacy
Pharmacy law
Drug law
Drug law
Involves all aspects of drug use including regulation by bodies such as NAFDAC and NDLEA,DDA,FDA.
Drug laws are not limited to pharmacies, in extends to even bakeries,water producers
DDA means?
Dangerous drugs act
PPA means
Poisons and pharmacy act
the act establishing PCN is dated in what year
Section 1 of the PCN act talks about
the functions of the council and provisions in which it derives its powers.
section 2 PCN act
it covers membership of the profession and its types
-full members
-associate members:includes undergraduate students that are yet to pass the council exams.
Members of the governing council include.
-The president
-8 members of pharmacuetical society,deans of pharmacy faculties,director of food and drugs services in the ministry of health, reps of armed forces, exceutive director of NIPRAD
- The president only nominates the chairman.
How many years is the chairman and governing council appointed for.
3years but eligible for re appointement ofr a second tenure.however the chairman is chnaged when a new council is constituted.
section 5,6&7 of PCN act cover
funding of council and financial issues and accounting procedures, transfer of assets, submission of annual estimate,annual auditing,borrowing of funds, grants by federal government.
appointement of a register
the person must be fit and proper, the registrar must maintain the pharmaceutical register
duties of the registrar include
printing and publishing the register and making it available for sale
Registration is
granted once in a lifetime and is given at the start of the professional career.
Licensing is
an annual transaction that allows pharmacists to be licensed to practice.
- the council has to right to deny a person the license even after paying if not in goof standing with the professional body.
In what ratio is the practicing fees divided
70% for the PSN and 30% for the council
What are the bodies responsible for disciplinary matters
-Invstigatigating panel(4 members-carries out preliminary enquiries into the cases
-Disciplinary tribunal(the chairman and 6 other members)-has established grounds for further action or a prima facie case.
section 20
deals with practice as a pharmacist
Offenses that lead to sanctions by the council include
-provision of false information to council for securing registration
-practice of pharmacy by non members of the profession
-falsification of records by the registrar
sanctions include-paying of fine to 2years imprisonment
The pharmacist Act of 1964
This dissolves the pharmacist board of Nigeria and transfers all the roles,assets,documents and liabilities to the PCN
Poisons and pharmacy Act 1990
it regulates pharmacists, non pharmacists suchg as patent drug vendors that are involved in handling of drugs.
-The PPA is a law of the FCT, hence the minister refers to the FCT minister not the health minister.
-The PPA restricts the mixing, compounding,dispensing of drugs to persons licensed to do so.
-Pharmacy students and interns are exempted from licensure
Another name for patent and proprietary medicine is
Over the counter medications
Who is exempted from licensure in the PPA
pharmacy students
Licensing authority is given to?
-prohibited to advertise miscarriage
-can advertise within professional circle and securing of patients
sale and possesion of poisons
only professionals such as reg medical practitioners,reg dental surgeons,reg vet and persons authorized under this act are legally fit to possess poisons