Cardiovascular system Flashcards
Cardiac Conduction system
SA Node → Atrial conduction → PAUSE -> AV node → Bundle of His → L/R bundle branches → Purkinje fibers → Ventricular conduction
Cardiac Circulation pathway
Venous circulation → Superior/Inferior Vena Cava → RA → Tricuspid valve → RV → Pulmonic valve →Pulmonary Artery →Lungs → Pulmonary Veins → LA → Mitral valve → LV → Aortic valve → Aorta → Systemic arterial circulation
Difference between Pulmonary Artery and Pulmonary Veins
Pulmonary Artery = Carries Deoxygenated blood
Pulmonary Vein = Carries Oxygenated blood
Electrical Activation via loss of polarization with influx of Na+/Ca++ and eflux of K+
Electrical Inactivation; polarization restored via eflux of Na+/Ca++ and influx of K+
“End Diastolic filling volume” in ventricles or stretch force acting on ventriclular fibers
What is its affect on cardiac workload?
force opposing LV immediately PRIOR to aortic valve ejecting blood to the body
resistance aortic valve has to overcome
increased afterload = increased cardiac workload
Strength and ability of heart to contract
Refractory Period
state of recovery after neuron has fired an action potential
Absolute or Relative
protects nerve from rapid repetion
Absolute Refractory Period
period of time which 2nd action potential CANNOT occur despite strength of stimulus
Inactivates Na+ channels
Relative Refractory Period
channel activity
2nd action potential can only occur with stronger-than-normal stimulus
some Na+ channels return to resting state and can be reactivated
Inotropic effects
effects cardiac contractility
Positive Inotropes
strengthens cardiac contractility
Ex: Dobutamine
Negative Inotropes
weakens cardiac contractility
Ex: Diltiazem
CO =
CO = HR x SV
how fast the beat is x how strong
Systolic BP
Pressure within main arteries during systole
Ventricular contraction
Diastolic BP
Pressure within main arteries during diastole
Ventricular relaxation
Atrial/Ventricular contraction
Atrial/Ventricular relaxation
Lub = closure of mitral/tricuspid valves
Dub = closure of aortic/pulmonic valves
silence on valve opening
Sinoatrial Node
Pacemaker of the heart, bundle of specialized muscle fibers that act like nerves, send stimulus to both atria
Atrioventricular Node
Controls heart rate, slows electrical current via decremental conduction (faster the signal, slower the conduction)
prevents rapid ventricular conduction in cases of a-fib, and a-flutter
Printed ECG standard
25mm per second (25 small squares per second)
P wave
Atrial depolarization
Q wave
Depolarization of septum
first negative deflection in complex as it travels R to L
R wave
Depolarization of main ventricular walls
More voltage required due to thick ventricular wall = bigger wave
S wave
Depolarization of Purkinje fibers
T wave
Repolarization of ventricles
PR interval
Start of P-wave to start of Q-wave
time of impulse to travel from SA node → ventricular myocardium
ST interval
End of QRS to start of T-wave
Can shift ↑ or ↓ in position with different dz states
QT interval
Start of Q-wave to end of T-wave
time required for ventricular depolarization and repolarization to occur
may indicate electrolye abnormalities
Starlings Law
what is it in response to?
what relationship does this represent?
Stroke Volume will ↑ in response to an ↑ in Preload (filling volume) and contractility and ↓ in afterload (resistance prior to blood ejection)
represents relationship between stroke volume and end diastolic volume
stronger preload = stronger contraction
♡ Failure
Impaired cardiac pumping = ↓ CO and venous return to ♡ = ↓ O2 delivery to the body
–Baroreceptors sense ↓ ABP in aortic arch and corotid sinus
–mechanoreceptors in ♡ and Kidneys sense change in volume/BP → neuroendocrine response
Left sided ♡ failure
Type of <3 dz that can cause LSHF
Failure to pump blood from ♡ to the body
CS: Pulmonary Edema (seen exclussively due to congestion) coughing, collapse, orthopnea and dyspnea. Pleural effusion in cats (due to vasculature)
seen with: DCM, MVD, PDA (K9) HCM (cats)
Right sided ♡ failure
results from
Faliure of forward flow results in back up to systemic circulation → ascites, jugular distension, peripheral edema
CS: weakness, syncope, pallor, tachypnea
Typically results from Left sided heart failure causing fluid back up into lungs and then back to Right side
Systolic ♡ Failure
How does it affect SV/contractility?
Ventricles fill normally but forward stroke volume is ↓ = ↓ contractility or ↑ ventricular pressure or volume overload
1° causes - DCM, myocardial infarction, nutrition deficiency, doxorubicin toxicity
2° causes - STEM via chronic volume/pressure overload.
Diastolic ♡ Failure
results in
Abnormal cardiac relaxation/compliance resulting in impairment of ventricular filling
Ex: Ventricular hypertrophy; HCM, subaortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, systemic hypertension.
DCM; infarction; filling obstruction (neoplasia). Pericardial dz (cardiac tamponade)
Immediate physiological response to ♡ failure
which receptors involved?
↓ PANS and ↑ SANS = activation of alpha-1 and beta-1 adrenergic receptors = vasoconstriction, ↑ HR + contractility = improved CO and SVR
Delayed physiological response to ♡ failure
RAAS activation due to ↓ firing at mechanoreceptors/volume receptors in Kidneys from ↓ renal blood flow.
↑ retention of Na+/H2o to ↑ circulating volume
causes vasoconstriction, Na+/H20 retention to increase circulating volume.
Cycle of chronic activation of compensatory mechanisms of ♡ failure
effects on afterload; preload; CO
↓ CO → ↓ tissue perfusion → neuroendocrine response (SNS + RAAS) → ↑ afterload and Na+/H2o retention → ↑ preload/volume/pressure → Cardiac remodeling → decreased SV → ↓ CO
Chronic Valvular ♡ Disease
Breeds predisposed
Aka Endocardosis
degenerative dz of AV valves, Mitral specifically
LA enlargement +/- LV enlargement in progressive state
Life long dz
King Charles/Papillon
may be cause by =
characterized by =
May result from =
1° myocaridal dz in dogs
characterized ♡ enlargement
imparied systolic function - soft systolic HM from mitral regurgitation
Can result from - doxorubicin, grain free, and myocarditis
Dobermans, Giant breed dogs
Taurine deficiency in cats
Dobutamine used to improve systolic funstion
Caval Syndrome
how does it affect CO and preload?
Life threatening complication of HWD
Lg worm burden
Parasites obstruct flow to R side of ♡
interfere → ↑ pul. artery pressures → tricuspid regurgitation → R-side CHF
↓ Preload and CO
Trauma to RBCs → intravascular hemolysis → hemoglodinemia/uria
can lead to DIC
Parasite extraction via jugular venotomy
Pathophysiology of HWD
CS in dogs vs cats
K9/Fel/Ferrets susceptible
Parasites carried to pulmonary vasculature between 2-6months
settles in distal portion of pul. artery
K9s; resp. distress 2° to pneumonitis +/- PTE, pul. hypertension → R-side CHF
Fel; asthma like symptoms 2° to HW resp. dz, anaphylaxis due to worm death. Typically low adult burden (clears immature stage)
–Common ♡ dz in Cats
–Thickening of LV wall = small chamber size → large LA
–↓ diastolic function
Hypercontractility →hypertrophy
–Systolic HM, gallop rhythm
2° to systemic hypertension; hyperthyroidism; dehydration
stasis of blood flow/endothelial damage → ATE
Main Coons, Ragdolls, Norwegian Forrest cats, Sphynx
CHF manifestation from HCM in cats
in relation to pressure
Hydrostatic pressure within the venous capillaries exceeds the oncotic pressure
–holds fluid within vasculature → fluid leaks out of the capillaries → manifests as pulmonary edema and/or pleural/pericardial effusions
Virchows Triad
3 contributions to thrombosis
1: Hypercoagulatbility
2: Endothelial damage
3: Stasis of blood flow
Disease processes at risk of Thromboembolism
PLN; PLE; Cushings; IMHA; ITP; Neoplasia; Trauma
-Also corticosteriod use
-HCM → LA thrombus → break off into abdominal terminal aorta
what part of the heart does it infect?
Colonization of micro-organisms in smooth muscle lining heart chambers/valve surfaces → destruction of valve/internal structures
Arrhythmias, ECHO → vegetative valve growth
mild non-regen anemia, inflammatory leukogram
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
EKG findings
Boxer Cardiomyopathy
fribrous tissue replaces normal myocardial tissue → alterin normal electical conduction → arrhythmia
ECG = VPCs, V-Tach
Syncope, weakness
Type I, II, III
Tx: : Lidocaine, defib for pulses V-Tach. Long term = Mexiletine, atenolol, sotalol
LA:Ao Ratio
LA to Aorta ratio @ the end of systole (contraction) just before mitral valve opens when LA is the largest
LA diameter ÷ Aortic diameter
Normal = < 1.6mm
= Pulmonary Edema
3+ in one site = CHF
caused by increased lung density i.a fluid/cells/fibrosis, Alveolar interstial syndrome (AIS/wet lung)
Occult DCM
Structural ♡ changes +/- arrhythmias with no outward CS
Clinical DCM
VT or SVT, A-fib, L-side CHF
Lethargy, inappetence ↑ RR/RE, C+, exercise intolerance, syncope
Crackles, pul. edema, pleural effusion
Tx: ACE inhibitors, inodialator, beta-blocker
Type I: subclinical ventricular arrhythmias
Type II: arrhythmias + syncope
Type III: structural ♡ changes on echo with CHF
Typically L-side CHF seen
Dx: Holter monitor sees 300+ VPCs within 24 hr period
Tx: Sotalol, Mexiletine to reduce ventricular arrhythmias
Congenital CV Disease
Shunting defects;
L→ R = CHF/Resp distress
R→ L = hypoxemia/cyanosis
Perivalvular defects; lesions associated with CHF/snycope/collapse
Tetralogy of Fallot
R → L shunting defect = central cyanosis
– Ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, pulmonary
stenosis, and right ventricular hypertrophy
– Causes oxygen-poor blood to circulate to the rest of the body
Myxomatous Valvular Disease
what specific structures does it affect
Physical changes seen
Degeneration of cardiac valves (mitral/tricuspid)
Changes in collagen of affected valves → becomes progressively thicker with curled edges
+ chorda tendonae → thick/stiff, loses elasticity
= LA/LV enlargement
Results in Pulmonary Hypertension 2° to L-sided ♡ dz or
Ascites from R-sided CHF
HWD Treatment
Corticosteriods for Eosinophillic infiltrates
O2 therapy
Strict cage rest
Furosemide +/- Spironolactone
ACE inhibitors
Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)
Increase in pulmonary vascular BP
mPAP = > 25mmHg
severe > 75mmHg
imbalance between arteriole vasodilation + constriction, platelet activity and smooth muscle proliferation
Classifications of PH I-VI
I: congenital/hereditary/ idiopathetic arterial hypertension
II: due to L-side ♡ dz
III: due to pulmonary dz
IV: due to thromboembolic dz
V: due to Parasities
VI: due to uncertain multifactorial mechs
CHIHuahuas Love Running Then Passing Out
Class I PH causes
HWD, congenital shunts (PDA)
shunts ↑ blood flow back and ↑ pulmonary blood flow
Eisenmengers syndrome
Tx: corticosteriods/bronchodilators for HWD, phlebotomy for polycythemia
Eisenmengers Syndrome
Irregular blood flow with in the <3
chronic or large L → R shunt allowing large amount of blood flow to R side
= causes pulmonary vascular changes and ↑ pulmonary pressure/resistance
= ↑ R side cardiac pressure to exceed L-side pressure
= shunt back flow R → L
= deoxygenated blood entering circulation
= cyanosis and polycythemia
Congenital <3 dz
Class II PH causes
causes and tx
Chronic degenerative MVD → ↑ LA volume and pressure → ↑ pulmonary venous pressure = PH
Tx: MVD = pimobendan, diuretics/ACE inhibitors for CHF
Class III PH causes
Tracheal collapse, chronic bronchitis, interstitial fibrosis
Tx: specific therapies for infection, bronchodilators and steroids
Class IV PH causes
Thromboembolytic causes;
HWD, IMHA, protein nephropathy/enteropathy, cushings dz, neoplasia, sepsis
Tx: antiplatelet therapy, fibrinolytics (controversial)