Pharmacology Flashcards
Study of Drugs:
Cmax; highest plasma concentration of a drug after its administration
Tmax: time to reach the highest plasma concentration after administration
T1/2: time required for the plasma concentration of a given drug to decrease to half of its original value
Absorption Definition
Movement of a drug to the circulatory system from site of administration
–First pass metabolism will effect absoprtion
Oral, Respiratory, transmucosal
Oral drug Absorption
–Oral drugs are disintergrated into a solution to be absorped by intentinal mucosa
–Formulation and Rate of dissolution can effect how the drugs absoprtion (liquid vs tablet)
–TM and rectal routes avoid 1st pass metabolism DT absoprtion in GI tract not drained by portal circulation
Repiratory Tract Absorption
–Highly effective absoprtion
–Alveoli are thin with excellent surface area and lined heavily with capillaries
–Allows drugs to rapidly and directly enter the systemic circulation
Factors that affect parenteral routes
Vasoconstriction (during shock from RAAS)
Excessive SQ fat
IV perfered route
What is it dependent on?
Process that determines how drug reaches site of action and what concentration it is
Dependent on:
–Physiochemical properties (lipid solubility etc)
–Concentration gradient between blood/site of action
–Ratio of blood flow to site of action
–Affinity of drug for tissue components (BBB)
Where is it located
What is it function?
Protein in GIT/Kidneys/Liver/BBB that can remove foreign substances (drugs) out of cells
–Mutation results in pts inability to remove a drug out of cells = increased drug sensitivty
Aussies/Collies/Whippets/Herding dogs
Protein Effx on Distribution
Ex of protiens
Drugs degree of binding to plasma protiens w/i blood
–Albumin/Alpha-1 Glycoprotein
–Drugs must be “unbound” for metabolism/elimination
–PLE/PLN/hypoalb → shift in level of unbound/active drug = greater drug efx
Biotransformation after clinical effect produced
–Liver mostly primarily responsible
First-Pass hepatic metabolism
Describe pathway
—drug reaches submucosal capillaries (stomach) → enters portal circulation → transported directly to liver
—significantly less drug available to reach systemic circulation = absorption markedly reduced
–Drugs not administered PO avoid potential first‐pass metabolism
–TM and Rectal routes avoid first‐pass metabolism → allow for absorption thru GIT segments not drained by portal circulation
Liver Metabolism pathways
Oxidation (P450 system)
Divided into Phase I and II
further increase a drug’s water solubility and polarity, allowing for less tissue distribution and facilitating drug removal from the body
Phase I Liver metabolism reactions
Oxidation (P450)
Phase II Liver metabolism reactions
4 examples
endogenous compounds such as glutathione, sulfate, glycine, or glucuronic acid
Feline Liver Metabolism
which phase is affected?
–Decreased ability to perform phase II metabolism, specifically glucuronidation
–Cannot synthesize glucuronic acid to the extent needed to metabolize some drugs, resulting in toxicity (Acetaminophen)
Drugs that enhance P450
x3 examples
AKA Enzyme inducers
Results in ↑ drug metabolism
–phenobarbital, phenylbutazone, and St John’s wort
Enzyme Inhibitors
Drugs that derease metabolism of other drugs;
–cimetidine, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, fluconazole, grapefruit juice, ketoconazole, and omeprazole
Main vs Other examples
x2 requirements for elimination
Drug removal from the body
Most eliminated via urine from kidneys
Others; bile/sweat/saliva/milk/tears/expiration
Need to be H2O soluable with smaller molecular wt and unbound to plasma proteins
Renal Excretion affected by:
Urine pH
Altered kidney blood flow (hypoperfusion)
Enterohepatic Recycling
Drugs eliminated in bile can be reabsorbed later in GIT and enter systemic circulation
ex: NSAID toxicity → why activated charcoal/chloestyramine given
Context-sensitive Half life
Amount of time it takes for plasma concentration of drug to reduce by half after infusion has been stopped
i.e half life of time for elimination may be prolonged based on duration of CRI as compared to single dose
Protein molecule receptor w/ cell membrane that recieves an endogenous chemical signal
–binds to receptor to produce cellular reponse with biological purpose
–can be activated by exogenous agents (drugs)
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)
Examples x4
Most common/diverse group of cell membrane receptors
-Ligand binds to associated GPCR → causes GPCR to leave → replaced by GTP
– “active” state → GPCR activates 2nd pathways → results in cell fnx changes
Ex: Adrenergic drugs/opioids/vasopressin/insulin
Ionotropic Receptors
3 categories
type of channel
x4 examples
Ligand-gate Ion Channels
–channel proteins that live w/i cell membrane
–ligand attach to receptor → activates receptor →allows ions (Na+/K+/Ca++/Cl-) to pass thru cell → produces biological response
Categories: cys-loop, ionotropic glutamate, ATP-gated channels
EX: acetycholine, serotonin, NMDA, GABA
Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
Class of protein receptors activated by changed in electrical membrane potential
–channels open or close to specific Ions (Na+/K+/Ca++/Cl-)
Ex: Local anesthetics working on Na+ channels
Agents that bind directly to heavy metals in the body (lead/iron/copper)
Promote their elimination
Ex: deferoxamine/EDTA/dimercaprol
Agonist vs Antagonist
Agonist: bind to receptor to activate /mimic endogenous ligand
Antagonists: bind to receptor and blocks/dampens response
Agonists/Antagonists: compete for same binding site → effect determined by concentration of antagonist @ receptor
Theraputic Index
LD50 → lethal dose require to kill 1/2 population
ED50 →median effective/theraputic dose in 1/2 population
Pediatric patient considerations
↑ TBW and ↓ fat stores
– prone to hypoglycemia d/t minimal glycogen stores and poor gluconeogenesis
–hypoproteinemia protein bound/hydrophilic drugs may have more profound efx
–Renal and hepatic system immature until 8wks old →prolong duration of effect/recovery
↑ BBB permeability = certain drugs have more profound CNS efx
–highly dependent on heart rate to maintain cardiac output and blood pressure.
Geriatric patient considerations
↑ risk for concurrent dz states
–CKD/ hepatic dz/reduced mass/blood flow to organs
–decreased cardiac reserve → less able to compensate for CVS changes
–Reduced CO/contractility/lower BV/BP → delayed response to drug administration
–Hepatic biotransformation/clearance of drug w/o concurrent dz generally presevered w/ adequate amounts of P450
Type, MOA, use
which receptor? why is not not as effective on cats?
–morphine derivitive
–Stimulates CRTZ to stimulate emesis
–non selective dopamine agonist
–less effective in cats (less dopamine receptors)
Type, MOA, use
Alpha-2 agonist
–also has Alpha-1 selectivity
–stimulates CRTZ
– emetic more effective in cats
–CNS depression (no excitment)
Type, MOA, metabolism type
Alpha-2 Agonist
–More selective for Alpha-2 receptors
–Causes emesis via central Alpha-2 stimulation
–CNS depression
–Emetic effect on CRTZ
–metabolized in liver via hydroxylation; dependent on hepatic blood flow
–elimintaed in urine/feces
Alpha-2 Agonists Mechanisms
MOA; sedation/analgesic location of effect
–Dose dependent effx
–Alpha-2 receptors in CNS/peripheral tissues
* medullary dorsal motor complex in the brain
–presynaptic α2-adrenoceptors ↓ norepinephrine release
–Sedation produced through inhibition of noradrenergic neurons in locus ceruleus (upper brainstem)
–Delayed central phase
– analgesia via the stimulation of receptors in the **dorsal horn of the spinal cord **and in the brainstem
Subtypes of Alpha -2 receptors → 2a, 2b, 2c
Alpha - 2a efx
supraspinal analgesia
sympatholytic efx (adrenergic blocker)
sedation primarily in CNS
Alpha-2b efx
location of efx
Cause of initial vasoconstriction
located in spinal cord and vascular endothelium
–vascular smooth muscle of both arteries and veins.
Alpha-2c efx
responsible for mediating hypothermia
Alpha-2 efx with anesthesia
– decreases the requirements for anesthetic drugs via decrease in norepinephrine release in locus ceruleus
– analgesia via the stimulation of receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and in the brainstem
Neuroprotective mechanisms of Alpha-2s
what does it decrease/inhibit?
–2-adrenoceptor-mediated ↓ of norepinephrine or glutamate or the activation of imidazoline receptors
–inhibition of massive norepinephrine release following brain injury
high doses may worsen ischemic brain injury.
Alpha-2 Biphasic Cardiovascular response
1st: BP/SVR ↑and HR/CO ↓
2nd: Delayed central phase;↓ in arterial pressure; HR/CO remain lower than normal; SVR either stays elevated or N
–vasoconstriction =↑ arterial blood pressure → bradycardia via baroreceptor response in vascular smooth muscle arteries/veins.
Reflexive Bradycardia with Alpha-2s
–central sympatholytic action of α2-agonist → vagal tone unopposed = increase in parasympathetic efferent neuronal activity
–presynaptically mediated reduction in norepinephrine located in cardiac sympathetic nerves
–CO ↓ with HR
–DOES NOT have negative inotropic efx
Anticholinergic efx with Alpha-2s
– Significantly ↑ myocardial work and O2 demands
– result in large increases in arterial pressure → mean blood pressure approx. 200 mm Hg (in dogs in one study.)
–addition of glycopyrrolate to xylazine appeared detrimental to cardiovascular performance.
Arrhythmogenic efx of alpha-2s
— Bradycardia may reveal foci normally inhibited by the impulses coming from SA node.
–sensitizes the heart to catecholamine-induced arrhythmias
Respiratory Efx of Alpha-2s
Can potentiate the respiratory depression induced by opioids
Other efx of Alpha-2s
–transient Hypoinsulinemia/Hyperglycemia resulting from effect on pancreatic beta-cells inhibiting insulin release
– Inhibit release of ADH @ renal tubules/collecting ducts = diuresis
–Emesis via CRTZ stimulation
–lowers plasma level of circulating catecholamines
Anti-emetics types
Phenothiazine derivatives; acepromazine/chlorpromazine/prochlorperazine
Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonists; Ondansetron/Dolasetron
Neurokinin-1 antagonist; maropitant
Prokinetic; metoclopramide
Motilin receptor agontists; Erythromycin/Azithromycin
Phenothiazine derivatives
what receptors does it act on?
–Centrally acting
–Reduces emesis via blockade of dopamine receptor in CRTZ/emetic center
(anti-dopaminergic - D2 /anti-histaminic efx)
–produce alpha-1 antagonistic efx
–metabolized by liver
Phenothiazine derivative efx on CVS
CS x4, which receptor does it affect?
–effx HR (brady or tachy)
–varying degrees of vasodilation/hypotension (dose dependent) via a-1 blockage
Phenothiazine derivative efx on liver
Can cause CNS signs in pts with hepatic insufficiency (ex: PSS)
Serotonin (5-HT3) Antagonists;
found both peripherally;
* responsible for intestinal vagal afferent input
* many 5-HT3 receptors in the GI tract
Centrally; in the chemoreceptor trigger zone [CRTZ] and medullary vomiting center [MVC]
Serotonin (5-HT3) metabolism/excretion
Ondansetron; metabolized by the liver
Dolasetron; metabolized to active fraction (hydrodolasetron) and eliminated by hepatic P-450 enzymes
–ultimately eliminated in urine and bile
Neurokinin-1 antagonist
–blocks action of substance P in CNS and @ peripheral NK-1 receptors in GI tract
–bone marrow suppression in dogs < 8wks
–undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver
why less effective in cats?
–antidopaminergic (D2) activity
– ability to block 5-HT3 receptors → potent blocker of the CRTZ
–sensitizes upper GI smooth muscle to acetylcholine efx → stimulates motility of the upper GI tract w/o promoting gastric, pancreatic, or biliary secretions
–extrapyramidal/sedative efx have been seen with high doses
less effective in cats due to lower dopamine receptors
Metoclopramide metabolism/excretion
metabolized in liver
primarily eliminated in the urine as unchanged drug or metabolites
Motilin receptor agonists
where does it take affect?
–stimulates motilin receptors
–used to promote GI motility; possibly via activation of 5-HT3 receptors
–↑ lower esophageal sphincter pressure/lower bowel peristalsis
where is the highest concentration of receptors located?
CNS locations
brain and spinal cord location
Act @ specific receptors in brain/spinal cord
–thalamus has highest concentration of receptors
–spinal cord locations → substantia geltinosa
(regulate information transmission from primary afferent pain sensors)
What parts of the brain are responsible for emotional pain response?
–limbic system
corpus striatum
What do opioids block and where?
– opioids block substance P in dorsal horn of spinal cord
Opioid Receptors
Part of large receptor membrane group matched with G proteins
Kappa → spinal cord/peripheral tissues (k1a, k1b, k2, k3)
Mu → CNS/some periphery/GIT (m1, m2, m3)
Delta → typically associated with Mu receptors (d1, d2)
Opioid MOA
–endogenous/exogenous ligands activate G proteins as second messengers → modulates adenylate cyclase activity→ alters transmembrane transport of effectors
–interfere presynaptically with release of neurotransmitters → interruption of pain messages to the brain
–do not alter the responsiveness of afferent nerve endings to noxious stimuli
Opioid CNS efx
–Efx on cerebral cortex → CNS depression
–Efx on hypothalamus/indirect activation of dopaminergic receptors → excitatory behavioral activity
–Resets thermoregulatory center in brain (hypothalamus) → panting response (activel cool themselves)
OR decreased body temperature from thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus is reset to a lower setting.
Opioid CVS efx
–Hypotension 2nd to histamine release
–minimal efx on contractility
–Vagally mediated bradycardia
Opioid respiratory efx
Depresses repsiratory center’s responsiveness (medulla) to CO2 levels → dose dependent
–Elevated paCO2 leads to ↓ MV from ↓RR/TV
–Bronchoconstriction may also occur → wooden chest
caution in pts with head trauma/brain dz → hypercarbia → increase in ICP
Opioid induced hyperalgesia
Worsening pain response with higher doses