Fluids/Electrolytes/Acid/Base Flashcards
Definition of Electrolyte
POS or NEG Charged molecules that give off ions when dissolved in H2O
Cation = POS
Anion = NEG
Extracellular fluid
#3, how much contributes to TBW?
how is ECF divided?
- space w/i intravascular blood vessels = 4%
- Interstitial fluid w/i tissue = 15%
- Transcellular = 1%
* bile, CSF, synovial, glandular
Interstitial is 75% of ECF
Intravascular is 25% of ECF
Total = 1/3 total body water (approx 20% of bw)
Intracellular Fluid
#3, how much contributes to TBW?
- Space w/i the cells and fluid
- Gives shape/form/functionality
- Largest Volume of fluid in the body is INTRACELLULAR
Total = 2/3 of total body water (approx. 40% bw)
- water w/ dissolved substances w/i all body compartments
- POS or NEG charged molecules
- Substances given off when dissolved in water from ions → Na+/K+/Cl-/Ca++/Mg++/Phos
Na+/K+ ATPase Pump
Intracellular Pump that ensures Na+ gets removed from cell and K+ stays intracellular
* majority of Na+ extracellular → 140meq/L ECF (pulls Cl- with)
* Majority of K+ intracellular (140meq/L ICF)
Ex: Beta Blockers → propanolol blocks Na+/K+ ATP pump
Intracellular Cation and Anions
Cations = K+ Mg++
Anions = Phos (needed for ATP and to bind to glucose)
* Blood proteins (mainly NEG charged)
Extracellular Cations and Anions
Cations = Ca++, Na+ (Na+/K+ pump)
Anions = Cl- → net from Na+/K+ pump
* HCO3- →ECF reserves are alkaline to buffer acids inside the cell
* Cl- → follows Na+
Anion Gap
Difference between measured Cations and anions in the blood
–numerous unmeasured anions = ↑
anion gap to maintain zero net electric plasma charge (Cations and Anions must always equal)
Normal K9= 10-24 mmol/L Fel= 13-27 mmol/L
Examples of unmeasured Anions
Ethylene glycol
concentration of a solution expressed as mOsm/L
concentration of a solution expressed as mOsm/kg
Normal = K9 = 290-310 mOsm/kg Fel= 290-330 mOsm/kg
3 types
Ability of extracellular solutions to move water in or out of cell via osmosis
Isotonic = do not cause changes in h20 movement across cell membrane
Hypotonic = tonicity LESS than plasma causes H2O to move INTO cells
Hypertonic = tonicity HIGHER than plasma, causes fluid to move OUT of cells into fluid
“effective osmolality”
Osmotic Pressure
Effects of HyperNa+ and HypONa+ on water
Pressure needed applied to H20 to prevent osmosis (movement of water)
HyperNa+ → cells volume loss due to osmotic gradient pushing water into hyperosmolar extracellular space
HypoNa+ → cells SWELL as H2O gets pushed into cells
Ex: Na+ and Glucose
Ca++ ATP pump
What is it exchanged for?
Which system utilizes this?
Ca++ moves outside cell when Na+ shifts intracellularly
– enters the plasma by absorption from the gastrointestinal tract regulated by vitamin D and by resorption from the bones.
– leaves the plasma by secretion into GIT, urinary excretion, and deposition into bones
–important for muscle activity/contrations
–nerve impulse transmissions
–blood clotting
Ex: Digoxin → inhibits Na+/K+ ATP exchange, Na+ stays in ECS → Ca++ stays ICS for contractility improvement
H+ ATPase pump
– H+-K+-ATPases are ion pumps that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to transport protons (H+) in exchange for (K+).
– Dumps acid ASAP in metabolic acidosis
Proximal Convuluted tubule in Kidney
HCO3 is later reabsorbed as buffer
Free water deficit definition
–determines the volume (L) of water required to correct dehydration or, to reach the desired level of sodium in the blood serum
Does Not Follow Lytes
H2O w/o solutes
–Kidney depends on Free H2O to concentrate/dilute urine influenced by ADH
–Deficits occur w/ solute-free water loss from body
2nd to CKD/D+/V+/Panc/Peritonitist/FBO/DI/Adipsia/Lack of water access
Law of Electroneutrality
any single ionic solution, sum of negative charges attracts an equal sum of positive chargers concentration of cations = concentration of anions
Na+ review
Normal vs Disturbances
Normal actions: TBW inverse relation with Na+
–fluid regulation
osmosis → H2O FOLLOWS Na+
Distrubances: cells shrink or swells w/i brain → mental abnormalities
–free water deficit
–toxicity (play dough)
–sz/ataxia/behavioral changes/lethargy
Main Na+ ECF cation
K+ Review
Normal vs Disturbances
Normal actions: resting membrane potential → needed for action potential and repolarization of myocaridal cells
–absorbed in SI/excreted by kidneys and colon
Disturbances: membrane potential problems → arrhythmias
–affected by acid-base disturbances → low pH = high K+; high pH = low K+
–affected by lack of insulin
–Reperfusion syndrome → increase in insulin stimulates intracellular uptake of K+/phos-
–bradycardia/tall T-waves/ Small P-waves
Intracellular cation (99%)
Ca++ Review
Normal vs Disturbances
where is it stored?
What regulates it?
Normal actions: stored in bones; absorbed thru diet
– HypOCa++ = ↑ permeability to Na+ → action potential = ↑↑ excitability
– HypERCa++= ↓ permeability to Na+ = ↓ action potential = ↓↓ excitability
–PTH controls ECF Ca++ (and Phos) Calicitonin via C-cells
Mg++ Review
Normal vs Disturbances
where is it stored/absorded?
what transports is it apart of?
Normal actions: stored in bones/absorbed in SI
–affects active transport or Na+/K+ ATP pump
–blocks Ca++ channels intracellularly
Disturbances: Nerve/muscle problems → twitching/ faciculations
–associated with other lyte derangements → refractory hyPOCa++/hyPO K+ (active transport)
Cl- Review
Normal vs Disturbances
Where is it absorbed? What is it reguated by?
Normal actions: Needed for acid/base balance
–absorbed from diet
–regulated by kidney
Disturbances: associated with body water disturbances
–will cause opposite changes to HCO3 → hyPO will raise, hyPER will lower
– ↓ with GI losses
Major Extracellular Anion
Phos Review
Normal vs Disturbances
What is responsible for regulating it?
Normal actions: absorbed/excreted along with Ca++
–Mineral for bone strength
–ATP phos bond carries energy for ALL CELL functions
–buffers bone/serum/urine
Disturbances: ↑ PTH = ↑ Ca++ = ↑ Phos excreted = hyPOphos
– ↓ GFR = ↓ Phos excreted =hypERphos
–Insulin causes Phos to shift intracellularly
–Refeeding syndrome
Major intracellular Anion
ECF Osmoles
Effective vs Ineffective osmoles
Examples of each
How do they affect water movement?
Effective: Do not freely cross cell membrane → Na+/Glu/K+
* Na+/K+ pump is what moves molecules across membrane
Ineffective: Freely crosses cell membrane → Urea (cannot create osmotic gradient)
Retention incites H2O to cross membrane toward side w/ higher concentration of effective osmoles
Na+/Glu Co-Transporter
responsible for maximizing the absorption of glucose from the intestinal tract and the recovery of glucose from the proximal tubule of the kidney following glomerular filtration
Facillitated diffusion *Glu follows Na+
Na+/H+ Exchange
–Na+ is exchanged for H+ (Na+ IN H+ OUT) → PCT
–Utilized during metabolic acidosis
PCT → CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 (carbonic acid) → HCO3 + H+ (bicarb get reabsorbed in peritubule capillary and H+ gets excreted in distal convuluted tubule
Obligated Water
Example, what is responsible for reabsorption?
Obligated to follow Electrolytes
–H2O obligated to follow Na+
– Aldosterone responsible for reabsorbing obligated water
HCO3/Cl- Transporter
–HCO3 is exchanged for Cl-
Na+ Regulators
–Thirst/AldosteroneADH main regulators
–absorbed in PCT/ALOH via carrier protein
–cotransport of Glu/AA
–exchanged for H+/ammonium/K+ when reabsorbed
K+ Regulators
–Reabsorped in PCT/ALOH/DCT
–PCT H+ is sent out in exchanged for Na+
–DCT H+ →Alpha intercalated cells use ATP to pump H+ into urine
–Ammonium combines with H+ in DCT to become a weak acid (keep urine pH from dropping too low)
Renal buffer system
homeostatic mechanism that uses the kidneys to help maintain the acid-base balance by excreting either an acidic or alkaline urine in response to changes in the hydrogen ion concentration of body fluids. Renal buffering involves a complex series of reactions within kidney tubules.
Osmolar Gap
Measure - Calculated
–does not exist just missing pieces of the equation!
If difference > 10 there is a problem
movement of water from a high concentration to a low concentration
–membrane permeable to WATER not the SOLUTES
Na+ is KING of osmosis
Interstital Fluid
formed by filtration of fluid out of microvessels and removed via the lymphatic system or transudation across the serosal surface of the organ
Interstitial fluid pressure
what does it mediate?
what does it inhibit?
what is it dependent on?
– responsible for mediating the balance between microvascular filtration and the two interstitial outflows
– ↑= inhibits filtration and promotes lymph flow and serosal transudation
– interstitial fluid volume dependent on pressure and its relationship with the current volume
Microvascular filtration
What is it comprised of? what directly effects it?
– Endothelial glycocalyx is primarily the barrier to microvascular filtration
– COP of fluid on the interstitial side of the glycocalyx and w/i endothelial clefts has more direct effect on filtration than that of bulk interstitial fluid
What is the glycocalyx comprised of?
glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans that form a layer attached to the luminal surface of vascular endothelial cells
Starling-Landis equation
– direction of microvascular filtration depends on the sum of the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure gradients
– magnitude of filtration is the product of the
hydraulic conductivity,
surface area, and net pressure gradient.
COP of plasma
– consequence of the concentration of proteins, particularly albumin, as well as the redistribution of permeable ions induced by the presence of charges on those proteins
Lymphatic drainage
Where does this start and end? Where is this utilized?
Removes interstitial fluid and returns it to the venous blood
– begins with terminal lymphatic vessels w/i interstitial space → larger vessels through lymph nodes, → terminates in the venous system
–Pleural fluid and peritoneal fluid removed by lymphatic drainage to return to venous circulation
What factors regulate Lymph flow?
modified by numerous vasoactive mediators:
nitric oxide
substance P - neurotransmitter and a neuromodulator
bradykinin - peptide that promotes inflammation
What do lymphatic vessels respond to?
– increased outflow pressure by increasing pumping activity via increases in the strength and frequency of contractions.
Serosal transudation
Edema-induced increases in interstitial hydrostatic pressure will increase the rate of transudation and may result in effusion within the surrounding cavity of suspended organs
Antiedema mechanisms
intrinsic interdependent mechanisms include:
(1) increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure
(2) increased lymph flow
(3) decreased interstitial colloid osmotic pressure
(4) increased trans-serosal flow in organs within potential spaces
they incur little energy cost and are effective because they respond rapidly to edema formation
Mechanisms of edema formation
- Venous hypertension → Increased microvascular pressure and filtration
- Hypoproteinemia → Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, increased filtration
- Increased microvascular permeability → Increased filtration
- Impaired lymph flow →Vessel obstruction or damage
- Increased negativity of interstitial fluid pressure → Shift in interstitial pressure–volume relationship, decreased interstitial pressure
Regulation of plasma osmolality
What mechanisms regulate plasma osmolality?
Hypothalamic osmoreceptors sense changes in plasma osmolality, and changes of only 2–3 mOsm/L induce compensatory mechanisms to return the plasma osmolality to its hypothalamic setpoint
– two major physiologic mechanisms for controlling plasma osmolality are the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) system and thirst
Definition, where does it come from?
What is it stimulated by?
ADH is a small peptide secreted by the posterior pituitary gland
Stimulated by:
– elevated plasma osmolality
– decreased effective circulating volume.
How to do they stimulate ADH release?
Specialized group of cells in the hypothalamus
– with ↑ plasma osmolality = cell shrinkage → send impulses via neural afferents to the posterior pituitary → stimulate ADH release
How is ADH stimulated by low circulating volume?
How does it fix it?
When effective circulating volume is low, baroreceptor cells in the aortic arch and carotid bodies send neural impulses to the pituitary gland that stimulate ADH release
– H2o crosses into the hyperosmolar renal medullary interstitium and into the vasa recta along its osmotic gradient; the H2o is then returned to the general circulation
Aquaporin channels
Aquaporins are channels that allow water to move from the tubular lumen into the renal tubular cell
ADH effect on Aquaporin channels
What receptor does it activate?
When ADH activates the V2 receptor on the renal collecting tubular cell, aquaporin-2 molecules insert into the cell’s luminal membrane
Lack of ADH in Renal tubular collecting ducts =
become impermeable to water
Hyperosmolality effect on Thirst
Stimulate thirst
– The mechanisms by which hyperosmolality and hypovolemia stimulate thirst are similar to those that stimulate ADH release
Role of RAAS and ADH for effective circulation volume regulation
RAAS = monitors and fine-tunes effective circulating volume
ADH system maintains normal plasma osmolality
Which is more important effective Circulating volume or plasma osmolality?
maintenance of effective circulating volume is prioritized over maintenance of normal plasma osmolality, so in patients with poor effective circulating volume, thirst and ADH release increase irrespective of plasma osmolality
How does an increase in water intake affect Na+?
increased water intake (from drinking) and water retention (from ADH action at the level of the kidney) decrease plasma [Na+] and can lead to hyponatremia (and thus hypoosmolality) in patients with poor effective circulating volume
Ex: Chronic heart failure patient with hyponatremia
Total body sodium content versus plasma sodium concentration
Plasma Na+ concentration independent from TB Na+ content
TB Na+ content = total # of sodium molecules in the body, regardless of the ratio of sodium molecules to water molecules.
How is Hydration status determined?
Na+ content determines the hydration status of the animal
– dehydrated, euhydrated, overhydrated
– increased total body sodium
– increased quantity of fluid is maintained within the interstitial space and the animal appears overhydrated, regardless of the [Na+].
– decreased total body sodium content
–decreased quantity of fluid is maintained within the interstitial space and the animal appears dehydrated, regardless of the [Na+].
– hypovolemia occurs because fluid moves from IVS into the interstitial space
– as a result of decreased interstitial hydrostatic pressure = fluid deficit in the intravascular space
Cause for hyperNa+ :
Water deficit – excessive water loss
- Renal water loss
- Osmotic diuresis due to glucosuria or mannitol causes an electrolyte-free water loss = hyperNa+ in sick animals with no water access
- Diabetes insipidus (DI), a syndrome of inadequate release of or response to ADH
- GI losses
- Cathartic-containing Activate charcoal administration = pulls lyte-free H2O from ECS to GIT
Diabetes insipidus
DI pts depend on oral water intake to maintain normal plasma [Na+] because they cannot adequately reabsorb free water in the renal collecting duct
– become severely hypernatremic when they do not drink and hold down water
Cause for hyperNa+ :
Water deficit – inadequate water intake
- hypernatremic if denied access to water for extended periods
- syndrome of hypodipsic hypernatremia has been reported in Miniature Schnauzers → due to impaired osmoreceptor or thirst center function.
Cause for hyperNa+ :
Increased sodium intake or retention
Severe hypernatremia introduction of large quantities of sodium
1. hypertonic fluid administration (hypertonic saline, sodium bicarbonate)
2. sodium phosphate enemas
3. ingestion of seawater, beef jerky, or salt-flour dough mixtures.
4. Hyperaldosteronism can also cause hypernatremia due to excessive renal sodium retention
Clinical signs of hypernatremia
severe (usually >170 mEq/L) or occurs rapidly, – – Neurons intolerant of the cell volume change – CNS signs such as obtundation, head pressing, seizures, coma, and death are the signs most commonly associated with clinical hypernatremia.
Slow hyperNa+ typically asymptomatic
Physiologic adaptation to hypernatremia
cells w/ Na+/K+-ATPase pumps lose volume (shrink) from hyperNa+ → water moves freely through the water-permeable cell membrane while these plentiful electrolytes do not
–causes free water to move out of the relatively hypOosmolar ICS into hyperosmolar ECS = decreased cell volume.
– brain has adaptive ways to protect against neuronal water loss
Cerebral protective mechanisms from HyperNa+
– neuronal water is lost to the hyperNa+ circulation, ↓ interstitial hydrostatic pressure draws fluid from CSF into the brain interstitium
– As plasma osmolality rises, Na+ and Cl- move rapidly from CSF into cerebral tissue → helps minimize brain volume loss by ↑ neuronal osmolality = drawing water back into the cells
– w/i 24hr, neurons begin to accumulate organic solutes to ↑ intracellular osmolality and help shift lost water back into the cell
Organic solutes/Idiogenic osmoles aka osmolytes
molecules such as inositol and glutamate
– Generation and retention of these idiogenic osmoles begin within a few hours of neuron volume loss, though full compensation may take as long as 2–7 days
Normovolemia and HyperNa+
Hypernatremia should be treated even w/ no CS
– minor changes in [Na+] have been associated with poor outcome in people
– Patients with hyperNa+ have a water deficit = water should be replaced using fluid with a lower effective osmolality than the patient’s.
– [Na+] can be decreased by 0.5–1 mEq/L/hr in most situations of chronic or subacute hypernatremia without complication
Water supplementation
IV vs orally
Water may be supplemented intravenously (as 5% dextrose in water) or orally on an hourly schedule in animals that are alert, willing to drink, and not vomiting.
Free water deficit calculation
When clinical signs of hypernatremia are present
water replacement must be more rapid
Recent recommendation in people is to drop [Na+] in such cases by 2 mEq/L/hr until the [Na+] is high-normal
Treatment of acute sodium intoxication
– some authors recommend rapid infusion of 5% dextrose in water paired with hemodialysis to restore normal [Na+] as calculated using the water deficit equation
– When hemodialysis is not possible, aggressive water replacement over ≤12 hours seems reasonable
Free water replacement with Cardiac or Kidney Dz
relatively safe, even in animals with cardiac or kidney disease, because the two-thirds of the infused volume that enters the cells cannot cause “fluid overload” or edema
CS 2nd, uncommon in critically ill dogs and cats because signs are not usually seen unless [Na+] is very low, usually <120 mEq/L
– Causes:
1. Decreased effective circulating volume
2. Hypoadrenocorticism
3. Renal tubular dysfunction: Diuretics, kidney failure
4. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Causes of HypoNa+:
Decreased effective circulating volume
– leads to ADH release and water intake in defense of intravascular volume = decreases [Na+].
– CHF, Body cavity effusions, Edematous states → RAAS activation with increase water retention
– GI or Urinary Loss → compensatory drinking and retention
Causes of HypoNa+:
– leads to hypoNa+ via decreased sodium retention (caused by hypoaldosteronism) combined with increased water drinking and retention in defense of inadequate circulating volume
– low circulating cortisol concentration leads to increased ADH release and resultant water retention regardless of intravascular volume status
– Animals w/ atypical hypoadrenocorticism, whose aldosterone production and release are normal, may also develop hyponatremia.
Causes of HypoNa+:
Renal tubular dysfunction: Diuretics, kidney failure
Loop or thiazide diuretic use causes hyponatremia by induction of hypovolemia, hypokalemia causing Na+ ions to shift INTO cells in exchange for K+ ions, and the inability to create dilute urine
– Kidney failure can cause hyponatremia by similar mechanisms.
Causes of HypoNa+:
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion causes hyponatremia through water retention in response to improperly high circulating concentrations of ADH
Clinical signs of hyponatremia
cells w/ Na+/K+-ATPase pumps swell from hyponatremia b/c water moves into the relatively hyperosmolar cell from the hypoosmolar ECS
– CNS signs consistent with cerebral edema, such as obtundation, head pressing, seizures, coma, and ultimately death from brain herniation.
Physiologic adaptation to hyponatremia
Interstitial and intracellular CNS edema increases intracranial tissue hydrostatic pressure
– pressure enhances fluid movement out of neurons and into the CSF, which flows out of the cranium, through the subarachnoid space and central canal of the spinal cord, and back into venous circulation
– Swollen neurons also expel solutes such as Na+/K+ and organic osmolytes to decrease intracellular osmolality and encourage water loss to the ECF, returning cell volume toward normal.
osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS), or myelinolysis
Complications of HypoNa+ treatment
– ODS is the result of neuronal shrinking away from the myelin sheath as water moves out of the neuron during correction of hyponatremia.
– myelinolysis commonly seen in thalamus
– CS usually manifest days after intervention, so the clinician cannot assume that a rapid change in plasma [Na+] has been well tolerated simply because no CNS signs are present during initial treatment.
limb paresis, dysphagia, ataxia, and disorientation
Rapid correction of HypONa+ can lead to:
Overzealous correction of severe hyponatremia has led to paresis, ataxia, dysphagia, obtundation, and other neurologic signs in dogs
Treating asymptomatic hyponatremia
– hyponatremia caused by decreased effective circulating volume usually evolves over time
– Hyponatremia due to poor effective circulating volume usually self-corrects with improvement in perfusion, as ADH secretion drops and water is eliminated by the kidney
– Asymptomatic patients that are edematous may be treated with water restriction alone, and those that are asymptomatic and normally hydrated or dehydrated may be treated with administration of fluids with a sodium concentration that exceeds the patient’s [Na+].
Correction rate for hypoNa+
chronic or the evolutionary timeline is unknown, the goal is to raise patient [Na+] by no more than 10 mEq/L during the first 24 hours and by no more than 8 mEq/L during each following 24-hour period, not to exceed the low end of the reference interval some authors recommend an increase of no more than 8 mEq/L over any 24-hour period, particularly if risk for ODS is high due to severity or chronicity of the hyponatremia.
Effect of HypoK+ supplementation with HypoNa+
when correcting hyponatremia in animals being treated for concurrent hypokalemia → potassium supplementation will speed the correction of hyponatremia.
Cerebral Edema from severe acute HypoNa+
rapid water influx into neurons may exceed these cells’ ability to expel solute and water quickly enough
– Cerebral edema is treated with 7.0%–7.5% sodium chloride (hypertonic saline) at 3 to 5 ml/kg over 20 minutes.
hyponatremia in a patient with normal or elevated plasma osmolality
– most common cause in dogs and cats is hyperglycemia
– when hyperglycemia is present, the excess glucose molecules cause an increase in ECF water, diluting sodium to a lower concentration.
– other common cause is mannitol infusion with retention (rather than renal excretion) of mannitol molecules
Hyperglycemia relationship to Sodium level
For each 100 mg/dl increase in blood glucose, [Na+] drops by approximately 1.6–2.4 mEq/L.
% of K+ located intracellular
Where do majority of intracellular K+ reside?
Skeletal muscle cells
Average potassium concentration
K+ concentration in intracellular space of dogs and cats is 140 mEq/L
– plasma space averages 4 mEq/L.
– Serum potassium levels therefore do not reflect whole body content or tissue concentrations.
Body’s potassium regulation
pH regulation
changes in osmolality
Solvent drag
Hyperosmolality causes the translocation of water from the cellular space, which drags cellular potassium into the extracellular fluid space
Hormone effects on K+
Insulin, catecholamines, and aldosterone transfer potassium from the extracellular space to the intracellular space.
Aldosterone effect on K+
Any increase in extracellular fluid potassium concentration triggers aldosterone release, which acts at the** distal renal tubules to increase Na-K-ATPase activity**
– promotes the transluminal transfer of potassium ions through the collecting duct principal cells into the renal tubular lumen, thus allowing for potassium excretion and sodium reabsorption.
Kaliuretic feedforward control
Where are the sensors? What effects does it cause?
responds to signals in the external environment and involves sensors in the stomach and the hepatic portal regions
– sensors detect local changes in potassium concentrations resulting from potassium ingestion and signal the kidney to alter potassium excretion to restore potassium balance
– done without the influence of aldosterone.
Hypokalemia: causes
(1) disorders of internal balance
Metabolic alkalosis
Insulin administration
Increased levels of catecholamines
β-Adrenergic agonist therapy or intoxication
Refeeding syndrome
(2) disorders of external balance
Renal potassium wasting
Prolonged inadequate intake
Diuretic drugs
Osmotic or postobstructive diuresis
Chronic liver disease
Inadequate parenteral fluid supplementation
Aldosterone-secreting tumor or any cause of hyperaldosteronism
Prolonged vomiting associated with pyloric outflow obstruction
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Renal tubular acidosis
Severe diarrhea
Ingestion of barium-containing party sparklers glucocorticoid drugs
Glucocorticoid drug administration
Neuromuscular effects of HypoK+
K+ necessary for maintenance of normal resting membrane potential
– neuromuscular abnormality induced by hypokalemia in dogs and cats is skeletal muscle weakness from hyperpolarized (less excitable) myocyte plasma membranes that may progress to hypopolarized membranes.
– ventroflexion or head neck, stiff gait, plantagrade stance
HypoK+ effect on myocardial cells
high intracellular/extracellular potassium concentration ratio induces a state of electrical hyperpolarization leading to prolongation of the action potential
– predisposes patient to atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias, atrioventricular dissociation, and ventricular fibrillation
HypOK+ EKG findings
Canine ECG abnormalities include depression of the ST segment and prolongation of the QT interval
– Increased P wave amplitude, prolongation of the PR interval, and widening of the QRS complex may also occur
– predisposes to digitalis-induced cardiac arrhythmias
– causes the myocardium to become refractory to the effects of class I antiarrhythmic agents (i.e., lidocaine, quinidine, and procainamide).
Causes of Hyperkalemia: Increased intake or supplementation
- Intravenous potassium-containing fluids
- Expired RBC transfusion
- Drugs (potassium penicillin G, KCl, KPhos)
- Translocation from ICF to ECF
- Mineral acidosis (respiratory acidosis, NH4Cl, HCl, uremia)
- Insulin deficiency
- Acute tumor lysis syndrome
- Extremity reperfusion following therapy for thromboembolism
- Drugs (nonspecific β-blockers, cardiac glycosides)
- Cardiopulmonary arrest
Causes of Hyperkalemia: Decreased urinary excretion
- Anuric or oliguric renal injury
- Urethral obstruction, bilateral ureteral obstruction
- Uroabdomen
- Hypoadrenocorticism
- Gastrointestinal disease (trichuriasis, salmonellosis, perforated duodenum)
- Chylothorax or pleural or peritoneal effusions
- Drugs (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, heparin, cyclosporine and tacrolimus, non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, trimethoprim)
- Pseudohyperkalemia
- Thrombocytosis or leukocytosis (>1,000,000 platelets or >100,000 leukocytes)
- Akita dog and other dogs of Japanese origin (secondary to in-vitro hemolysis)
- Idiopathic
- General anesthesia in healthy dogs (most notably Greyhounds)
HyperK+ with Mineral Acidosis
-respiratory acidosis, uremia or pharmacologic induction by ammonium chloride, hydrogen chloride, or calcium chloride infusions
– causing potassium to move out of the intracellular space in exchange for hydrogen ions.
HyperK+ with Diabetes
- insulin deficiency that results in a decreased cellular uptake of potassium
- hyperosmolality that potentiates potassium translocation with water due to “solute drag” effect
- decreased potassium excretion related to renal dysfunction (comorbidities, a prerenal component, or an acute kidney injury relative to hypovolemia/perfusion).
EKG changes with HyperK+
- peaked, narrow T waves
- prolonged QRS complex and interval
- depressed ST segment
- depressed P wave
- atrial standstill
- ventricular flutter/fibrillation
HyperK+ from Renal Dz
what is it dependent on? where does this take place in the kidney?
– distal tubule is dependent on both adequate glomerular filtration rate and urine flow to excrete potassium
– severe reduction in both of these determinants with acute kidney injury significantly impairs the ability of the distal tubule to excrete sufficient potassium
HyperK+ from hypoadrenocorticism
In the absence of aldosterone, the resulting natriuresis causes a reduced effective circulating volume, which further impairs distal tubule potassium excretion.
Potassium can be released from increased numbers of circulating blood cells, especially platelets and leukocytes, causing an artifactual increase in potassium
– Akitas/japanese dogs
Consequences of HyperK+
how does it affect cardiac myocytes?
causes changes in cardiac myocyte excitation and conduction
– the concentration gradient across the cardiac cell membranes is reduced, leading to a less negative resting membrane potential = makes cardiac cell membranes more excitable.
– inactivates some of the Na+/K+ channels during the resting phase, making these cells slower to reach threshold potential
– Acidemia results in extracellular shift in potassium as well as decreasing the β-adrenergic receptors in cardiac tissues.
HyperK+ treatment: Ca++ Gluconate
– antagonize cardiotoxic effects of hyperK+
– Increases threshold voltage but will not lower serum potassium
HyperK+ treatment: HCO3-
Causes metabolic alkalosis allowing for potassium to move intracellularly, paradoxical CNS acidosis with rapid administration
HyperK+ treatment: 50% Dextrose
Allows for translocation of potassium into the intracellular space in the presence of endogenous insulin
HyperK+ treatment: Terbutaline
Stimulates Na+/K+-ATPase to cause translocation of potassium into the cell
Calcium homeostasis
necessary for muscle contraction, neuromuscular function, and skeletal bone support
Three forms of circulating calcium exist in serum and plasma:
- ionized (free),
- protein bound
- complexed (calcium bound to phosphate, bicarbonate, lactate, citrate, oxalate)
Total calcium measures all 3
Ionized Ca++
biologically active form in the body and is considered the most important indicator of functional calcium levels
Calcium regulation
where does it occur? what organs are involved?
complex process involving primarily parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D metabolites, and calcitonin
– most of their effects seen on the intestine, kidney, and bone
primarily parathyroid hormone (PTH)
what inhibits/stimulates it?
what is it secreted by?
synthesized and secreted by the chief cells of the parathyroid gland in response to hypocalcemia
–normally inhibited by increased serum ionized calcium levels, as well as by increased concentrations of circulating calcitriol
How does PTH increase Ca++ levels?
through increased tubular reabsorption of calcium
increased osteoclastic bone resorption increased production of calcitriol that then increases intestinal absorption of calcium
Vitamin D and its metabolites
– Cats and Dogs depend on Vit D in their diet
– cannot photosynthesize Vit D efficiently from their skin (like humans)
– After ingestion and uptake, vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is first hydroxylated in the liver and then it is further hydroxylated to calcitriol by the proximal tubular cells of the kidney
– final hydroxylation by the 1α-hydroxylase enzyme system to form active calcitriol
Calcitriol Synthesis
What effects its levels?
where does it act primarily?
- Decreased levels of phosphorus, calcitriol, and calcium promote calcitriol synthesis
- Increased levels of these substances all cause a decrease in calcitriol synthesis.
- calcitriol primarily acts on the intestine, bone, kidney, and parathyroid gland
Calcitriol MOA in instestine
In the intestine, calcitriol enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphate at the level of the enterocyte
Calcitriol MOA in bones
– promotes bone formation and mineralization by regulation of proteins produced by osteoblasts
– also necessary for normal bone resorption because of its effect on osteoclast differentiation
Calcitriol effects on Kidneys
calcitriol acts to inhibit the 1α-hydroxylase enzyme system, as well as promote calcium and phosphorus reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate
Calcitriol effects on parathyroid
calcitriol acts genomically to inhibit the synthesis of PTH