pharmacology Flashcards
enteral administration
entering the body by alimentary canal
oral, sublingual, buccal, rectal
paretnal administration
introduces drugs directly across the bodys barriers and into the systemic circulation or other vascular tissue
intravenous (most direct route), intramuscular, subcutaneous, intrathecal/intraventricular (directly into cerebrospinal fluid or intracranial ventricles), intraperitoneal, intraosseous (into bone marrow),
inhalation adminitration
breahting of the drug through the nose and into the bronchi and lungs
intranasal administration
aka transmucosal
administration directly into the nose
direct application of a drug to the desired point of action (ex. to skin or eye)
applied directly to the skin to achieve systemic effects
define absorption
movement of a molecule from its site of administration to the blood
what molecule characteristics affect a drugs ability to be absorbed
lipid solubility: more soluble = more likely to cross membrane
ionization state: charged are less like
molecular size: smaller more likely
how is lipid solubility tested in drugs
add drug to mixture of equal volumes of water and lipd and shake, let settle and separate
amount in lipid divided by the amount in water is the partition coefficient
higher the coefficient he more lipophilic the compound and more likely to cross membranes
weak acid dissociation equation
weak acid drug + water base conjugate acid + weak base drug anion/conjugate base
aka: HA + H2O H+ + A-
weak base dissociating equation
weak base drug + water acid conjugate base + weak base drug conjugate acid
aka: B + H2O BH+ + OH-
dissociation constant, at equilibrium at this point
negative log of dissociation constant
is equal to the pH when half of the molecules are non ionzed and half are ionized
how to find pKa from pKb
pKa + pKb = 14
henderson hasselbach equation
pH = pKa + Log (concentration of non-protonated species/concentration of protonated species)
in what environments do acidic compounds absorb well
acidic environments
in what environments do basic compounds absorb well
basic environments
ex. small intestine
describe ion trapping
when a molecule becomes ionized after crossing a membrane thus becoming trapped in its new environment
ex. weak acids are not ionized in stomach so can be absorbed into blood but then are ionized in the blood bc more basic than stomach
what facilitates restrictions of molecule permeability based on size
water filled pores - aquaporins
allow small molecules to cross the membrane along with water
Fick equation
Rate of diffusion = DRAdeltaC/deltaX
delta C: concentration gradient across membrane
R: lipid/H2O partition coefficient of the molecule
D: the diffusion coefficient
A: the area of the membrane through which the molecules must diffuse
X: the thickness of the membrane
advantages and disadvantages of oral administration
advantages: convenient, safe, economical, can be removed by emesis or activated charcoal
disadvantages: requires conscious and non-vomitting patient, slow onset, poor control of plasma level (bc GI tract absoprtion), drug must be potent and very lipid soluble, must survive first pass effect
more basic drugs are less able to be absorbed in stomach because
first pass efffect
once an orally administered drug is absorbed by the digestive system, it first enters the hepatic portal system. it is then carried through the portal vein into the liver
the liver metabolizes many drugs and may alter the concentration reaching the circulatory system. this “first pass” through the liver thus can greatly reduce the bioavailability
fraction of administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in a chemically unchanged form
calculated by: (AUC oral/AUC injected) x 100
AUC= area under curve in reference to plotting the plasma concentration of drug over time
factors that affect bioavailibility
first pass hepatic metabolism solubility of the drug chemical stability (or instability) nature of the drug formulation (ie. coatings, crystal structure, salt form, etc. )
how drugs compare in terms of bioavailabilityand therefore time to achieve peak blood concentrations
factors affecting absorption of drugs from the gi tract
lipid solubility
drug concentration at absorbing surface
surface area
GI tract disease
rate of movement of contents through GI (greater time means greater absorption)
food in GI tract (solid food delays gastric emptying which will delay absorption of drugs that are absorbed mainly from small intestine but not those absorbed from stomach)
enzymes, acid, bacteria, etc. in GI tract
factors affecting drug absorption regardless of route administration
physicochemical properties of the drug
vascularity of the area
concentration gradients
surface area
define pharmacokinetics
measurement and interpretation of changes in drugs concentrations over tiem in body regions in response to dosing
“what the body does to/with the drug”
events consequent on interaction of the drug with its receptor or other primary site of action
describe the two-neuron pathway in the nervous system
preganglionic neuron (in CNS), axon, postganglionic neuron (in ganglion), axon, effector cell
two divisions of autonomic nervous system
autonomic effects of sympathetic vs parasympatheic stimulation on the heart (what receptors)
sympathetic: B1 receptor, increase HR, force, and conductionvelocity
parasympathetic: mus2 receptor, decrease HR, force, and conductance velocity
autonomic effects of sympathetic vs parasympathetic stimulation on the coronary blood vessels (what receptors)
sympathetic: alpha1 receptor: constriction, beta1 and 2: dilation
parasympathetic: mus: dialation
describe parasympathetic outflow w common neurotransmitters
CNS, preganglionic cholinergic axon, acetylcholine release in ganglion on postganglionic neuron, postganglionic cholinergic axon, acetylcholine release at neuroeffector junction on effector cell
*can produce NO instead of ACh
describe sympathetic outflow w common neurotransmitters
CNS, preganglionic cholinergic axon, acetylcholine release in ganglion on postganglionic neuron, postganglionic adrenergic axon, norepinephrine release at neuroeffector junction on effector cell
*postganglionic is cholinergic and produces ACh in sweat glands
epinephrine and alpha, beta adrenoceptor activation
epinephrine is generally classified as a mixed a-b agonist, it is primarily a b receptor agonist at low doses and an a receptor agonist at high doses
when first administered and at low doeses will only affect b receptors
isoproterenol and alpha, beta adrenoceptor activation
isoproterenol is virtually a pure b agonist
NE and alpha, beta adrenoceptor activation
NE is primarily an a agonist but does activate excitatory b receptors in the heart
parasympathetic innervation of the heart
vagus nerve stimulate release of ACh which increases K+permeability making it hyperpolarize–> decreased excitability
define chronotropy
define dromotropy
conduction velocity
define inotropy
force of contraction
define lusitropy
time to relaxation
coronary artery regulation by alpha vs beta sympathetic stimulation
beta sympathetic stimulation by iso, epi, NE causes dilation (beta receptors dominate these vessels)
alpha stimulation by iso, epi, NE results in constriction
catecholamines on the heart
direct acting sympathomimetic amines
NE, Epi, Iso
clinical uses of epi
epi used to promote local vasoconstriction to delay absorption of anesthetics, local hemostatic to control bleeding, increase cardiac activity after cardiac arrest, treats allergic reactions: counteracts hypotension and cardiac irregularities and counter constriction of bronchiolar pathways
clinical uses of NE
pressor agent: blocks systemic hypotension in spinal anesthesia
prolongs action of inflitration anesthesia
clinical uses of iso
increases cardiac activity after cardiac arrest but can produce excessive tachy
nonselective B1-B2 agonists function and ex
postitive intropic (contraction force) and chronotropic (rate) effects with some local vasodilation ex. isoproterenol
B1 selective agonists
increases contractile force (inotropic) without great effects on HR (chronotropic) relatively cardioselective effects
ex. dobutamine
B2 selective agonists
selective for bronchodilation with less cardiac excitability
ex. arformoterol tartrate
effects of B1 receptor blockers
decrease HR, contractile force, cardiac output, and conduction veolcity
effect of B2 receptor blockers
inhibits sympathetic bronchodilator activity and results in bronchiolar contriction
nonselective B blockers
ex. propranolol
at rest = minimal decrease in HR, CF, and CO
suring increased sympathetic tone= blocking the affect of catecholamines so decrease in HR, CF, and CO which may cause a reflexive increase in BP via vasoconstriction if the effects are dramatic enough
b1 selective beta blockers
produce less bronchoconstriction than nonselective so these are given to patients with pulmonary difficulties
ex. metoprolol, atenolol, esmolol, nadolol
alpha receptor blockers
ex. prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin
decrease peripheral vascular resistance (lower bp)
useful for treating hypertension without effecting cardiac output, RBF, or GFR
muscarininc agonists
stimulate effects of ACh (parasympathetic response)
ex. direct (receptor agonists): pilocarpine, carbachol
indirect (inhibit AChE): neostigmine, physostigmine, organophosphates
muscanarinic antagonists
inhibit responses causes by stimulation parasympathetiv neurons
direct block of mus receptors (atropine, ipratropium)
atropine is used to block pNS effects on the heart leading to an increase in heart rate and therefore increases cardiac output
define parasympathomimetics
drugs that act either by directly stimulating the muscarinic receptor or by inhibiting the enxzyme acetylcholinesterase which hydrolyses the acetylcholine in the synapse
define parasympatholytics
drug that reduces the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system
define sympathomimetics
drug that stimulates the sympathetic nervous action
define sympatholytics
drug that opposes physiological results of sympathetic nervous
arrhythmia vs dysrrhythmia
arrhythmia: loss of rhythm without rhythm being re established
dysrrhythmia: defective rhythm, any abnormality in the rate, regularity or site of origin of the cardiac impulse, or a disruption in impulse conduction changing the normal sequence of atrial and ventricular activation
List the the classes and mechanisms of the antiarrhythmic drugs (according to Vaughan-Williams classification)
Class I: sodium channel blockers Class II: beta blockers Class III: potassium channel blockers Class IV: calcium channel blockers Class V/non-classified: miscellaneous
Class I antiarrhymic drug mechanism
explain how they are state dependent
block sodium channels: slows rapid inward Na+ which slows the depolarization and decreases the maximal rate of depolarization with little or no effect on resting membrane potential
many of these drugs are “state dependent”, they bind more rapidly to open or inactivated channels than closed ones, they are often more likely to work on tissues frequently depolarizing (ie. during tachycardia)
explain the 3 groups of Class I antiarrhymic drugs
IA: intermediate block of AP duration, slow phase 0 depolarization, prolong action potential, and slow conduction
IB: shortest channel block, shorten phase 3 repolarization and decrease the duration of the action potential
IC: long channel block, slow phase 0 depolarization
theraputic uses for class I antiarrythmic drugs
abolish reentry by producing a bidirectional block inplace of a unidirectional block (mainly class IA)
slow tachyarrhythmias by increasing required stimulus to reach threshold
inhibit spontaneous diastolic depolarizations in cells that have abnormal automaticity (mainly class IA and flecainide)
examples in class IA, IB, and IC antiarrhythmic drugs
IA: procainamide
IB: lidocaine
IC: flecainide
class II antiarrhythmic drugs
beta blockers
block beta adrenergic receptors thereby inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and decrease PKA and intracellular calcium- has most effect when sympathetic tone
supress positive inotropic (contraction force) and chronotropic (rate) effects of catecholamines thus reduce rate and contractility of the heart
ex of class II antiarrhymic drugs
propranolol, metrolol, nadolol, atenolol
theraputic uses of class II antiarrhythmic drugs
effective in controling tachyarrhythmias associated with sympathoadrenal discharge by blocking hyperactivity of SNS
minimal effects at rest, more effects as sympathetic tone increase
*b1-selective antgonists/cardioselective b blockers are safer to administer to cardiac patients with pulmonary difficulties because they will not have the side effect of bronchoconstriction that non-selective have
class III antiarrhythmic drugs
K+ channel blockers
block potassium channels and prolong repolarization thereby increase effecctive refractory period, action potential depolarization, and prolong AV conduction, many depress phase 4 depolarization and automaticity
ex class III antiarrhythmic drugs
amiodarone (most commonly used antiarrythmic), sotalol
theraputic use of class III
treat supraventricular and/or ventricular tachyarrhythmias