The time it takes the plasma concentration of a drug to decrease by half
Half-life (t½)
The lowest concentration reached by a drug before the next dose is administered
Trough levels
The highest concentration reached by a drug after the dose is administered
Peak level
Child is taking griseofulvin for tinea capitis. What is the best recommendation to maximize absorption?
To be taken with whole milk or fatty meal
Child is taking oral penicillin for streptococcal infection developed non-pruritic rash, nausea, and vomiting. What is the type of this reaction?
Child is taking oral penicillin for streptococcal infection developed pruritic rash, swollen lips and difficulty breathing. What is the type of this reaction?
IgE mediated “anaphylaxis” to penicillin
What is the most common side effects of drugs in general?
Anxiolysis with the maintenance of consciousness
Minimal sedation
Controlled depressed consciousness, airway reflexes, and airway patency are maintained; the patient responds appropriately to age-appropriate commands and touch
Moderate sedation (conscious sedation)
Controlled depressed consciousness, airway reflexes and airway patency may not be maintained, ventilatory function may be impaired, patient not easily aroused but responds purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation
Deep sedation
Loss of consciousness occurs; impaired airway reflexes, airway patency, and ventilatory function; not arousable; not responsive to painful stimulation
General anesthesia
In order to decrease the requirements of morphine post-operatively in neonates, infants, and children, what is the best recommendation?
Give an appropriate dose of acetaminophen (oral or rectal) for mild to moderate pain even after major surgeries
Complication of gentamicin therapy, especially in newborns?
Which complication is associated with erythromycin in children less than 1month?
Pyloric stenosis
Complication of tetracyclines in children less than 8years old
Teeth staining
Mother is asking if she can give her 5-month-old benzocaine gel for teething
Not recommended; increases the risk of methemoglobinemia
What are the common side effects of ADHD medications?
Weight loss, difficulty sleeping, palpitations
In young children with aspirin use, and concurrent viral infection such as varicella, may cause
Reye syndrome